Part of USS Bellerophon: All Systems Ready

ASR – Chapter 1

Avalon Fleet Yards; U.S.S. Bellerophon
May 2401
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Personal log, Captain Kosev Thiren, Stardate 78370.8. 


After the conference today, I was pulled aside by the brass of Fourth Fleet Command and they again asked when I'd be selecting my new command, and when I'd be ‘getting back out there'. And finally, after so much time, I had some good news to report: I've selected the U.S.S. Bellerophon as my next command. They all congratulated me, shook my hand and asked for an update as soon as I reported aboard. 


Truthfully, I have been ready to get back out there for some time, but I was hoping to do it aboard the Pioneer. Unfortunately, like so many ships during the attack, the damage it sustained put the estimated completion date well into the future. I knew I wanted another ship like the Pioneer, call me smitten but I was holding out for another Intrepid. So I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled upon the Bellerophon in bay 18. She too had sustained heavy damage in the attack, but fortunately the Bellerophon was one of the first ships that repairs were started on, and because of the urgency to get the fleet back operational as quickly as possible, the repairs were well ahead of schedule and nearing completion. 


Now, all that was left to do was to get the band back together. I have already secured the transfers for nearly everyone, but I am still pending an answer for my Chief Engineer. I really hope I will be able to get Tavana back; I was so impressed with her performance, not just during the Frontier Day incident, but also during the battle with the Dominion in the Deneb sector. She's proven herself to be a brilliant young officer. Let's just hope her new CO hasn't realized the same thing and decides to hang on to her. 


We have about a week or so left until all repairs and upgrades are completely finished, so I've requested that all senior staff report aboard and begin going through their respective departments to inspect the condition of the ship before we leave Avalon. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again, and it will be nice to have them all back together. Once their inspections are completed, they will have the opportunity for some R&R before we get underway. I'm sure they will appreciate some time together before we are assigned a new mission, I know I will. 


Computer, save log entry and end recording.