Part of USS Constitution: The End, The Beginning

The End, The Beginning – 3

USS Constitution (NCC-91700), docked at Starbase 38, Benzar System
Stardate: 78313.3
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“So what did Thaustin say?” Doctor Uknare asked as she continued to focus on her PADD and sip on her coffee.

Commander Kazlaf grunted and shook her head. “Nothing, but I could see he wasn’t happy from his face.”

“Are you surprised?” Counsellor Oron questioned. “Conversations between a captain and the first officer are meant to be private. Do you really think he would break that trust?”

“What about ours, Naef?” Kazlaf inquired as she pushed her porridge around. “We’ve all served together for some time. Surely, he could have told us if McCallister had agreed to withdraw his choice for third officer and give it to Kamra instead of that stupid flyboy!”

Putting her coffee and PADD down, the doctor looked at her friend. “I’d like to remind you that I’m not bothered by it. I have a brand new sickbay that is double the size of my old one and a medical staff that is twice as big. I’m in heaven, Belire.” Uknare stated calmly and diplomatically, which only resulted in her friend huffing as she took a spoon to her porridge.

“It’s the principal, Kamra. A more experienced officer should be in that position.” Kazlaf said after swallowing her mouthful of porridge. 

The three officers all went quiet as they knew they wouldn’t get any further with their topic of discussion. Sitting in the ship’s large crew lounge, called The Establishment, they enjoyed what it could provide regarding breakfast. Every morning, a large buffet of fresh food was provided along the top of the main bar, which everyone could help themselves. Holographic servers went around delivering beverages. Since joining the ship, the three senior officers had claimed a table on one of the sides near one of the wide bay windows. 

The Establishment was the name of the Constitution’s primary crew lounge and bar. Hosted by holographic servers, it provided the crew with an area to relax and unwind in between shifts. It was reasonably large that it could host a big diplomatic function of about two hundred people if required. Like the rest of the ship, it was brightly lit and had a classy and elegant design. Different shades of grey and white were used for most of the decor, where black was the colour for the tops of tables and the bar, while gold legs were attached to every chair and stall. Several curved sofas were dotted around the room, allowing large groups to sit together to enjoy a break or drink. To one side of it, there was a stage where a grand piano sat, and by the afternoon, it was played by another hologram. It was certainly different from anything they had experienced while on Triton.

“I don’t think you sitting here protesting over porridge is going to make the captain change his mind,” Oron remarked. “Furthermore, have you spent any time with any of the Bellerophon crew? They’re not as bad as you’re making them out to be, Belire.”

The Elyasian just shrugged in response. “He’s young and probably became a Borg, just like the rest of the other baby-face members of our crew.”

“Actually, Commander Kazlaf, you are incorrect,” spoke a very tranquil and logical voice from a nearby table.

Turning around to where the statement had come from, all three senior officers were met by a calm glare from Lieutenant T’Penni, who was having breakfast with Lieutenant Natima Lonar. 

“I didn’t invite you into our conversation, lieutenant,” Kazlaf snapped back. She was annoyed that a subordinate had overheard her and felt it was their place to say something.

“Though I understand the logic in your frustration with Lieutenant Commander Jurata’s promotion, may I remind you, ma’am, that he was old enough not to be affected by the Jupiter Signal while we were at Avalon. Furthermore, he successfully led the efforts to prevent the Bellerophon from falling to the Borg.”

“Which you led yourself, lieutenant,” Kazlaf countered in an even more annoyed tone. “Tell me if I’m wrong, but you were designated the ‘Queen’ of the attempt to take the Bellerophon?”

“That is correct, commander; I can only deduce that the Borg felt I was the appropriate person to lead such efforts due to my engineering expertise and knowledge. Thankfully, I recall only some of what happened.”  T’Penni paused. “Nevertheless, we divert our attention to the issue; I must insist on you knowing that the commander deserves his promotion for his valiant actions during Frontier Day and in many other circumstances. He is an effective leader.”

“Lieutenant, again, I’ll remind you that I don’t need to hear from any ex-Bs about our senior staff make-up. I’m surprised the captain has you with us. Are you sure you’re cleared to be responsible for such an impressive ship like the Constitution?” Kazlaf challenged.

“Is that how you feel about me, ma’am?” Lonar contested. “If memory serves me right, you were the one who stayed with me after stunning me.” The Cardassian sounded quite upset with the tone that Kazlaf was taking. “Where’s the passion you had there?”

“Only because I couldn’t move and needed to make sure you didn’t reactivate to take out everyone else,” Kazlaf spat back. “I don’t need you being my conscious, lieutenant.”

“I think that’s enough, Belire,” Doctor Uknare said as she placed a reassuring hand on Kazlaf’s arm.

“The doctor is right,” Oron confirmed. “We are one crew now, and we need to set the standard in front of everyone else.”

Pushing her chair back, Kazlaf stood up quickly. Her exoskeleton didn’t quite react as fast, and it almost looked like she was about to fall, but she steadied herself by holding the edge of the table and making her way towards her hoverchair. “I’m not hungry anymore.” 

After Kazlaf left, Uknare and Oron turned to the other to reassure them.

“Don’t take anything she said to heart,” Uknare reassured them. 

“It’s hard to do so when people are reminded of what we did during Frontier Day,” Lornar replied sheepishly. 

“It is difficult,” T’Penni agreed.

Oron and Uknare looked at each other before returning their attention to the two lieutenants in gold uniform.

“Leave it with us to talk to the captain,” Oron assured them. “Just enjoy breakfast for now.”

The atmosphere over breakfast remained tense and uneasy.