Part of USS Rome: Ashes of Deneb and Bravo Fleet: Ashes of Deneb

Lingering Resentments

Starbase 514
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The bridge was quiet as they waited.  Sindari had retaken her position at the tactical station.  The turbolift doors wooshed open, revealing Captain Sky, feeling about as confident as a Klingon faced with a horde of tribbles.  Luckily, he'd gotten pretty good at masking that during his stay on the USS Marduk.

Looking around his bridge, he noted with some surprise a Romulan sitting at the tactical position.  Making no comment on this at the moment, as his new first officer reported.

“Captain on deck”

They all stood, facing him.  he noticed the shock in their eyes as they registered how young he was.  Once again, that nervous feeling hit his stomach like a brick.  Maybe he shouldn't have had an entire serving of Sioc before coming to the bridge.  “At ease” he managed to squeeze out without sounding too overwhelmed.  Luckily they seemed to accept this and sat back in their seats.  Turning to the XO, he let her know he'd be in his ready room, setting up his stuff.

Lieutenant Exxa Rilota heaved a sigh of relief once the new captain was in his ready room.  She'd managed to read up on his record before he'd arrived, and he'd seen some action.  Against the Dominion even, if her sources could be believed.  She'd heard enough stories from her father growing up to know that they were enough of a threat for even the Romulans to join in the fight.  

The entire time that he was on the bridge, she'd been sweating.  Just a week ago she was a mere trainee in the command program, and now she was supposed to be the First Officer for the whole ship.  And now she was paired with a captain who'd seen war.  How was she supposed to relate to him, to advise him?

Reaffirming to herself her determination not to fail, she moved to her seat in the command chair, where she started going over the PADD containing a list of the new crew members and their positions.  She must be ready to answer any and all questions the captain had.

Ensign Mayweather didn't know what he though about the new captain.  He'd seen his name before, of course.  Sky Athenos was one of the few pilots to have attempted breaking the record of Hera's Run multiple times.  As a fellow helmsman, he'd gotten about halfway through the course before having to bail, and he'd watched in awe as Sky attempted it for the last time just a short while before, right before both of them were shipped off to their new assignments.

While he knew that Sky hadn't gotten the record, he did see just how close he had gotten, a mere .011 seconds off.  

This is going to be interesting, he thought to himself.

Sindari was somewhat put off by the new captain.  She'd expected some grizzled old veteran to be assigned to them after the recent fiasco.  When a relatively young man stepped onto the bridge as the captain, she'd had to stop herself from double checking his ears because, he had to not be human, right?  After he'd gone into his ready room, she'd secretly pulled up his Starfleet file and immediately noticed some… discrepancies.

For one, there was no way he was really that young.  For two, the service records of the Marduk didn't match recent history.  She tagged the file into her personal PADD for later perusal.  This was finally getting interesting.

Elsewhere, Desiree introduced herself to the Head of Sciences on the Rome, a plucky young Ensign who quickly corrected her.  Apparently she was to be the new Head of Science on the Rome, as the previous one had not survived recent events.

Looking around her office, she felt a little lonely.  Yeah it was loud on the Marduk, but she'd known her crewmates well.  With a few nerves in her system, she sat down and began recording a letter to her family back home.

Meanwhile, sitting quietly in it's little bay, a worker bee waited for new adventures.


  • Wow, the tension is palpable as Captain Sky takes command of the USS Rome. The mix of experienced officers and fresh faces on the bridge promises an interesting journey ahead. What's the deal with the discrepancies in his service records and the Romulan at the tactical station? I'm already hooked and can't wait to see how this story unfolds. The suspense is building, and I'm eager to learn more about the crew and the mysteries surrounding them!

    October 2, 2023