Part of USS Rome: Ashes of Deneb and Bravo Fleet: Ashes of Deneb

The Fateful Reunion

Starbase 514
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Sky was being given the tour of the USS Rome by one of the Ensigns.  She excitedly chatted about the history of the vessel, and how much it'd come through.  She brought him to the Smallcraft Maintenance bay, where he spotted the most impossible thing.

“Why is that here?” It slipped out of him. His hand completing the “Facepalm Maneuver”.

The Ensign, understandably confused, looked out over the bay.  “The only new thing here would be that worker bee.  Apparently it was just transferred in and is here for general maintenance.”

Sky stared at the worker bee, still bearing the proudly spraypainted name The Captain's Yacht.


  • Well, it seems like the Captain's Yacht decided it needed a pit stop at the "Smallcraft Maintenance Spa" on the USS Rome! Must be getting a deluxe wax and polish to keep up with the big ships. 🚀😄 All jokes aside. This surprising discovery regarding "The Captain's Yacht" adds a fascinating element of mystery to the plot. It makes me wonder about its relevance and how it fits into the larger story. The elements of surprise, as well as Sky's reaction, make this a compelling story development. I'm looking forward to seeing how this mystery unfolds as the narrative goes. Excellent work!

    October 2, 2023