Part of USS Blythe (Archive): These are the Voyages

These are the Voyages: Drevan’s Duty

Mellstoxx System, Alpha Quadrant
Stardate 240105.17
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“Captain,” came the report from Lieutenant Piper at her station, “we’re approaching the Mellstoxx system.” 

“Thank you, Prepare to divert our course to Mellstoxx VI’s moon Stinsfor, Lieutenant” Captain Crowe replied. 

“Aye, Captain,” responded the young Lieutenant. 

Observing the exchange, Lieutenant Quelis Drevan couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement. Despite not showing his excitement outwardly, the anticipation was quickly building. The imposing Bolian had mastered the art of concealing his emotions, much like Vulcans excelled at suppressing theirs—a trait he believed was fitting for an adept security officer.  

The reason for his excitement was that they were about to rendezvous with his new right-hand man. The Blythe might be smaller compared to the massive capital ships, but with a crew of 300, security remained a paramount concern. Especially during these tense times, where even a long-standing ally could potentially be an undercover Changeling or an entire crew might swiftly succumb to the Borg Collective. These were worrying times, a resurgence of threats that many had hoped were relegated to history. However, amidst the ever-present peril, Lieutenant Drevan was resolute in ensuring that it wouldn’t jeopardize the safety of the Blythe and its crew. 

Quelis had been just four years old during the peak of the Dominion Wars, yet he vividly recalled the shadow cast by those grim days, a lasting imprint on the consciousness of the Federation’s people. Hailing from a lineage of security officers, he recalled the constant unease that loomed in their household, despite his home on the planet Bolarus being distant from the Gamma Quadrant and the Bajoran Wormhole. 

The other looming peril, the Borg Collective, was unfortunately far more than a theoretical concept for him compared to fellow officers his age. While most of his peers learned about the Borg through textbooks and horror-themed Holonovels, Quelis had been confronted with their existence even before the Dominion conflict. His grandfather had lost his life in the line of duty during the Battle for System 001 on Stardate 50893.5, a loss that haunted his family for years. 

The confrontation with loss and the threat of destruction had, without him realizing it, steered Quelis’s path into the intricacies of security very early on in his life. To him, the golden-yellow hue adorning his uniform’s shoulders symbolized the pinnacle of Starfleet’s excellence—an emblem of protection for those unable to safeguard themselves. With profound devotion, he embraced this storied institution’s mission of benevolence. 

“We are in range of Stinsfor, Captain” The declaration prompted the USS Blythe to drop out of warp, revealing the vast expanse of an immense Class-J planet encircled by a formidable ring composed of geological compounds, adorned with several moons. 

“On screen,” Captain Crowe commanded, and the viewscreen transitioned to focus on ‘Stinsfor‘, the largest and most rugged moon encircling the gas giant, hosting a Starfleet Academy training facility. 

“I always wanted to train at Stinsfor during my Academy days, It is said that if a pilot masters Stinsfor‘s atmosphere a pilot can handle anything” Lieutenant Piper suddenly shared with the bridge. 

“Keep that aspiration alive, Lieutenant Piper. Today, we’ll only grace its orbit,” Captain Crowe responded with a chuckle to her enthusiastic remark. 

“Ensign Koran, contact Stinsfor base and inform them that we’ll be beaming Ensign Rivers aboard shortly,” Captain Crowe instructed. Amidst the ensuing communication exchange, Captain Crowe turned to Lieutenant Drevan and addressed him, “Lieutenant, it’s time to proceed to Transporter Room One and extend a welcome to the new addition to your department.” 

“Understood, Sir,” Quelis responded with a resolute nod. He pivoted his sturdy, muscular frame and entered the turbolift. 

“Deck 5,” he ordered, initiating the lift’s motion. The doors slid open shortly after, revealing a lengthy corridor flanked by doors on either side. Without delay, Quelis strode out of the turbolift, his distinct heavy gait carrying him to the transporter room situated just behind the third door on the right. 

“Ensign J’un,” Quelis acknowledged with a nod as he recognized the Transporter Chief. 

“Lieutenant Drevan, sir. One, ready to beam up,” the Ensign confirmed. 

“Energize,” Quelis commanded, prompting the Ensign to work the transporter controls. 

Emanating fragments of blue light gradually coalesced into a discernible form on the Transporter Pad. Soon enough, the particles molded into the figure of a broadly built human male, featuring brown hair and a modest beard. In a mere second, Quelis recognized the form taking shape, and his gaze met the bright blue eyes of the ensign who had just materialized. 

“Ensign Rivers, welcome aboard the USS Blythe. I’m Lieutenant Quelis Drevan, your Commanding Officer and Chief Tactical Officer on this vessel,” Quelis extended a warm greeting, as warm as the composed Bolian could anyway. 

“Thank you, sir. It’s an honor to be here,” Ensign Rivers responded with a hint of enthusiasm. 

“Excellent. Your belongings will be transported to your quarters as customary. I need you to walk with me, Ensign,” Quelis directed, prompting a nod from the Ensign as they both exited the Transporter room. 

Making their way to the turbolift, Quelis swiftly prompted “Deck 7” before the doors sealed shut. 

“Ensign Rivers, I’m designating you as my second-in-command. Your responsibility will encompass all security matters aboard the Blythe. We’re on our way to your assigned station, the security office, at the moment,” Quelis apprised Rivers. 

“As your right hand? I’m genuinely honored, but with all due respect, I’ve only just graduated from the Academy, sir,” Rivers responded, his voice resonating with a blend of amazement and eagerness. 

“Listen carefully, Ensign. I bear the responsibility for the security of the entire crew. In light of the recent events in Sector 001 and the current state of affairs in the Alpha Quadrant, Starfleet’s Security Division has suffered significant losses in personnel. While the Blythe is a commendable vessel, it is certainly not a flagship, which means Starfleet’s foremost attention is directed elsewhere.” Quelis didn’t even pause for a breath as he continued his impassioned discourse.

“Consequently, I must oversee the security of a crew with only 60 individuals. Out of those 60, a mere 5 are officers—a modest number but one we can manage.” Ensign Rivers was all ears, his expression shifting between a blend of unease and sincere interest, yet he found a way to cut through Lieutenant Drevan’s impassioned speech. 

“Sir, I-I can’t. I’m certain I lack the experience. There must be someone more qualified,” he stammered. 

Quelis’s expansive blue head assumed an even graver countenance, veins visibly pronounced across his muscular neck. “Ensign, if you interrupt me again, I’ll escort you to the security office for a different purpose—ensuring you spend the night in the brig. Is that understood?” 

“Understood, Lieutenant,” Rivers replied, his tone reflecting his clear intimidation by the towering Bolian. 

“Very well. I will proceed. Quicken your pace, Ensign,” Quelis remarked, resuming his speech where he had left off. 

“However, accounting for my own role leaves us with four. Four highly capable ensigns, fresh from the Academy. We have to maintain round-the-clock shifts, man the tactical station on the Bridge, and oversee general security throughout the ship, stretching us thin. Among those four, you’re the only one with prior security experience as a crewman before your Academy days. This makes me disregard your hesitations and confirm that you are the right person for this task. Do you comprehend, Ensign Rivers?” Drevan delivered his speech with an urgency that almost seemed timed, as they entered the security office right as he concluded. 

“I-I see. Understood, sir,” Rivers replied, his demeanor revealing that he was still absorbing much of the information. 

“Very well. Consider this your office. I’ll provide a comprehensive briefing at 1300 hours. Carry on, Ensign,” Quelis instructed, then exited the room, leaving Jackson Rivers to acquaint himself with his new responsibilities. 

On his way back to the bridge, Quelis reflected on their recent conversation. Within the secluded confines of the turbolift, he even allowed himself a chuckle. ‘He’ll make it,’ he thought to himself.


  • FrameProfile Photo

    Stinsfor shout-out! I like you adding to the lore with Piper's previous ambitions of training there. But this is Drevan's story, and you did a fine job introducing him and his right-hand man. It's nice to have his family history and background, and even better to see his characterization through his movement and through the way Rivers responds to him. The precision of his movements and his private chuckle show well how intentional his demeanor is. I wonder if we'll ever see him let his guard down? (Security pun!)

    October 22, 2023