Part of USS Gagarin (Archive): The Blades Edge and Bravo Fleet: Frontier Day

2 – The Blades Edge

USS Gagarin
April 2401
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Captain’s Log Stardate 2401.4,


It has been three days since we left Starbase Bravo shortly after our repairs were complete. We are currently heading to Earth to join in on the Frontier Day celebrations, after everything we have all been through I hope that this will give us all something to look forward to. We are due to arrive in two days, just a few days before the start of the big event. I know several of our crew are looking forward to seeing Earth again, some plan on visiting family or just seeing the sights. I hope Frontier Day will give everyone a sense of why we all joined Starfleet, something to be proud of.

The main lounge onboard the Gagarin had a warm vibe towards it, the lights were dimly lit while soft music was being played in the background. This made the lounge feel relaxing, where someone could spend some time unwinding after a long day. Since they were currently on their way to Earth to join in on the festivities of Frontier Day, officers decided to spend some of their off time relaxing in the lounge.

Llaxia had walked in after finishing her uneventful shift, nothing crazy had happened other than a couple of fights. Walking to the bar she ordered herself some Romulan Ale before she walked over to the table near the back corner. Sitting down she took a sip of her drink before setting it on the table though still in her hands. She looked at the contents of the glass and began to think about what they had been through over the past month.

Zhayva and Nessi walked into the lounge chatting amongst each other as they walked to grab their drinks from the bar. Just as they were going to find a place to sit they noticed that Llaxia was sitting alone. They decided to walk up to her, “mind if we join?” Zhayva asked with a smile as Nessi nodded in agreement to her question.

Looking up from her drink to see both officers standing there, she motioned for the two empty chairs. “Sure,” Llaxia said with a smile as she didn’t mind the company. “I don’t mind, actually would enjoy the company.” She added as she took a drink.

They both took a seat and smile, “so have any plans once we reach Earth before the festivities begin?” Nessi asked looking at the Deltan woman with a soft smile.

“I am not sure yet, I have no family or know anyone on Earth.” Llaxia replied, “though I think I am going to visit San Fransisco again. The last time I was here was when I was at the academy.” She added looking at the two, “what about you two?” She asked.

“I think we are going to go sightseeing on Earth,” Zhayva responded.

“You can join us if you like we wouldn’t mind,” Nessi added as she looked at her girlfriend. Zhayva nodded in agreement with a smile added as they wouldn’t mind her joining them.

“Sure why not,” Llaxia replied.

“Great!” Nessi replied.

They continued to chat amongst themselves until they heard the lounge door open and Aarven Ashatia walked in to grab a drink. She needed to pretend to be the real person even though she didn’t need any of this. “Commander!” Zhayva waved at Aarven, “come join us.” She added with a smile towards her superior officer.

Ashatia looked over to where the voice was located but ignored her and walked back out which caused her to raise an eyebrow. “That was weird,” Zhayva responded as she had noticed that she had been acting strange lately.

“That was strange,” Nessi said.

“I know right,” Zhayva responded. “Maybe she’s just busy,” she added as she brushed it off though it remained in the back of her mind.

“With everything that has happened lately she’s probably just got a lot on her mind,” Llaxia commented though she didn’t know the commander like Zhayva did. Though she did think it was a bit odd that she would ignore them without at least saying something even if she was busy.

“Probably,” Zhayva shrugged as they continued to chat.

The doors to the lounge opened once again this time Commander Aleish Trol walked in, she had been on the bridge the majority of the time they had been on their journey toward Earth. Grabbing herself a drink she looked around the room looking for an empty table.

“Commander,” Zhayva waved at her to join them.

Looking over to where the voice was coming from she smiled as she walked up to the three. “How are you all tonight?” Aleish replied as she looked at Llaxia the one who had taken over as assistant when Zain got promoted to chief.

“We’re doing good, just enjoying the night,” Nessi replied.

“Which is a nice change of pace for once,” Aleish replied.

“You can say that again, the last month has been the worst,” Llaxia replied.

“Indeed, that is now over and we can now we can enjoy the festivities of Frontier Day,” Aleish replied as she also hoped that this would boost everyone’s morale which had been low over the war with the Lost Fleet.

“We’re looking forward to it, I know we are going to Earth to do some sightseeing before the start of the festivities start.” Zhayva replied with a smile, “you got any plans?” She asked which caused Aleish to pause and think for a while before responding.

“I am probably staying onboard to make sure everything is in place before things start,” Aleish replied with a smile. The three nodded as they knew that the job of the command staff was never done, and they continued to chat with each other. They laughed and enjoyed each other company until it was getting late and they all decided to turn in for the night. Zhayva and Nessi left together hand in hand as they went off towards their shared quarters and the other two left in separate directions.


  • Oh man, they have no idea what’s in store for them. The chill lounge environment makes for the perfect calm before the storm. I’d say it’s too bad that the Changeling only figured out how to follow through on humanoid biology and not humanoid sociology, but I’ve seen Picard so I know that’s a moot point lol

    August 8, 2023
  • Tilana

    Commanding Officer

  • Aleish Trol

    Executive Officer

  • Aarven Ashatia

    Second Officer
    Chief Engineering Officer

  • Llaxia

    Assistant Chief Security & Tactical Officer

  • Zhayva

    Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

  • Nessi

    Assistant Chief Science Officer