Part of USS Marduk: Small Matters

Who I Am is Where I Stand Pt.2

Olympios System
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It took nearly two hours of planning, but they were ready.

Doctor Harper and Desiree beamed down to the landed ship, transport enhancers in hand.  Upon arrival, Desiree remained outside the small vessel to act as an intermediary for the comms and transporters.  Meanwhile, Dr. Harper entered the vessel to attempt to retrieve the patients.

Shorty after she entered the vessel, a strange thrum resounded through it.  Frowning, Dr. Harper tapped her comm badge. “Dr. Harper to Marduk, what's going on out there?” What reached her was static.

Greystroke nudged Desiree, causing her to turn around just in time to see the door slide shut on the strange vessel.  Eyes going wide, she ran up to the door to try and open it again, but the small vessel lifted off and soared away.

I always wanted to say this

“Desiree to Marduk, Houston, we have a problem.”

Trina was on the bridge, assisting on comms while Sky was over in the pilot's chair.  Suddenly, her antennae prickled her senses.  “Something's happening, Sky.”

Just then the comms unit lit up, causing her antennae to stand on end.  “Desiree to Marduk, Houston, we have a problem.”

At the same time, a sliver of silver flashed past the Marduk, angling out into deep space before going to warp.

Sky cued his combadge, “I think I see the problem, prepare for beam-out and we'll give chase.”

A short moment later, The remainder of the crew was assembled on the bridge, and the Marduk angled out to chase the unknown vessel.

Fortunately for the Marduk, the unknown vessel was only traveling at warp 6, and they caught up rather quickly.  Sky called over his shoulder to the crew, “Anyone have a good idea on how to knock them safely out of warp?”

Vincent, from the relatively unused station at the rear of the bridge, called back. “Why don't we use the ship's phaser array to knock out a nacelle?”

A moment of silence enveloped the ship.  Each of the crew looked at each other.  Finally, it was Desiree that broke the silence. “I thought we didn't have a phaser array.”

“You're telling me this ship fought through all that in the Deneb sector, without using it's primary weapons array?” Vincent was incredulous.  “That's either brave or very stupid.”

“I hate to be the um, actually guy here but our phaser array hasn't been powered since the Marduk left spacedock.” Sky pointed out. “It was supposed to be connected when we got to the Deneb sector, but we stopped to rescue escape pods on the way in, and when we arrived at Farpoint, we instead got the Captain's Yacht, and the power meant for the phaser went there.” 

Vincent grunted. “Brave, then. Could we use the yacht then?"

A spark of an idea appeared in Trina's eyes.  “I heard of a really stupid move that might work for us.”