Part of Avalon Fleet Yards: Time of Monsters and Bravo Fleet: Frontier Day

New Beginning

Brahms Station, Avalon Fleet Yards
The Day before Frontier Day, 2401
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“Attention, passengers.” the voice of the pilot said startling the sleeping Anthony, causing him to jump up. “We are on approach to Brahms Station and will be in tractor range shortly.”

Getting up he blinked away his sleepiness and gazed out of the window of the transport that was ferrying him to Brahms Station, Anthony thought back to the events that led him here. The eight years he had at the Academy were exhausting, he felt as if they would never end.

The window that before was filled with the emptiness of space, was now filled with a magnificent view of Avalon II and Brahms Station. He saw the numerous vessels that were docking, departing, and being repaired. The work bees, and transports that were zipping between the planet, stations, and dry docks.

Anthony relaxed as he felt the tractor beam take hold to guide them into the docking bay. The shuttle thumped into its dock, causing Anthony to jump at the sudden movement.

“Attention, passengers, we have now landed safely at Brahms Station. In a short while the access bulkhead at the sides of the shuttle will open. Please follow the blue line to the Deck Officer who will provide further instructions.”

As soon as the pilot had finished speaking, the door on the side of the shuttle opened, granting Anthony and the other passengers that were on board their first look at Brahms Station. Placing his satchel across his body, Anthony made his way to the Deck Officer, eager to get to work.

The deck officer looked up as Anthony approached. “Checking in?”

Anthony nodded in acknowledgment and retrieved his PADD outlining his transfer orders. “Lieutenant Junior Grade Anthony Quinn, Engineering Officer.” he said to the deck officer.

The deck officer looked over the transfer order and tapped some commands into their own PADD. “That appears to be in order. Welcome aboard, Lieutenant. I have transmitted your assigned quarters to your PADD. Welcome to Brahms Station and have a wonderful Frontier Day!”

“Thank you.” Anthony said, smiling slightly at him.

Moving past the desk officer into the main part of the station, Anthony decided to drop his belongings in his quarters before making his way to Engineering.

Making his way to the nearest turbolift, he looked over the information provided by the deck officer. After what felt like no time at all, the turbolift doors slid open revealing wide corridors interspersed with offices and quarters. Consulting his PADD one more time, he scanned the numbers on each door as he passed.

Finally finding his assigned room, Anthony unlocked the door and walked inside. He looked around at what was now his home. He smiled softly to himself as he started setting up his belongings in his room, as he prepared himself for the next day.

  • Anthony Quinn

    Staff Officer, Brahms Station Engineering Department