Part of USS Mackenzie: Mackenzie Squadron – The Last of Our Kind

TLOK 006 – The Last of the Old

USS Mackenzie
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“Your service jacket is a…interesting read, Lieutenant T’Penga.”  Park sat across from the Vulcan in The Wardroom on deck 1, a sparkling cider in her cup.  Wren had tasked her with sitting down with the unique officer with a unique history.  She was also one of the last officers that had seen Ambrose Harris before he was murdered.  She had also been the last to speak with T’saath, the former Executive Officer of the Mackenzie.  Commander T’saath had resigned from Starfleet and returned to Vulcan.  Nobody had heard from her in months.

“Logic very often is interesting Commander.” T’Penga replied dryly. She stood at attention as she addressed the Mackenzie’s new XO. The Vulcan found a part of her thoughts drifting toward T’saath. She hoped the former officer had taken her advice and returned to Vulcan for meditation and perhaps Kolinahr. Alas, only time would tell there. “I have been able to walk that fine line between Starfleet and my people and what I would want to get from both. A lot of other officers are not so fortunate.”

Seoyeon indicated the seat across from her.  The bridge and senior staff lounge had been her choice.  She wasn’t a fan of holding meetings in conference rooms when a quiet table in the corner would do.  “Well, human and Vulcan logic is often…at odds, to be fair.  ‘Interesting’ is one word to describe it.”  She shifted subjects, “You were brought on with Captain Harris as assistant chief science officer.  We’ve had some staffing changes since then.”  She pushed a PADD across the table, “I’ve been holding down the XO gig and the Chief of Science gig since coming aboard the Mack.  You were in the role for three years on the USS Potemkin.”

“That is correct, and I found the work to be stimulating. However, the fleet requested me to go elsewhere, and that path, as it is said, led me here. Any assistance that you would require, I am available to perform.” T’Penga sat in the chair indicated with a rigid straight back. She rarely allowed anyone to see her relax, especially a superior officer.

Park resisted the urge to raise her eyebrows.  Vulcans were intelligent and had made a study of Humans before First Contact.  The two species had enjoyed a colorful history, from the handshake in Montana to the formation of Starfleet. T’Penga was an older Vulcan.  Park was certain the woman had done her studying of humans and reading of the rosters of the senior staff.  She clarified, “Captain Walton’s asked me to work on crew assignments.  It’s getting hard to balance my responsibilities as XO and Chief of Science.  I’d like to offer you the position of Chief Science Officer on the USS Mackenzie.”

T’Penga knew that this would be coming. However, she did not want to step on anyone’s toes, especially the Executive Officer’s. So she allowed Park to ask in her own time. “I accept and hope to perform adequately. Is there anything that I should know about the staff or the upcoming mission?”

Seoyeon didn’t have a lot of answers.  “We’ve been tasked with re-mapping some sectors on the far end of Federation Space and assisting some colonies.  What we find out there…isn’t certain.  The Dominion attack left some pretty big holes. Be prepared for the worst is my rule.”

T’Penga understood the adage to hope for the best and expect the worst. It was not one that Vulcans typically subscribed to however, in all her years around humans she had come to understand it. “Very well sir with your permission I will get to work.” When the XO gave their dismissal T’Penga thought that this assignment had just gone from curious to fascinating.