Part of USS Kison (Archive): Episode 1 | The Encounter and Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

The Encounter | Act Two

USS Kison | Bridge
Stardate 24017.4, 1500
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Captain's Log, Supplemental. We are currently in orbit of Farpoint Station and are unloading the supplies onto the station. Everything has gone smoothly… so far.

The Kison can be seen in orbit of Deneb IV, a shuttle can be seen flying away from the ship. Nitus is sitting in her chair, the door behind her opens and T'Soni walks in. She walks to her seat and sits down.

"All the supplies are off loaded, Captain." She said facing Nitus before turning back to face her screen. "Thank you, Number One. Mr. De Niro, set a course for Starbase 38. Warp 6" she spoke to him while he tapped at his screen readying for his captain's command to leave.

"Step on it," she said to him. The ship continued on impulse before leaving the planet in the rear view.

She continued to look at the PADD in her hand, it should be the manifest of all the supplies that they are bringing to the starbase.

“Captain, we are receiving a distress call from a civilian freighter,” T’Soni stated monotonously.

“Can you locate the origins?” Nitus asked, looking up from the PADD. “I have, Ma’am. Should we redirect?" Enzo questioned. Everyone on the bridge then turned to look at her awaiting her next orders.

“Redirect to the signal, and send a priority transmission to Commodore Ekwueme. Put us on yellow alert,” she said looking at everyone. Before looking at the PADD once more trying to distract herself.

Captain's Personal Log: I have ordered the ship to redirect to a ship in distress. I know I've made the right decision but I hope I haven't put my crew in danger.