Part of USS Issedon: Whisky Tango Foxtrot and Bravo Fleet: Blood Dilithium

Refuge from the Storm

USS Issedon
~late oct 2400
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Back on the ship, Captain Taylor had issued an all-hands alert to MedBay and the Bridge. The civilians who were not integral to the daily operation of the ship were asked to stay in their quarters, and all the staff originally scheduled for time off were asked to stay on that day, as they had a handful of telepaths and empaths already down, and he knew it was just a matter of time before all 50 aboard would be. Just what he needed for his first major mission. He pressed the bridge of his nose with his index fingers, and sighed. It  was going on hour…27?…and he was tired. 

When the team brought the first of the Telepaths back, and reported back about the building with the plants, he was dumbfounded. And then when the other four returned, with news that his XO and Lt. LeFebvre had disappeared into the plant’s underbelly, his incredulity turned to fear. Neither his rouge space pirating job before this, nor Starfleet, had taught him “what to do when a plant eats your 2IC.” 

He was headed from the head back to the Bridge, when he spotted an Engineering team. A young woman was sitting, head in her hands, as a stern looking officer stood over her. “What seems to be the problem?” The man’s name tag read “Treaty.” Treaty spoke. “The Ensign here is Bajoran. I think the other empaths are impacting her.” The young woman shook her head. I am ok. I don’t NEED medical. I just need a minute.

Jamie paused a moment. 

“NO, report to Doc Harrison. We NEED you all to be able to stand duty as soon as possible; the away team will need the relief, as will medical.” The young woman opened her mouth to protest, but Treaty interrupted her. I’ll escort her. The look the young woman gave the man would’ve frozen Hell. He chuckled to himself. “Thank you, Lt. Treaty. Report back to me when she is done with intake, please.” He continued on, stopping at SickBay on the way. He checked in; most of the empaths were OK but on watch, only two were very affected. The medical team seemed to have it under control and he slid back into his seat. “Ops, what’s the news?” He asked. LTjG Baker turned around. 

The planetside team is reporting that both Cdr Johnson and Lt. LeFebvre are MIA. They are requesting a beam back, and to return with a search and rescue team. Jamie nodded. “Call security, and make it happen. I want an air patrol, too.” He issued the order, and then turned to his temporary XO. 

“Do you want to lead the expedition?” The woman shook her head. “I think my skills are better used here, sir.” He nodded. 

“Ok, Miller.” He was interrupted by Treaty then. 

Sir, Ens. Nor is in medical. She’s probably going to kick my six after, but she’ll be ok, I think. She’s tough. 

“Thank you. She seems like it. Please continue on with whatever you were doing before, and if you need another body, shift someone over from Science.” The other man nodded, and stepped back, turning to head back down to the Engineering offices. The rest of the Bridge team gave their reports, and he excused them for the day, and waited for the evening crew to clock in. As he did so, he decided to seek out some counsel from someone a little more…a LOT more in touch with the rules for this type of thing than he’d ever hope to be. He stood, and headed for the Harrison’s suite. Roger would know what to do. Hell, LUCY would know. 

A minute later found him knocking at the door, and Lucy answered the door, looking every inch as beautiful as the last time he’d seen her. He smiled. “Is Roger home?” She stepped aside to let him as she spoke, her blonde ponytail bouncing as she shook her head no. No, he’s back at the Sickbay. He came home for an hour to say goodnight to Minnie, and change his uniform, then went back. Why? “I needed his advice on something.” Lucy furrowed an eyebrow. The problem with the telepaths?  When he looked surprised, she laughed, but indicated he should sit down. Roger told me a bit-never much, but enough that I can figure it out. He’s not the only one with a doctorate degree, you know. 

He laughed. 

“Uh, yeah, I remember. You were always the smartest one in class.” He paused for a moment. Might as well ask her since he was there. “What would YOU do? Pull us out of this place as soon as the rescue team returns? I feel like the Prime Directive says we should stay and discover what is happening, but…I can’t exactly afford for a quarter of my team to be down. More, because the medical staff is working overtime, too. I have everyone on our Emergency Protocols but I don’t know how long that is sustainable. We’re a small crew.” He watched as she settled into a chair across from where he’d sprawled on their couch, and shrug a single shoulder. 

To me, sounds like you know the right answer, but if you want me to confirm it-you stay. And you figure it out. And you don’t leave until the missing crew is found. Because it’s the right thing to do, and for all your bravado and showmanship, you ARE a decent person, and I know it would eat you alive if you didn’t. He hadn’t realized that she was staring him in the eyes; it was almost uncomfortable. He shifted his weight but nodded. 

“I think you’re right. You always are.”  He let out a sigh, but stood then. “Sorry to bother you.” You didn’t, Minnie is sleeping. I am glad I could help. Just…hurry up, because, ya know, I need my husband back. 

She stood up to see him out. As they crossed to the door, he smiled. “I’ll do my best to hurry. I CAN order him home; I am the Captain, but hopefully that won’t be necessary.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek before stepping into the hallway, feeling buoyed by her reassurances. If only he hadn’t fucked things up with Lucy, but actually, she and Roger were perfect for each other and his wistfulness only lasted a moment as he headed for the Sickbay, only to check in on folks. 

Ten minutes later, he was standing next to Roger, listening to his CMO fill him in. Everyone was alive, but all had varying degrees of sickness. As his old friend prattled on, he watched the patients-the sickest were unmoving, but the young Ensign he’d sent earlier was sitting cross-legged on a biobed, fixing him with a stare that would freeze over Alaska. He chuckled to himself but turned to Roger. “Let me know of any changes. Make sure you go home occasionally. I stopped by your suite looking for you and Lucy mentioned you’d only gone home for an hour.” Roger gave him a sideways look like he was meddling but Jamie went on. “I’m just saying! Make sure you’re not neglecting your family. Heaven knows she should’ve just shut the door in my face. Don’t be like me!” He and Lucy had dated for a brief time before he’d left to join the Mercenaries and long before she’d met Roger. HE had met Roger in the Betazed, when the Acadamie was running medicines back and forth across enemy lines and friendly lines. Maybe it had been fate, or maybe whoever was in control of the Universe had a sick sense of humor, but Jamie had found it serendipitous that the three of them ended up together, here, today. As Roger walked him out, the slightly younger spoke, with a fatherly tone that Jamie hadn’t realized he needed to hear. His own was crap, but most other people’s were pretty good. You can handle this. And I can handle THIS, Roger gestured to the packed sickbay. Lucy willbe ok, but I WILL go home after this shift. As soon as Dr. Powers signs on, I’ll feel better leaving everyone in her capable hands.  Dr. Elaine Powers was his ACMO. And-she’d never slam the door in your face. She likes you, despite it all. Her sister, too. 

Jamie laughed heartily. He’d dated her sister very briefly after Roger and Lucy got married, but it didn’t  work out. Mostly because he was an idiot with women, but also because Katie had wanted more than he was willing to commit to at the time. She was set in her career as a teacher, and he still wanted to play Space Pirates. 

He returned to the bridge with some resolve, and asked the Comms officer to tap him into the rescue team. “Lt. Fowler. This is your Captain speaking. Your orders have been changed-you aren’t going to return here after an hour. You’ll return when you find Commander Johnson and Lt. LeFebvre, or their bodies. Understood?” SERE Team understood. Come back with bodies, dead or alive, or don’t bother coming back.  


Fowler was an old grizzled security team guy who was one of those guys who would sit around at the bar and revisit their war stories, embellishing more and more details as the days went on, Jamie just KNEW it. 


“Thank you. Captain out.” He smiled. It was going to be ok. He hoped. 



  • I really appreciated the moral and ethical debate of continuing the mission while the blood dilithium is putting the telepaths in the crew in harm's way. It's a question every captain in the fleet has been answering a little bit differently and it's telling that Captain Taylor wrestled with it for so long, and needed input from trusted advisors before he could truly make up his mind. I liked gaining that insight. The history between Taylor and Lucy feels... a little bit dangerous. Is their history entirely history, or is there some frisson in the present there too?

    December 5, 2022