Part of USS Rhyndacus: Blockaded Dilithium and Bravo Fleet: Sundered Wings

Reporting for duty

USS Rhyndacus
9 June 2400
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No, no, no, hmmmmm maybe, definitely not, nope already have my Helmsman (looks through the pile of PADDS sitting on the ready room table, finds the pile marked helm and swipes them all on to the floor, while placing the two maybes into the chair pulled up next to him). 

Picks up the first PADD in his yes Pile in front of him. Hmmmm Dr. K’gok’Muzi, half human half Klingon, graduated in the top 10% of her medical class, specializes in emergency medical and in combat medical. Spent her residency at John Hopkins on earth and served on board a Klingon vessel as part of the star fleet/ Klingon exchange program. (Continues to read through the information on her and hits the accept and publish orders tab on the PADD) Hopefully we don’t need her expertise but it will be nice to have if we do. I’ll amend her orders to have her bring a nurse of her choice with her so I don’t have to try and figure that personnel situation out plus she is the one that will have to work with her on a daily basis.

(Taps on his comm badge) Ensign Yivliv has that Tactical officer that the station said they have made it on board yet.

No Sir, at least not as far as I know. Sir so you are aware we have received clearance to depart for Star Base Bravo when ever we are ready. I’ve laid in the course should be a two-day trip give or take a few hours if you want to push the new girl.

Ensign, please remember she is a star ship not a fighter.

(chuckles) yes sir, as you have been reminding me sir for the past 24 hours that we have been running flight control and mission sims on the holo decks. 

I’ll be ready in a few minutes let me get through the rest of these recommendations so we can pick up the rest of the crew on Bravo. 

Goes back to the “Yes” pile. Ensign Tazzeth, graduated with my brother, has a degree in in Planetology with a minor in systems science. Interesting choices there, wonder what the story behind those choices is. Anyways, hmmmm recommendation letters from both of my parents, well ok, I’d be stupid to pass him over. Taps the accept and publish orders button.

(Comm badge) Sir, this is Chief Stimeck, wanted to let you know that the science, engineering and security crewman have all reported in and are finishing up there in processing duties with chief Ruz and myself. Sir besides the nurse we do have one more empty bed maybe wise to add another security crewman.

I’ll see what we can find at Bravo Chief, with the current Romulan / Star Empire situation I think you maybe right. 

Aye, Aye Sir.

(Incoming message from Star base Bravo) ahhh I see they have assigned my first officer. Interesting Ensign Taibah a security and operations ensign. Hmmm what’s this are mission orders. We are to go check out a system which looks like was under Star Empire control but has recently over thrown the regime, on their planet, during the current situation in the Star empire AOR and wants star fleets help, what’s this possible blockade, great just what we need.

(Exits the ready room, takes a seat in the “chair” for the first time) Devron Fleet this is the Rhyndacus permission to depart, that Chief will have to catch up with us at Bravo.

USS Rhyndacus permission is granted and sir the Chief is right here in the control center, sounds like she just got her orders as she was reporting in for dutyand barely had time to get a bag packed. We are transporting her to you right now.

Someone materializes on the bridge. Sir, I’m sorry sir I only just found out about the orders. (Kr’Antren holds up a finger) “ding”. as a red shirt comes running on the bridge phaser drawn. Hmmm 30 seconds petty officer, that is not going to cut it. She could have materialized killed all of us and beamed back off in that time. You will need to work on that. Hopefully the addition of another security crewman will help alleviate that problem. Oh and meet your new boss (tilts his head towards the chief that just caused the alarm on the bridge.) Chief, you will need to work on that. 

Yes sir.

Take your seat chief, oh if they didn’t inform you or you didn’t get a chance to fully read your orders you are the Tactical and security department head. (Drops her bag by the turbo lift) I’ll get that later.

(Kr’Antren nods towards the red shirt) Petty officer, if you would take the chiefs bag to 4L. We don’t need it laying around the bridge.

Yes sir, 4L (picks up the bag and makes his way back out of the bridge area)

Seeing the chief make her way towards the typical Tactical area on the bridge, chief on the Rhyndacus your spot is beside the helm. I need you two to work as a team.

Yes sir, (she furrows her brow feeling the frustration coming from the captain, probably due to the security response time)

Ensign Yiliv ¼ impulse till we are clear of the fleet yards control zone then let’s head to Star base Bravo so we can pick up the rest of the crew and go over our mission orders.

A few minutes later

Sir we are clear of the Devron Fleet yards and ready to go to warp when you are sir.

Lay in the course Yiv and let’s take her to warp 6.

Sir, course laid in ready when you are.

(Kr’Antren sits back in his chair, runs a hand through his hair) Let’s Roll, ensign.


Star Base Bravo

**Refugee Triage area Alpha**

Dr. K’gok’Muzi is moving from bio bed to bio bed looking over the various refugee’s coming in in constantly changing waves. These poor souls, out here on the outskirts of the Star Empires area being worked to death with not enough food or medical provisions but constantly being threatened with harm if they do not continue to work.

Nurse this one just needs these cuts fixed and some good food in her belly.

Yes, ma’am

(Dr. K’gok runs a medical tricorder over the next person in line) This one needs to get to the main medical ASAP, look like he may loose that arm if we don’t do something quick. Get him on a bed and stabilized till they take him.

Yes ma’am, take him to bed six. (Speaking over her shoulder to one of the many Bravos crewmen that are helping in the triage area)

Yes, nurse Matthews.

Nurse Mattews I’m going to go sit down for a min or two check my mail and have a drink of something hot, these long days and long hours take a toll.

Hmmmm whats this, Orders?? To what, oh damn a Raven really. Hmmm the USS Rhyndacus a newly assigned ship. Who is the captain? Whhhhaaaatttt an ensign? (Shakes her head) all I need some head strong ensign in command. I mean I know I requested an assignment to a star ship but a Raven, really? Well as the old saying goes you’ll get what you wish for and all I asked for was a star ship. Hmmmm nice, the Ensign (sarcastic tone) says I can bring a nurse of my choosing? Oh, Nurse Matthews how do you feel about a Raven?

Well ma’am they are kind of small, cozy would be a better word. Small crew so wouldn’t be a lot to worry about on a daily basis. So, I guess they are ok. Why??

Well Matthews after this shift we need to pack our bags and personal belongings, looks like we have a new home. They should be here in 48 hours or less. 

Great ma’am just great, a 20-hour shift followed by packing and a new ship. Just what doctor ordered.

Well, in truth I just did. (laughing)


Star Base Bravo, Planetology labs

“Ensign Tazzeth report to the lieutenant’s office.”

On my way

Sir, Ensign Tazzeth reporting as ordered.

Relax ensign, I hope you haven’t made yourself to comfortable in your quarters yet. Looks like someone in command figured since you were the newest ensign in the section that you could fill this request for a science officer on board a star hip. So, ensign Tazzeth you are to report to the USS Rhyndacus, a raven class ship, when she arrives in 48 hours give or take a few. Hmmm looks like you will have one science crewman in your department and they are already on board.

Yes sir, 

Go ahead and finish this shift and do a hand over with LTjg Thomas as they will have to pick up your duties till a new ensign is assigned to us.

Yes sir.

Hmmm interesting, you may want to let your new, well umm now old, roommate know that his brother will be here in 48 hours.

And Ensign you’re going to a Raven they have a tendency to be a bit more informal, so you may want to relax a bit more around your fellow officers.

Yes sir, 



USS Rhyndacus

Sir, dropping out of warp we are coming up on the Star base Bravo flight control area.

Roger, I’ll be on the bridge in a minute. 

Kr’antren steps onto the bridge tugging his tunic into place.

Chief Alamea open a comm channel to Bravo please.

Yes, sir. Channel open.

Star Base Bravo this is the USS Rhyndacus request docking instructions and clearance. 

Rhyndacus clearance is granted you will be in port Zulu 114. We will begin loading up your requested materials, food stuffs, medical and engineering equipment upon arrival 

Roger Zulu 114, we will be loading those up in cargo bays 1 and 2, if more room is needed or anything else is added to that list it will go into bay 3.

Noted sir, Welcome to Star Base Bravo. Should have everything loaded within the next 12 hours. 

That will work, request departure in roughly 24 hours. 

Noted sir.

(Pushes the intercom button on his arm rest) All crew, we have arrived at Star base Bravo. Should be docking in the next 30m minutes or so. We will leave for our mission in 24 hours from the time we dock. Petty officer Stimeck and chief Alamea you are in charge of the load up of the materials for the missions. Chief Ruz check in with Star base engineering and make sure we have everything we need for the ship and the mission. If there is anything we need to fix that came up during the trip here get that taken care of ASAP. All hands meeting (looks at the chromo above the bridges view scree) at 0900 tomorrow morning, pass the message to the new crew as they check in.

Ensign Yivliv, you heard them docking port Zulu 114. Which I believe is on the other side of the station from where we are now, if I remember correctly.

Got it, on the way.