Part of USS Thyanis: Taken Under Wing and Bravo Fleet: Sundered Wings

Ch: 3- Out of the Arena, Into the Lion’s Jaws

May 2400
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Starbase Bravo, Holodeck 2- 1300 

Lihran plugged his program into the holodeck and strode in, “Computer, begin holodeck program Gladiator02.”

The orange and yellow grid shimmered before vanishing. He was instantly greeted by the dull roar of a crowd screaming, cheering, clapping, whistling and stamping their feet. He stood in a dark room, looking out into an Ancient Roman colosseum from behind a metal bar door. His uniform was replaced with a typical gladiator’s kit. He had little to no armour, save for some cloth wrapped crudely around his pelvis, held in place with a large belt. His right arm was bound in padded cloth and metal armour strapped over it, a shield on his left. His legs were bare save for some rough sandals and brass plates strapped to his shins. He held a shortsword in his right hand, lifting it to admire his reflection. 

The door suddenly opened and Lihran strode out into the arena, sun beating down on his exposed skin. The sand was warm on his feet and he could already feel sweat on his skin. The crowd erupted to a deafening magnitude as Lihran entered the arena. He relished in it, lifting his sword above his head, further spurring the crowd. He stood in the centre and looked up at the raised platform where this so called emperor sat, a stone faced older human male. The emperor rose up and raised his hand, the crowd coming to near silence, hushed with anticipation.

Lihran never particularly cared for the ancient history of other planets, but when Heriah mentioned Ancient Rome, and how similar it was to Romulans, he couldn’t resist, and he loved it. 

The emperor spoke, “Let him face my champion. If he wins, he shall go free. If he loses..” The emperor pauses, grinning, “He dies.” Lihran knew he was safe and would not die, but it still got his adrenaline coursing through his veins. The crowd erupted once more at the emperor’s words. He lifted his hand and stepped back. Lihran heard the rattle of another metal door behind him and turned around, a more heavily armoured gladiator entered the arena, armed with a weighted net and a trident.

Lihran faced him fully, licking his lips. This would prove to be interesting. His opponent roared and charged rather recklessly at Lihran. The Romulan lifted his shield, letting his opponent fall upon it. Metal crashed against metal loudly, and he felt the shock reverberate through his arm and body. Lihran swung his sword low, ducking a bit from the net. His sword glanced off the man’s leg armour, but it made him back off.

Lihran didn’t give his foe time to recover, leading with his shield and swinging down with the pommel of his sword at the man’s helmet. It bounced off with a resounding clang, making him stagger a moment, lashing back at Lihran blindly. Lihran nimbly darts out of the way and behind him, slashing down his back with his sword. The man’s cries got drowned out by the crowd roaring in delight. LIhran barely heard the rattling chains and groaning mechanisms behind him, putting him on high alert. He knew what that was.A snarl of a hungry lion was heard by Lihran and he quickly moved out of range of the beast, knowing exactly where the chain’s limit was, trying to manoeuvre his foe between himself and the lion. The other gladiator tossed his weighted net onto the lion, pinning it down, drawing forth angry cries and booing from the crowd. Displeased, the emperor gestured for more lions to be brought out.

Two more were brought out, announced by their rattling chains and snarls. Lihran took note of where they were. The two opponents locked weapons with each other. Lihran brought his leg and kicked the man in the stomach, forcing him to stumble back. The crowd lost their minds as Lihran slammed the edge of his shield into his foe’s jaw.

The two continued their partial dance for some time, dodging the swipes of hungry lions and each other’s weapons. Lihran forced his adversary to his knees, the man signalling defeat. The raucous cacophony of the crowd was deafening. The emperor stood up once more, listening to the crowd chant out, calling for the gladiator’s death. 

Lihran kept his sword pointed at his downed foe, looking up at the emperor for the signal, panting in exhilaration. The emperor lifted his fist straight up in front of him. He listened to the crowd for a few moments before turning his thumb down- the signal for death. Lihran reached to pull off the man’s helmet, letting it fall to the sand at their feet with a heavy thud. He raised his sword to deliver the finishing blow. The crowd’s change from frenzied excitement, to exclamations of surprise and horror made Lihran pause.

Lihran looked up and glanced over his shoulder in time to see his own shield come down over his head, wielded by an Andorian in a Starfleet uniform. Lihran’s knees gave out and he crumpled to the ground. Ashihl called out, “Computer, end program.” The program ended, jarring the holodeck back to the 25th century and silence. Ashihl gathered up the Romulan in his arms, tapping his combadge, “LIeutenant Ashihl to Captain Thevius. Ready to beam aboard, sir. Gladiator acquired.” Thevius’s voice came through, “Gladiat- Never mind, I’ll ask later.” Ashihl readjusts his grip on Lihran, realising he was dripping green blood on the holodeck floor just as the transporter beam picked them up.

Unnamed Civilian Transport ship, Thevius’s quarters- 1415 

“I asked you to grab him, Lieutenant, not grievously injure him! What did you hit him with?!” Thevius glared at Ashihl. The Andorian shrugged, “A human shield from ancient times. Bronze I think. He was in a holodeck program in some sort of arena. At least he is properly clothed now. He was barely clothed when I found him.”

They had been transported right into Thevius’s quarters on their transport ship to Starbase 23. Thevius had Lihran laid out on his bed, pressing a cloth to the gash on the unconscious Romulan’s forehead. He taps his combadge, “Captain Thevius, to Lieutenant Zumagi. I need you in my quarters now. Medical emergency. Be discreet.” Ivin responded, “Aye, sir. Coming.”

Thevius looks at Ashihl, “I do not trust you to go get his personal belongings. Hold this cloth here, I’ll be back.” Ashihl looked rather grumpy, he was just following his commanding officer’s orders. He stepped up and took over, applying pressure to Lihran’s wound. Thevius beamed down to rush to Lihran’s quarters before the transport departed.

Ivin let himself into the quarters, stepping over to Lihran and shoos Ashihl away. Ivin kneels beside the bed, treating Lihran with a hypospray and grabbing a dermal regen, starting to treat his wound. Ivin echoes the same question, “What did you hit him with?!” Ashihl throws up his hands with an exasperated sigh, “A bronze ancient human shield! I didn’t think I hit him that hard.” The Bajoran doctor lifts a brow, “Ah, hm… Have you considered that… a phaser on the stun setting would have been better?”Ashihl froze, antennae leaning back, “I didn’t even consider that. I was uh.. A bit wrapped up in the holoprogram and the setting.” Ivin bluntly states, “You are an idiot. A bit cute, but an idiot.” Ashihl made a face, “Gross, save that for your husband.” 

Ivin smirks, giving Lihran another hypo, one to bring him back to consciousness. Lihran woke up with a start, instinctively wrapping his hands around Ivin’s neck in defence. Ivin froze, “I would unhand me. My husband is a very angry Cardassian if he finds out you hurt me.” Lihran mutters incoherently before letting go of the Bajoran, groaning, “My head…” Thevius beams back in with a duffle bag of Lihran’s belongings, a few Romulan uniforms flung over one arm. 

Lihran looks over, frowning, “What are you doing with my stuff? Where am I? What is this about?” Thevius sets the stuff down, “You are temporarily reassigned to my crew for a mission. An intelligence mission.” Lihran swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up with a wince, “I heard of no such thing. Reassigned illegally?” Thevius lifts his brows, “Minor detail. I hope you will forgive me, old friend.” Lihran sighs and thinks, “I know whatever you are planning ought to be good. Get me a good, rare vintage of Romulan ale after this, and I’ll forgive the whole… kidnapping thing. I can’t promise Command will.” Thevius smirks, “Knew I could count on you. Yes. I have a plan.” He sits down in a chair, “I got your uniform and belongings.”

Lihran sits down on the edge of the bed, glancing at his old uniform in a crumpled heap on top of his duffle bag, “I see that. Dealing with Romulans?” Thevius nods, “The civil war, so to speak. I know this will be difficult, I know we both know people on either side. Considering we are both Romulans and a Reman called for humanitarian aid, I do not think it is a good idea for us to supply such. It would arouse much suspicion against the Federation if Romulans in their uniforms responded to help. I opted to go with a barebones crew, a small vessel and to work undercover with intelligence.  You, Lihran, will be our main operative. You have, or had, power. It will be a powerful tool here.

Thevius leans back, crossing one leg over the other, letting Lihran digest his words for a moment, “I know it is very high risk. None of our little crew have families. You and I have no home. Our parents are… murdered in this coup. Personally, my feelings are wanting vengeance. In a taste they know so well.”

Lihran frowns, resting his elbows on his knees and staring at his hands clasped in front of him, thinking in silence, “My only family is now dead, thanks to the Star Navy.” He paused, adding, “And if my ex is involved…” Thevius nodded, “I figured as such. We got your uniform. You remember your security codes and all their ship routines and systems?”

Lihran chuckled, “I certainly do. One thing, however… How will I get into their ships or bases?” Thevius smiled, “I figured you would ask. If you recall all our- their systems, we can rig the Thyanis to bypass their cloaking devices and shields. You have a few days yet to plan how that would work.”

Lihran nodded once more, “I think I can manage that.” He paused and looked up as the captain of the transport announced they were leaving the Starbase. Thevius looked up at the announcement then over at Lihran, “This is your last chance to leave if you want. Grab your stuff and beam back or stay here with us.”

Lihran considers his options. Wanting to make the crew a bit anxious, he stood up and walked towards his stuff, suddenly deviating to the replicator at the last minute, grabbing himself a cup of coffee before moving to sit back down with a smirk. He lounged back and sipped his coffee rather languidly as the ship slid out of docking and started off towards Starbase 23, “I’ll stay.”

Thevius rolled his eyes, “Should likely try on the uniform before we go into action. Can make alterations to it.” Lihran paused, “That is a good idea.” He straightened up and set his coffee aside, stepping over to grab his uniform. He starts pulling off his Starfleet uniform and changing right there without any shame. No one except Thevius was expecting this. AShihl can’t help but watch the Romulan with wide eyes of shock. Ivin quickly averts his eyes. Thevius is indifferent, as he usually is. 

Lihran stood in his old Romulan uniform, “Still fits after nearly fifteen years.” He bore a rather striking and commanding figure in the uniform as opposed to his rather average appearance in his Starfleet uniform. Thevius stood up and walked around Lihran, inspecting him over, “It looks good. We will kit you with a disruptor to complete the look.” Tehvius paused and reached up to detach one of Lihran’s rank pips. He walks towards the replicator, first scanning the pip and then fiddling around with the replicator. He replicates another pip for Lihran and walks over, affixing it to his collar, “I think after about fifteen years, you’d get a promotion. Less suspicious than if you reappeared still at the same rank. Likely off working in some remote base or mine overseeing.” Lihran nodded, “I imagine we’ll figure it out. Got some time still.”

Thevius nodded and stepped back, clasping his hands behind his back, “That we do, Centurion. I appreciate you going along with this mad little plan.” Lihran smirked slightly and shrugged, “I will be honest. There is likely no one better in Starfleet better than me to handle stealth intelligence in this particular situation.”


  • I enjoyed the holodeck program of choice and the fact that right when he was about to kill his opponent, Ashihl enters and hits him over the head and kidnaps him. I find it is interesting that Lihran instead of arguing with Thevius about his crazy plan goes along with it. I am curious to know if anyone on Starbase Bravo will know he is missing and begin searching for him. I can't wait to read what happens next.

    May 30, 2022
  • I have such a huge appreciation for the immersive prose here. The writing in that gladiator holodeck program was such a tactile experience. I could feel the energy of the crowd. I was so keyed into Lirhan's experience of the battle, I too was caught off guard by the shield suddenly bashing him in the head! We all knew the kidnapping was coming. Thevius promised it in the last chapter. And it still surprised me! I'm enjoying the improvisational, madcap nature of this caper. It creates a sense of danger that can be mission from a Star Trek adventure. Lihran's role in this story is intriguing; it says so much about him that he feels more attractive in his Romulan uniform than he would in any Starfleet uniform. That smells like trouble too.

    May 31, 2022