Part of USS Valkyrie: Shore Leave December 2401

Under New Management

Sickbay, USS Valkyrie
December 2401
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“Let’s get down to business, shall we?” Selara chuckled. “Exoscalpel, please,” she outstretched her hand, and the tool was placed in it. “Beginning cutting now,” she applied the tool to the patient’s skin and watched the skin separate.

“How many lesions did the scans find?” She said, staring at the display screen.

“Six, ma’am.”

“If Security personnel train this hard, I can only imagine how they work,” Selara mused. “But it does make me feel more protected,” she smiled under her mask.

As she worked, she felt someone watching her, “How can I help you?” Selara said without looking up.

“Captain Nassar is requesting your presence, doctor,” a voice behind her said. “An attempt by communicator failed.”

“I turn off non-emergency communication during surgery. I find it distracting,” Selara said the final words through gritted teeth. She tempered her anger; he was simply doing his job.

She looked across the table at her assistant and received a nod. “I’ve got this,” he replied.

Selara set down the exoscalpel and stepped away from the table. “Tell Captain Nassar I’ll be there shortly.” She removed her surgical attire and scrubbed out.

In short order, Selara arrived at the Captain’s ready room. She pressed the door chime and waited.

The Captain sighed. Not because she didn’t look forward to meeting with the doctor, but the back-to-back conversations were getting to her – and not all of them were as joyful as this one, or the ones with the three Ensigns.

“Come in.”, she said and waited for Selara to enter.

Selara entered the ready room and found the captain at her desk. “You wanted to see me, ma’am?”

“Thank you for coming. Please, take a seat,” Saffiya smiled, waiting before she continued. “I was speaking to Lieutenant Frisco earlier. I know you have only been on the Valkyrie for a short while, but she has been impressed with your performance so far. How are you liking it?”

Selara matched Saffiya’s smile and sat down. “It’s challenging but good. I think the crew is overall recovering nicely from the last two missions, medically speaking.” She chuckled, “But that’s not why you called me here.” Selara was still trying to get a read on the conversation. It wasn’t negative, but it was a fun mystery. “I’m glad to hear it. Being a senior officer in one department is stressful enough but in two? So I try to lighten her caseload when I can.”

“It’s a lot,” Saffiya agreed.And, in the long term, it doesn’t work. The reason I did not offer you the position of Chief Medical Officer right away was that I believe it to be important that you have some time to familiarise yourself with the ship and the crewbut now that you had the opportunity to do that.. I would like to offer it to you.”

Selara’s eyes widened briefly, “I’m appreciative that you didn’t. It’s difficult to get your bearings on an already established vessel.” She chuckled, “Not impossible, just difficult.”

She focused on the offer and smiled, “I accept, of course. However, I do have a caveat. Dr. Frisco agrees to relinquish control of the Sickbay to me fully.” She leaned forward, “It seems odd to hear, given what we said about double duties, but I’ve seen it happen. Doctors who give up departments want the thrill of medicine again and try to force their way back to their position.” She shrugged, “Some succeed, and some don’t.” Selara leaned back in the chair, “It’s never happened to me, thankfully, but I’ve seen the strain it puts on everyone involved.”

“Just throw her a broken bone now and then,” Saffiya suggested. “But I am fairly sure the woman would appreciate some time off.”

Selara nodded, “She’s welcome to practice whenever she wants. Truth be told I find her an extremely knowledgeable and brilliant doctor. I enjoy watching her work and would welcome the opportunity whenever she wanted.”

“Then it is decided,” the Captain smiled. “Congratulations. Oh, and there will be a party to celebrate. We’ve had a few promotions and that seems… appropriate.”

“A party?” Selara raised an eyebrow. “That does seem appropriate,” she chuckled. “If there’s nothing else?” Selara started to rise.

Saffiya shook her head, “Nothing else, dismissed.”

Selara nodded in response and left the room, while mentally taking stock of her clothing options for the party.