Part of USS Valkyrie: Shore Leave December 2401

A Welcome Surprise

Ready Room, USS Valkyrie
January 2402
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Tanna was pacing back and forth as the turbolift carried her towards Deck 1. I wonder what the Captain wants? She thought to herself nervously. She adjusted her uniform again, for what seemed like the hundredth time as the turbolift slowed. Deck One said the computer as the doors slid open to reveal the bridge. This was the first time since coming aboard that Tanna had been on the bridge, and it was just as magnificent as she had been lead to believe. Large and spacious, quite the opposite from the cramped bridge of the Cromwell. She moved swiftly forward, towards the Captain’s ready room.

Captain Nassar waited in her ready room, and despite the occasion of this meeting being a joyful one, she felt slightly stressed. Which, apparently, was nowadays her default state of being. She was glad that she’d likely be able to make this short, and surprise everyone with the… well, surprise party, later.

“Ensign.”, she smiled as Tanna entered the room. “Glad you could make it. How are you feeling?”

“Well enough, Captain, I think.” Tanna replied quickly, coming to stand at ease midway between the door and the Captain’s desk. “You wanted to see me, ma’am?”

“Yes.”, Saffiya nodded, making sure to maintain her smile. The near-disaster with the last Ensign she had welcomed in her ready room was something she didn’t want to repeat, so she was going to be a lot more straightforward with it.

“I wanted to talk to you about your performance during the last mission.”, she started. “I have rarely seen an Ensign manage a situation such as you’ve faced it. I know nothing about this mission has been ideal, but… you made me incredibly proud.”

A wave of relief washed over Tanna, and she relaxed her shoulders. Then, suddenly, she let out a small laugh. “Phew” she said after a moment, “I was afraid I had done something wrong. Well that’s a relief. Thank you ma’am, I was only doing what I thought was right in the moment.”

“Sometimes, that’s the only thing we can do. I’ve reviewed your performance since your arrival, and in combination with that, I believe the rank of Ensign is inappropriate. So I think it’s time to change that little detail. ”

Tanna sank slowly into the chair, hardly believing what she had heard.

The Captain opened the small box that had been sitting on her desk for a few days now, and rose from her chair.

“Congratulations.”, she said, as she added that additional pin to Tanna’s collar.

“Thank you ma’am” Tanna said hopping out of the chair to stand at attention again. “I’ll do my best to be worthy of it.” She snapped a crisp salute, then exited the ready room and crossed the bridge swiftly to the turbolift. Once the doors slid closed behind her, she sank back against the wall, wiping a tear off her cheek.

“I finally did it, Abbie. I caught up to you.” she said to herself, beaming with pride.