Part of USS Sausalito: An Unexpected Course

Change of Course

USS Sausalito
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It was not only a new day but also a brand new year. The crew of the Sausalito had taken the time to celebrate the New Year together as a crew for the past few days. Everyone seemed to have their own unique traditions and ideas but Harper had watched them all find a way to celebrate together. This had brought her a great amount of joy. She knew that the success they had experienced on their first mission had brought a feeling of pride and genuine happiness throughout the ship. She also knew that this would be short-lived and they would soon have to face their next task. She wanted to enjoy this moment while it lasted and that’s exactly what she had been doing….until now. She hated that she had to ruin the moment so soon but she had gathered her officers in order to discuss the transfer orders that she had just received from Captain Barrington aboard the USS Canterbury

“Thank you all for taking time away from whatever celebration you were partaking in to meet with me. Happy New Year to you all! Last year ended in the best way possible for us, so let us hope that this year will continue along that same trend,” Harper said enthusiastically. 

“I second that,” her First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Sili Sh’raller said while raising a mock glass into the air. This earned her a few giggles and she managed to smile just a little before the Captain gave her a stern look. “Sorry, Captain.” Sili returned to her serious nature and looked to her Captain.

“I have asked you all to come in order to discuss with you the new orders that were just communicated to me. The Sausalito has been reassigned to Task Force 47. We were instructed to make our way to their task force area as soon as possible. I have already notified the helmsman to alter course and he is prepared to depart upon my word. I need help from all of you to get this ship out of celebration mode and into duty mode.” Harper stated more sternly than she had intended. Perhaps she should not have the New Year’s celebrations last for this long. Lesson learned she thought to herself.

Her Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Redrol Rogers spoke up first  “This comes as a surprise, Captain. We weren’t expecting to receive any orders this soon and most certainly not transfer orders. With that being said, I’m eager and ready to do whatever you may need.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant. I need you along with Commander Piya and First Officer Sili to make your way towards the cafeteria and inform the crew of the change of plans. Please ensure that the area is cleaned and brought back to operating standards as quickly as we can manage.”

“Sure thing, Captain. We will see that it is done,” provided the Chief Science Officer, Commander Piya. He was a man of few words and spoke only when he felt it was necessary.

“Lieutenant Commander T’Penne, please head to engineering and notify the crew to perform immediate inspections. Let’s make sure that everything is primed and ready to go.” Harper stated.

“Yes, Captain. I will handle it,” the vulcan stated before turning to leave the room and make her way to Engineering. 

“I think that settles it then, Captain. Looks like we have our instructions,” First Officer, Sili provided.

“Very well. Thank you all. I am confident in every one of you and I trust that we will handle this transition smoothly. I shall notify Starfleet that we are in…” Harper began speaking but was interrupted by the familiar chime of the intercom system.

“Captain, we have received a distress signal. It is an urgent matter, and you are needed on the bridge.” Communications Officer Hazel chimed through the system.

“On my way, Ensign. You are all dismissed.” Harper announced and then headed for the turbolift and straight to the bridge.


A few moments later, Harper arrived on the bridge. “Captain, I have picked up a distress signal originating from a small, independent Romulan Colony referred to as ‘Topo.’ The colony is under attack and requires assistance,” Ensign Hazel reported succinctly.

“How far away are we, Helmsman?” Harper inquired.

“Running the calculations now, Captain.” Ensign H’veir provided. “Looks like we can be there in around 2 hours, Captain.”

“Thank you, Ensign. We may be one of the only ships within short range of the colony. Ensign Hazel, notify Starfleet that we will be responding to the distress signal on Topo as well as our arrival to Task Force 47 space will be delayed. Helmsman, set a course and get us there as fast as you can.”

“Aye, Captain.” Both ensigns spoke in almost complete unison.

Harper sat in her Captain’s chair and pushed the button for her intercom system to come to life. “All crew be notified. We have received a distress signal from a nearby independent Romulan Colony and we are altering course now. All crew to their stations and be prepared for anything. Captain Harper out.”

“Helmsman, take us out.” Harper gripped the arm of her chair while the ship entered into impulse speed. She was just preparing to order the ship ahead at warp speed when Ensign Hazel spoke up.

“Captain, we are receiving a hail. It looks like we are being hailed by another Federation Starship, the USS Dragonfly.” Ensign Hazel provided.

“On screen, Ensign.” Captain Harper ordered.