Part of USS Valkyrie: Shore Leave December 2401

Inveniam Viam

Sickbay, USS Valkyrie
December 2401
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Dr. Selara Medical Log, Patient Kali Genan, supplemental.

Lieutenant Kali initially presented with hallucinations as the result of being near the subspace distortions. She wasn’t a member of the away team, or aboard the civilian vessel, so this should minimize hallucinations. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Her hallucinations were relatively benign, but have grown in intensity. The phenomenon is peculiar because most of the crew’s hallucinations are waning. I’ve considered a few far-fetched ideas, like treatments for tropolisine and even temporal psychosis. I’ve administered 25 milligrams of inaprovaline, as per protocol, but this has been ineffective. I’m withholding treatment for temporal psychosis until further sensor results about the distortions are revealed.

The hallucinations appear to be stress-induced. The first occurrence, post-mission, was in Main Engineering. According to the officer’s accounts, Lieutenant Kali was repairing a conduit in Jefferies tube. This was a simple maintenance repair she’d done several times. In this instance, however, she could not loosen the panel and became frustrated. Nearby officers heard screaming and rushed to render aid, fearing she had been injured. They attempted to enter the Jefferies tube but were attacked by Kali. She eventually had to be subdued by security personnel and brought to Sickbay.

Despite this incident, and reported minor cases, Lieutenant Kali has declined sessions with Lieutenant Anderson. She states the hallucinations can be treated with meditation. I’ve been unsuccessful in discovering why she is resistant to counseling sessions. I have repeatedly voiced concern for the increasing instances of hallucinations. I fear if they continue, more aggressive solutions may become necessary.

“Computer, end log.”

A confirmation chime sounded.

“Computer, add log to medical treatment profile of Lieutenant Junior Grade Kali Genan.”

“Log added.”

Selara rubbed her eyes and sighed. She closed her console and left Sickbay.