Part of USS Valkyrie: Shore Leave December 2401

The Worst 48 Hours – 2

USS Cromwell NCC-72819/Sector Z-6, Class-M Planet
April 2401
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The remaining expedition members sat huddled and crowded on the floor of the lab. A quick head count revealed that there were only 17 of the original 30 left alive. A din of panicked chatter filled the small space as Abigail, Tanna and the three other security officers had a huddle in the office with Centurion Puleer, the Romulan officer in charge.

“Okay.” He said. “We have two shuttlecraft here on the ground. We can make a run for them. They should hold the remaining survivors and we can get out of here.”

“There is no way we would make it to those ships with all these people.” Abigail said flatly. “Guaranteed the Remans have taken up positions watching this door. They will start firing as soon as we leave, and there aren’t enough phasers to protect this crew.”

One of the Romulan security officers spoke up. “What do you propose we do instead? Wait until they break down the door and kill us all while we’re trapped in here?”

“No, I suggest the five of us sneak out that emergency hatch over there to retrieve the ships, then use the onboard phasers to provide air support while we beam everyone out with the emergency transporters.” Abigail replied curtly.

“That sounds like a good plan.” Centurion Puleer said. “Lieutenant Holcomb, you’re in charge. Let’s mobilize now. Perhaps they are still getting into positions.”

The team then made a plan to get from the lab to the shuttlecraft. They were going to exit out the back, make a beeline for the trees, and then loop back around to the landing pads, simple and straightforward. They checked their gear, and opened the hatch. One by one, they tumbled out onto the ground. Abigail went first, then Tanna, the Romulans and finally, the other security officer brought up the rear. They were still hidden by the lights of the lab, but as soon as they left the shadow, they would be vulnerable until the trees.

The team ran, keeping as low as possible towards the trees, which were about 100 feet away from the lab on this side. About halfway the disruptors started going off, sending bolts of green energy towards the group. “Don’t stop to fire back!” Abigail shouted over her shoulder, “just fire blind and keep running!” She let off a few shots with her hand phaser in the direction of the incoming fire. The enemy shots hit the ground around them, sending mud and water up into their faces. One of the Romulans let out a scream as a disruptor bolt tore through his abdomen, but they could not stop, so they left him where he fell.

Eventually, the team made it to the edge of the landing pad. There the shuttlecraft sat, seemingly unguarded. Abigail peeked around a corner, looking for any sign of the terrorists, but none could be seen. “Okay”, she said in hoarse whisper, “This is the final stretch. We just have to make it to the door, and we should be home free.”

Tanna felt uneasy at these words. Nothing goes well when someone says that in the movies….. she thought to herself, Though, this isn’t a movie. She watched as Abigail ran across the pad to the back of the shuttlecraft, and open the door. Once the door was open, she watched her peek around the corner with her rifle, and then without looking back, wave her hand for the rest to join her. Tanna had started to run as Abigail disappeared into the interior of the small craft, and she heard the unmistakable sound of the engines firing up. Abigail had come back down the small ramp to cover their final run, and Tanna picked her head up as she closed the distance. 20 feet. 15 feet. Tanna felt her heart get light We are going to make it.


The explosion took Tanna off her feet. Her ears rang, and her vision was blurry when she came to. Mud and rain were falling all around her, and smoke stung her eyes and nose from the burning Dilithium. She tried to move, but her left arm wouldn’t work. White hot pain shot up and down her side when she tried. With effort, she brought her right hand over. Horror overcame her as she turned to look at what her hand felt. A large piece of twisted metal was protruding wickedly from her left shoulder; It was still hot to the touch. She felt around the wound. The underside of her arm had been completely severed, and she knew a few of her ribs had been broken too.

Abigail! She thought to herself, suddenly panicking. The hit of adrenaline cleared her mind, and she wrenched herself up from the ground, scanning her surroundings quickly. The burning wreck of the shuttlecraft hissed and popped, but there was no body immediately behind it. Tanna stood slowly, letting a scream of pain escape her mouth as she straightened up. She cradled her useless arm in her other hand, stumbling towards the ship. “Abbie!” she shouted, as loudly as she could. “Abbie, can you hear me! Where are you!?” She strained, her ears still ringing, hoping to hear Abigail’s voice return her call.

“Tanna” came a weak voice, “Over here.” Abigail had heard the device wind up, and took off at a run as fast as she could before the ship blew up, but she didn’t get far enough away. Tanna eventually found her, laying face up in the mud, and Tanna collapsed to the ground beside her. She shuffled herself closer, picking up Abigail’s head and placing it in her lap. Her red hair had been mostly burnt off, and her head was badly cut and bleeding heavily. There was a large, ugly wound on her side, and Tanna could see buts of shattered bone and shredded organs peeking through the burnt scraps of Abigail’s uniform.

“Tanna” Abigail said weakly, raising her hand to touch Tanna on the cheek. “I was afraid I wouldn’t get to see you before I left.”

Tanna stroked her remaining hair gently. “You’re not going anywhere, my love” she said, her voice breaking. “You’re going to stay here with me.”

“You and I both know that’s not going to happen.” Abigail replied, as a tear rolled down her cheek. “Just hold me until I go.”

“I don’t want you to go.” Tanna said sternly, “You’re not allowed.”

Abigail smiled. “You can’t give me orders.” she said, “I outrank you, remember?” Tanna sobbed heavily with these words. “Just promise me you’ll stay strong. Live for both of us, and I’ll always be with you.” Abigail’s eyes closed slowly. “I love you, Tanna. I’ll always love you.” she said quietly.  Her breathing got quick and shallow, and eventually, she stopped breathing at all. She lay unmoving, eyes closed. Tanna stared with disbelief. Even now, she was so beautiful.

Tanna screamed and howled in pain and anger, unable to move or think. She sat there, in the open, whimpering softly and cradling Abigail’s head in her lap. A hand came to rest gently on her shoulder. “Come on, we’ve got to get back to the lab” said the voice.

“No!” Tanna said, covering Abigail’s face with her body. “I can’t leave her here!”

“If you stay here, you’re gonna die! We can come back for her when this is over!” he replied. “Now get up!” He had his hand under arm, pulling her to her feet.