Part of USS San Jose: Shakedown and USS San Jose: Shakedown

A Race against……..Time?

USS Jan Jose
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Bowman stood in the transporter room with Captain de la Cruz as they waited on the other two captains to arrive. The goal was to hold a meeting to send the San Jose back to her own time before being discovered by any other Federation ships, or worse, the Klingons. 

“Sir, the captain of the Pontiac is ready to beam over.” said the transporter technician from his console.  

“Send them over.” Scott said. He straightened his uniform as the transporter hummed to life, and the captain materialized on the pad in front of them. A sturdy looking Andorian stood before them, wearing the same crimson tunic, but this one was immaculately kept.  

“Captain, Isabella.” He said to Scott and de la Cruz respectively, giving a curt nod to both before turning to Captain Bowman and adding, “Permission to come aboard?” 

Scott took a step forward and stretched his hand out. “Granted. Scott Bowman, 24th Century.” he said with a light smile.  

“Otar Ch’Thalon.” said the Andorian captain, taking Scott’s hand and shaking it firmly. “What are we looking at Captains?”  

“A bit of a Charlie Foxtrot, by the looks of it, if you’ll pardon my Academy parlance.” Bowman replied, “It seems that anomaly has forced us back about 150 years, and we’re not sure how to get back, but we can get further into it when we are joined by the captain of the Dakota.” 

“Speaking of, sir” the transporter technician broke in, “they are beaming over right now.” Sure enough, at that moment, another beam of light bathed the room, and they were joined a moment later by the fourth captain, a severe looking Vulcan woman who identified herself as Captain Strolk. 

“Well,” Scott said, clapping his hands together, “the gang is all here, so if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to the conference room, and we can try and sort this all out.” He tapped the comm badge on his chest. “Number One, can you please gather the senior staff, and meet us in the conference room on Deck 1?”  

The First Officer’s voice came out of nowhere. Affirmative, Captain. I took the liberty while you were waiting on the other captains. I figured you wouldn’t mind.  

“Always one step ahead, Bema. It’s what I appreciate about you.” Captain Bowman replied.  

Well, that and that time I saved your ass from- 

“Perhaps not now, Number One.” Scott interrupted.  

Copy that. We are assembled for you, Captain. Said the Commander finally.  

The group of captains made their way to the turbolift, and eventually came to the doors of the conference room, which hissed open at their approach, revealing the San Jose senior staff standing around the table. Scott motioned for the other captains to take their seats, and then asked the senior staff to sit as well. 

“Here’s the situation.” Scott began, grimly. “We are stuck in the wrong time, and we need to get back before we get picked up by any other Starfleet ships, or worse, the Klingons.”

“How can we help?” asked Captain de la Cruz, leaning forward in her chair.

“I don’t know, Captain.” Scott replied, ” But I am open to suggestions.”

“Sir, I think the most obvious solution is to perform a long range scan to see of the anomaly dissipated, or is still flying through space.” said Lieutenant Beckett, “If we can find it, maybe we can get ahead of it, and use it to get back.”

“Not a bad idea, Garion, thank you.” Scott said. “Does everyone agree?” There were nods of approval around the table. “Okay, then we will start there. Captains?” he said, turning his attention to the three 23rd century captains, “We could use your help by turning your attention towards keeping us from being spotted.”

Captain Otar nodded. “We will make every effort to ensure you aren’t discovered.” He said.

“Well then, lets get to it, I suppose.” Scott concluded, motioning everyone to stand. The group funneled out of the room, and the captains went back to their respective ships. Scott took a few moments to retire to his ready room. He ordered a hot coffee from the replicator, and sat behind his desk. Sipping on it slowly, he pondered his decisions, hoping he was making the right call.


After an hour or so of quiet contemplation, the silence of Scott’s ready room was broken when the Chief Engineer’s voice came over the comms. Captain, I think we’ve got something, but I don’t think you’re going to like it. he said.

“Better tear off the Band-Aid, Beckett.” Said Scott, taking a deep breath, “Go ahead, what’s up? Have you found the anomaly?”

Yes sir, but it’s headed for Klingon space. If we pursue at maximum warp, we can beat it there, but we run the risk of being caught by Klingon patrols. 

“How long will we take to catch up to it?”

Eight or nine hours at least, Captain. It’s got quite the jump on us. 

“Copy that. Prepare to hit maximum warp, and I’ll inform the other captains.” Scott replied as he stood up from his chair and crossed the ready room to the bridge. He stood beside his chair, looking out the viewscreen. Ensign, open a channel to the other ships” he said as he straightened his uniform.

“Channel is open, Captain.” replied the Ensign.

“Alright Captains,” he started, “Here is the situation. We’ve picked up the anomaly, but it is currently barreling towards the Klingon border. We can catch it, but we’ll have to floor it. You don’t have to come with us, but we need to get back.”

Captain de la Cruz’s face appeared on the viewscreen. She had a look of stern determination on her face. “We are with you Captain. Starfleet sticks together. We’ll get you home.”

“Thank you.” Bowman said. “Prep your engines, and signal when you’re ready.” The viewscreen went dark again. “Bridge to Engineering. Garion, are you ready to go?”

Affirmative, Captain. The warp coils are warmed up and primed to go, just say the word. 

“Thank you. Here’s hoping we make it home.” Scott said.

“Captain, the other ships are reporting ready to go.” said the communications officer. “They’re waiting on us.”

Captain Bowman looked down towards the helm, and his Alpha Pilot. “Turn and burn, Ezra. Let’s catch a time warp.”

“Aye, Captain.” Ezra replied, and the points of light on the viewscreen stretched into lines as the ship accelerated forwards. Scott sat down into his chair in the center of the bridge, and leaned onto one arm, hand under his chin. The door from the turbolift opened with a hiss, and Bema came to sit in the chair to the right of Scott.

“We’ve found the anomaly?” he asked matter-of-factly.

“Yes, basically on the Klingon’s doorstep.” Scott replied turning to his friend.

“Do we expect guests?”

“Always, Bema. Hasn’t that just been our luck?”

“It would seem so, old friend.” Bema said in a weary tone. “We’ve gotten out of worse.”

“I hope,” Scott said, a note of concern in his voice, “We don’t have to get out of anything this time, Number One. This isn’t our present, this is the past. We have no idea what kind of ramifications will  result if we have to engage with anyone. Or if the Klingons see us. We are in dangerous territory here.”

“Well then, let’s hope the Klingons are all somewhere else.” Bema said, turning to look at the viewscreen. A tense silence fell over the bridge as the small collection of ships sped towards the anomaly.

After a short while, Scott stood up. “Number One, I’ll be in my ready room. Let me know if there are any problems.” He crossed the bridge and entered his ready room. He ordered a bourbon from the replicator and took a seat at his desk. He sighed deeply and took a drink. They were in dangerous waters, and the sharks could be invisible.


  • Not your average start to a mission! It will be interesting to see how the crew of the USS San Jose navigate their way out of such a challenging situation. Time might not be on their side.

    March 1, 2025