Part of USS Valkyrie: Crime and Punishment and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Run to Live

Freighter Huelgh, Yelthx’s Cradle
December of 2401
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“You better have dug up something good,” her older brother, Jogah says to her as she approaches. Nesta fought the urge to roll her eyes. She was tired of her brothers speaking to her in such a manner but she also knew that giving them any type of attitude would not bode well for her. She decided to smile at him instead and do her best not to show her irritation.

“I think you will be satisfied, brother. I believe I have met and introduced myself to the leader of this place,” Nesta says while she motions with her hand to the market around her.

“Is that so? What is his name then so that we may investigate for ourselves? I grow tired of this place. I want to find a suitable target, take our bounty and get out of here as soon as possible,” Jogah grunts out. He’s obviously in a terrible mood which doesn’t bode well for Nesta. He’s usually brutal during times like this.

“Well, that I didn’t get. I’m sorry brother. I tried but he didn’t seem too eager to share.” Nesta starting biting the bottom of her lip not liking where this conversation was heading. She knew her brother wouldn’t be happy but she had hoped for the best when she saw him. Apparently, he didn’t care what she had to say.

She watched as the anger grew across her brother’s face. His eyebrows bunched together and she was sure she would be dead or at least injured by now if his eyes were capable of actually murdering her. She had never seen him this angry. “You…mean….to…tell me…you…got…nothing?” her brother spoke slowly through gritted teeth.

“I wouldn’t say that it is nothing brother. I know what he looks like. I know he’s the leader. I can point you to him!” Nesta declared desperate for her brother to believe her and calm down some. She was trying not to panic but she was failing miserably. She could feel her heartbeat beating faster and she tried to hide the faster rise and fall of her chest from her brother.

Her brother raised his hand and she thought she was about to get hit….again. She was positive that striking her was his favorite past time. Just as his hand came within inches of her face, her brother Vigo stepped forward and grabbed Jogah’s arm and stopped him. “Come now, brother. What has sister done this time?” Vigo said while winking at Nesta.

Nesta had three brothers. Jogah, the eldest and most brutal. Jakkul the second oldest and only slightly less cruel. Vigo was the youngest brother and yet still four years older than Nesta. He had always been the kindest to her. Vigo would never allow the other brothers to see it but he often comforted Nesta after she had received “punishments” from the hands of Jogah and Jakkul. Nesta was sure that Vigo was unaware but his actions meant the world to her. He was the only person who seemed to care about her and she would do anything for him.

As she stared at Vigo, dread begin to fill her stomach. She started to feel nauseous. What has Vigo done? They’ll hurt him for showing weakness! Nesta thought to herself. “Jogah, please! I will take you to him. Just listen to me and give me the opportunity to prove it to you!” Nesta was desperate at this point. She was desperate for herself but now Vigo also at this point. She would never forgive herself if Vigo was hurt because of her.

Jogah jerked his arm away from Vigo. “What is the meaning of this brother?”

Vigo remained calm much to Nesta’s surprise. How was he so calm during a time like this? “Brother, she did what we asked. Maybe we should listen to her and see if this man is who she says he is.”

This time, Jakkul spoke up. “Vigo, you should shut your mouth. She knew what her mission was and has failed us. This makes the seventh time this year. How much grace are we going to allow her?” Jakkul spoke to Vigo but was staring at Nesta directly in her eyes. His eye shone like pure hatred.

“I understand brother. She is getting older now. Maybe we need to redirect our tactics. Prior to this year, Nesta has never failed us once.” Vigo stated calmly to his brothers. Nesta felt a warmth begin to rise in her chest. Why did he keep defending her? She didn’t deserve it and wasn’t worth the effort.

“ENOUGH!” Jogah yelled loud enough that several people around them stopped and were now paying attention to them. Nesta was sure that she was going to vomit. Her eyes darted back and forth between Jogah and the people around her. They were starting to whisper now and this only embarrassed her more. What was happening to her? Why did she keep getting distracted and disappointing her brothers?

“Nesta, we are done. Jakkul is right! How much grace are we supposed to allow before enough is enough. You have failed us for the last time!” Jogah declared angrily. He took a step towards her and raised his fist.

He’s going to kill me. Nesta was in such a state of shock that she couldn’t move. She was glued to her spot. Her brothers had always been this way but they’d never acted like this before. She has led them to countless targets and brought unimaginable wealth to her family. How could they do this to her? They would not even have the money to pay the upkeep on their ship, Siren, or pay their crew if not for her.

Vigo stepped in front of her. He faced her and had his back turned to Jogah. “Run, Nesta. I can no longer stop them. I’m sorry that I have failed you. Move! Run!” he shouted to her. She blinked back tears but she obeyed.

Nesta took a few steps backward and watched as Jogah turned Vigo around and punched him directly across his jaw. Vigo stumbled but then stood back up tall and in between Jogah and Nesta. “Run Nesta!” he shouted again.

Nesta couldn’t watch anymore. She turned around and took off running. She knew Jakkul would likely be right behind her. I have to lose him. But where will I go? She ran in between other patrons of the market hoping he would lose sight of her.  She tried to run in an unpredictable pattern because she must not get caught.

She ran for several minutes until she started to fill a sharp pain with each intake of breath. She paused for a second and looked around. She didn’t see her brothers. That was a good sign. She looked to her right and saw that the crowd was moving toward her. She needed somewhere to hide and  find it quickly. She didn’t see anywhere suitable though. Panic started to seep in to her core. What do I do? She leaned against the wall with her hand on her side long enough to regain her breath.

Just keep moving she thought to herself. Nesta took off again but slower this time. She couldn’t stay at the pace from earlier. She constantly checked back over her shoulder making sure her brothers were not following her. She only walked for a few more steps before she crashed directly into what felt like a brick wall. She looked up and stared straight into someone’s chest.