Part of USS Healdsburg: Crew Assemble!

Blackholes and revelations. Part 1

Deck 8 - The Dirty Politician
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H’Lai was on the bridge, in the back quarter’s tactical station, working through the premise that the Commanding Officer had presented. Moments later the ship shook, not once, twice no 4 times. 

She went to the XO station, “Report.”

“Four Explosions, Holodeck 3, Transporter Room 8, Cetacean Ops, and… ” the young ensign paused, “The Dirty Politician.”

“Red alert, section off each section of the ship with emergency forcefields, looks like almost every section had a bomb, Sickbay….”
On it Commander. If there is anyone and I mean anyone with medical training, I need them.” came the French Canadian Accent of the CMO. 

“We have become a liability. This ship should be on lockdown. I will be leading the investigation in TDP.” Idris looked up from his science station. 

H’Lai trusted Idris, they served together on the H for years. “Go. Any resources.” she paused, “Lt. Walton I want a bulkhead by bulkhead search of the ship. We have internal communications people let’s use it!”

The CPO on the OPS station turned back, “And limited external.”

The screen blinked on to a the New Maquis Symbol, “USS Healdsburg, your actions or rather inactions to support your colonists in the former DMZ is unacceptable. Supporting the enemy while we died fighting for our freedom. You won’t find them all in time….”

The symbol disappeared. 

“Idris, where did that communication come from?” H’Lai asked.

“Sensors are still pretty wonky, cannot track or trace. We are trying with Astrometrics. Ma’am I suggest we move to the closest Starbase, forget about DS47.”

“Agreed, closest base?” H’Lai nodded moving to the Science Console.

“Starbase 611.” replied ops. 

“Send an emergency communication to SB611, let the commander know our situation and that we will be transferring our crew off and medical emergencies off of the ship whilst we investigate the ship.” H’Lai ordered.

“Noted Commander.” the CPO said. The doors swooshed open and Talat came in, she was bruised and had her arm in a sling, but she made it back. 

“Lieutenant! Sh… Should you be here?” Idris exclaimed. 

“I am fine Sirs. Lets find these bastards.” Talat said coldly.