Part of USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

Seeds of Change: Medical inprocessing. Lt Morishita

Post Vahalla
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It was late mid-morning, and the first rush of patients and overnight traumas had come and gone, Hilea settled into her office to catch up on paperwork and had a mug of Scottish black tea. It was something that reminded her of an old friend. 

Hina was a bit early for the appointment she had made. But she figured getting it out of the way was better than not at this point, then she could get back to her own business.

She left instructions with the nursing staff for Lieutenant Morishita to be examined by her alone today. Seeing the young woman as she walked in, Sylvanna intercepted the new arrival and flashed a smile. “Hello, Lieutenant. Doctor t’Rehu expected you today. Please, come right this way.”  The tan-skinned, raven haired hispanic woman guided Hina to a nearby biobed. Wait here please, I will get the Doctor.”

She followed the nurse to the biobed waiting for the Doctor to join them. She had expected it and didnt mind. She turned to face the Romulan woman as she approached.

“Good Morning, Lieutenant. How are you feeling today?” Hilea asked.

“Good morning, Doctor.” she said. She considered for a moment. “Im doing ok.”

Hilea handed Hina a Padd.” This is a copy of my original files with links from the former CEO.  I was also part of the refit teams for a year but at a different shipyard. I used to be the Chief of Operations. Those are likely to come in handy.”

Hina accepted the PADD eyes scanning some of the information on it quickly as she listened to Hilea explain what it was. She was right, it would come in handy.

“Now, sit on the bio-bed please,” Hilea asked.

Hina nodded, sitting on the biobed. She tabbed through some of the data for a moment more.

“You said there were links from the former Chief Engineer? What were they like? I haven’t had a chance to really meet with our current one.” she explained. She had seen Chief Lorra in passing but hadn’t yet worked directly with her.

“I like Lieutenant Nadir. There is great potential there. Unseasoned potential. Chief Lorra and I met with the activity level so high, I didn’t have time to get personal.” Hilea said plainly.

Hina nodded, listening as she scrolled through more.

“The refit process must’ve been something… wish I could have been there.” she commented, setting th PADD down in her lap for a moment. “Truthfully, Im not sure why Saffiya…” she paused, with a blink. No she was on duty. “… why the Captain invited me here… from everything Ive seen the ship is already in good hands in Engineering.” she said. The whole ship seemed to be if she was honest.

“Business first.” Hilea said, adding a small smile. Hilea knew why Saffiya picked her already.

Hina shrugged, moving to set the PADD on the biobed before turning her attention back to the Doctor.

“So where do you want to begin?”

“I can see your medical history. Anything you’d like to expand upon?” Hilea asked, then added, “Standard question otherwise. How are your sleep patterns? Muscle soreness? Diet? Work-life balance? Make any new friends last night.” She asked the young woman while deftly proferring her medical tricorder and scanner. Hilea added the last comment to make sure Hina was paying attention. 

Waving the scanner in practiced manner over her patient, she put the results up on the large console for them both to see. A patient should be a partner in their own healthcare when practical, was something Hilea always believed.

Hina considered for a moment, having heard all the questions, confused by the last one.

“Well… I sleep alright normally. probably not as long as I should… but that’s mostly from long shifts, not for any other reason.” she explained, watching results from the scans appear on the screen.

“No caffeine 4 hours before bed. Reduce console or screen time an hour before.” Hilea offered. 

“Some muscle soreness. Climbing through Jefferies tubes can be taxing…” she added. “Diet is good. I eat when I’m hungry, and don’t put off meals. Mostly healthy foods.” she added

Notes into the pad. “I don’t disagree, however,  if anything you are slightly underweight. Say a max of 3 kilos. But also get a soak in with some Epsom salts. Request a soaking tub if you need to.” Hilea added

“Work-life balance? Not so much.” she said, laughing. “I mostly keep busy with my work… not much time for much else.” she explained. She was a stereotypical engineer. Always tweaking things, always working on something.

Hilea nodded. Making notes. “You and I are much alike there.”

“New friends? Why Doctors… I don’t think that is related…” she said, laughing. She shook her head. “Acquaintances more like… I don’t particularly like parties… I wouldn’t have been there if the Captain hadn’t ordered me.” she said. Well, it had sounded like one anyway… she was still figuring that tone out.

“Normally you would be correct. But since we just met I have to gauge everything as your doctor to get a baseline. So in human terms, seeing where your head is at.” Hilea offered, paused for effect, then added. “I doubt you had as hard a time as I did, however, I can offer you insight into a few other things.” She retrieved a sample container, hypospray.

“Fair enough, I suppose.” Hina acquiesed. She saw the Doctor retreiving the hypospray and offered her neck so she could take whatever sample she needed.

Pressing the vial against her neck, Hilea retrieved the blood sample. “You’re healthy. Good.” She paused. 

“Now for the entertainment portion of our show. I think I know why the Captain wants you specifically. She knows you get things done.” Pausing she turned and brought up the console to a video playback.  This is the USS Gary Mitchell. I have the detailed recording from her entry as a refit and leaving as the Excelsior II.  I sometimes put it on in the background and play it in real-time for nostalgia. But for brevity’s sake, here is the 3-minute version.”

“Had to wait or I’d never get your heart rate down.” She observed plainly. 

Hina watched the display. Seeing an Excelsior-class enter drydock get torn down and rebuilt as an Excelsior II made her sad. It would be like tearing down an old TS-120 Tricorder and rebuilding it into a TR-590 XI, except at least in that case the end result didn’t also look bloated. Still, it was an interesting thing to watch.

“I assisted in the retirement of my old ship before coming here… she was being mothballed, so we took what parts would be needed for spares and it was just getting ready to be taking to the reserves when I left.”

Hilea said, “Logical and efficient.”

“It was also an old Excelsior class. I was sad to leave it… had it running perfectly…” she said.

“A refit is no reflection on your work, Lieutenant,” Hilea said. 

“I sometimes wonder if I should have just applied for a transfer to the yards, just get really dug in with building and refitting ships…” she commented, continuing to watch the screen.

“I have detailed logs of some of the more difficult sections on various ships as well as pre and post walk-throughs. It might help you see the overall picture. Also, few creatures survive when they fail to evolve, if I may use an imperfect analogy, but a starship is more creature than machine at some level. It consumes, breathes, and circulates.” Hilea said with one eyebrow slightly raised and head tilt indicating if the Lieutenant understood.

Hina shrugged. She didn’t know that she agreed with that point of view, but she could atleast understand it. She scooped up the PADD containing the notes on the Valkyire.

“Thank you again Doctor.” she said. “I should be getting back to engineering.” she added, hopping off the biobed. She took a last look at the now nearing completion Excelsior II on the screen and frowned slightly. They were such ugly vessels, unbefitting the lineage they had been given.

“Is there anything else?” she asked.

“Yes, there is.” Hilea offered genuinely. “I do not presume to know the Captain’s mind, Lieutenant. However, someone requesting you in a transfer to a new ship is something to be proud of—a sign of respect and admiration. Especially in an organization as large as Starfleet. Someone had to pull strings for that. Take it as the win it is.” Hilea offered, then turned and walked back to her office.


  • Hina and Work-life balance? I doubt it. And why work in the yards when you can be on the Valkyrie where everything is totally safe, and nothing weird ever happens at all??

    October 6, 2024