Part of USS Healdsburg: Crew Assemble!

Sins past…

USS Healdsburg - Conference Lounge
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** Warning this post contains colourful language and may offend some, please be aware. **

“What the hell does this mean?” Andrew questioned his first officer motioning to the slew of bombs on the conference table.

“Apparently we are target of the New Maquis.” H’Lai said. 

Andrew and Elisabeth both looked at H’Lai and than looked at each other, “The New Maquis continually harassed the H previously to your command Sir, it seems they wish to continue that relationship.” Elisabeth offered. 

“My question is how did they get this stuff past SBB security, and past you.” he folded his arms. 

“Sir the sensors were down for 3 hours prior to your arrival for ‘touch ups’. Prior to that we were running post Dominion War setup, no where near standard. That’s why the ship had been in Mothball so long. 

Andrew glumped in the chair defeated, slumping rubbing the base of his thumb against the tip of nails with his elbow resting on the armrest. Not sitting at alert, but slouching, using his left foot to swivel his chair whilst the right was tucked under his left knee. 

“Who worked on the H during the project?” Andrew’s voice went calm. 

“Your whole senior staff, and 90% of the crew.” H’Lai said.

“All of these were buried deep. I would say it would be between 1 year and 2 years that someone would have to be on the ship to burry these.” Walton said. 

“The chances of the same people aside from the Senior Staff being here a year ago is astronomical.” H’Lai went robotic.

“Let’s narrow our search, I doubt very much the saboteur is still on the ship. So isolate the following, I would say use the computer, but the whole magnet and computer core thing.”

“Sir?” H’Lai questioned. 

“It was an attempt to be humourous, I digress… Using parameters such as the time frame, and transfering off before we leave as headway look for the obvious. I want answers. I will be engineering.” Andrew Ranted, only the way a CO could.