Part of USS Healdsburg: Crew Assemble!


Captains Quarters
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Commander, we are due to leave in about 15 minutes, do you want do your last inspection?” came H’Lai’s voice over the Comm channel.

“I can do it during our journey, on my way to the bridge.” he said replying. 

Andrew got out of bed, he was still afraid of the shower, but opted to jumping into it as I am sure he smelt like a Medical Lab. Nothing had happened, actually Talat turned it into a water shower, which he appreciated. Jumping out of the shower he got dressed quickly forgetting to dry his hair, he ran his hands through it. 

|Main Bridge

“Commanding Officer on deck.” came the voice of Walton. 

“Yeah let’s not do that please.” Andrew said, he hated that. “Report.”

“The Command Center of Starbase Bravo is clearing us for launch Commander.” reported the first officer in a calm voice. 

“Thank you H’Lai, send a message back acknowledging.  H’Lai when you are ready take us out.” he said non chalantly. Walking up and replacing the helmsman, signaling for him to take the XO’s seat. All eyes were on H’Lai. 

She crossed her legs and looked forward, “Helm ahead ¼ impulse, when we clear moorings.” She ordered.

“Aye Ma’am.” Andrew’s hand flew across the keyboard, adjusting pitch manually. “Adjusting pitch to 180 degrees.”

“Steady helm.” H’Lai said. 

“We’re clear Ma’am.” came the voice from Operations. 

“Excellent, when we are clear, jump to warp 8 and set a course for DS47.” H’Lai ordered. 

“Clearance given Ma’am.” Andrew replied. 

“Engage.” She motioned with her hand. 

|Two Hours Later
|Main Bridge

The beeps and whistles continued behind Andrew and H’Lai who were watching the Duty Shifts go by, moments later the ship was shaken out of warp, Andrew slid across the deck with H’Lai both who weren’t sturdy in their chairs, getting up and straightening his shirt he called out, to the blackened deck. 

“Computer switch to Secondary Power, Report everyone.” he ordered. 

Kas helped H’Lai off the ground, checking her before moving on to the helmsman, “Looks like we have one casualty, I will take him to sickbay.”

H’Lai went to her station and pulled up a schematic of the ship, “Life support unaffected. but it looks like main power is out.”

The Security officer looked confused, “What is it Walton?” Andrew asked. 

“Comms seem to be out too.”

“We need to wrangle to Senior staff, figure out what is going on, Idris, I will leave that to you, H’Lai & Walton with me.” he said smoothly as he walked towards the Ready room door, as he continued to step, it wouldn’t open and he connected with the doors. “What the…”

“Looks like it is Primary Systems, Sir.” H’Lai said.

He felt a moment hit him but he bit his tongue. “Seems so. To the lounge.”