Part of USS Healdsburg: Crew Assemble!

Let’s all get a little air….

USS Healdsburg - Main Engineering
August 2401
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People walking out of the Engine room with fire extinguishers in hand, smoke still filling the hallways. One Engineer sitting on the floor, Lt. Kaslad Rea knelt and took the medical tricorder away from the ensign. 
“Thank you Ma’am I just…”

“No worries it is nothing serious. Take her to sickbay and get the EMH to treat for Smoke Inhalation.” Kas said in her calm demeanor. Her head was screaming and shouting and yelling… What the hell was going on. 

She walked into the Main Engine room to Coop raging mad. He stomped over images of a Ferengi popped in Kas’ head. 

“You tell that Ferengi Simpleton she is not welcome in my Engineering.” he seethed from the mouth. His Fuzzy hair slicked back and his height came up to her chest. 

“Oh ok. Want to tell me what happened?”

“She had concocted a firebomb and threw it my engineering…” he said sarcastically slow. “that’s what happened!”

“Actually Chief, it was baking powder and vinegar, but out oxygen levels on the deck were tampered with to 23% which make it … ” one of the engineers spoke up.

“More flammable. That Ferengi….” Coop clenched his teeth.

“I am pretty sure she didn’t mean to cause harm, especially with such a basic chemists project. If you are talking about Lt. Nimora, that is. She wouldn’t. I know her very well. She is mischievous but not aggressive.”

“Why would someone tamper with the O2 levels?.” Coop asked. 

Kas walked over to a unburnt console to see. The oxygen levels on all the decks have been played with. “Stop all work on the ship immediately, no phasers nothing! Wait until the O2 levels dissipate. As for your problem with Nimora, once you get to know her, you will see that she didn’t mean any harm, but I am going to find Lt. Walton, we may have a saboteur.”