Part of USS Healdsburg: Crew Assemble!

So it begins.

Starbase Bravo - Sickbay
August 2401
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“Hello Andrew, you got a visitor.” Meila said quietly, handing the hypospanner over to the Medical Student.

“Nice to see you Meila.” he smiled with a groggy tone to his voice.

“Nice to see you too Commander, but how are you feeling?” She asked running a tricorder over him. He had been in an induced coma for what seemed like forever.

“I have to pee.” he joked.

“Glad to see you are back to normal Andrew.” Meila smiled before turning to the cadet, “Cadet, thank you. Can you have Captain Varen join us?” she said pulling up a stool.

The cadet nodded and left the room. Andrew’s concern grew, “What’s going on?”

“We are going to be finally debriefed. And you are going to be given your assignment details. You are cleared for Duty.” She explained.

“What about you?” Andrew asked.

“She has been making waves here on Starbase Bravo,” Captain Varen said, “glad to see you up and about Lieutenant Commander Morris. I made a special trip out here for your two, to my dismay
Doctor Tris had already been claimed by Starbase Bravo.”

“Than I am on Starbase Bravo too?” Andrew interjected. Meila confused looked at Andrew.

“No. Andrew, whats going on?” Meila asked.

“I have to protect you from the Breen.” Andrew said.

The Bajoran and Trill looked at each other. Meila crossed her leg resting her elbow on knee and placing her hand just under her mouth, “Andrew, there are no Breen here.”

“I assure you Commander Morris, the Doctor is safe here. What’s going on?” The captain asked resting his hands behind his back.

“Let’s start at the beginning… I was stationed in Paris as apart of the Presidential Security Force. A large amount of time had passed, I met Meila, I recruited her, for Operation Miller.” he paused. ‘Operation Miller’ was a reconnaissance mission against the Breen to make sure they were behaving themselves, and that their
weapons fell within the Dominion Pact signed. Well they were developing really advanced weaponry, that surpassed a lot of what we had at this station, and they had a time traveller there. Who is now with Starfleet Security.

“Are you saying they’ve been hunting us since then?” Meila interjected, surprised.

“Yes Meila. We pissed them off. They were hunting us down, the information was being relayed to Starfleet by Miller, and well he was pretty much untouchable. We weren’t.” Morris said.

“Rest assured Andrew, you don’t have to worry about me anymore.” Meila said holding his hand, “I appreciate it my friend, but you are not responsible for me.”

“She is right, you are not responsible for any of them, though it is rather stoic and that leads me to your assignment. I am awarding you command of the USS Healdsburg a California Class
Utility Cruiser. She isn’t much but it is a start. You will be charged with Colony protection, and running around Task Force 47 purview. Dreon and Free Haven are seeing constant Hits from 
the Breen and the Cardassian’s New Militia. Even the Neo-Marquis are knocking out the listening posts in the badlands. It is a mess to be honest.” Captain Varen said.

“Plus the Tzenkethi, I assume the crew has already been picked?” he asked.

“Yes, your first officer and Chief Science, H’Lai is here. Do you want to meet her?” Varen Asked.

“Okay.” Andrew said.

The Captain tapped on his combadge twice for H’Lai to enter. A tan woman, 5 foot 7, with Black hair line with what seemed to be golden streaks, red lips and black eyeliner came in the room. Her ears had hoops in them.
The teal uninform was adorned with the Lieutenant Commander Pips.

“H’Lai, this is your new Commanding Officer Commander Andrew Morris.” the Captain seemed happy.

“Sir.” She snapped into a salute.

“Please, call me Andrew.” Morris said.

The Captain turned to him and slid the velveteen box into a handshake, “Congrats Commander.”

“Thank you Captain Varen.”

“Congratulations Commander Morris.” Meila stook out her tongue, “Alright on a serious note, this has been a lot to take in for the patient, let’s give him some privacy. Visiting hours will be on normal rota tomorrow.”