Part of Montana Station: The Plains of Montana and Montana Station: Dragonfly Emissary Squadron Season 1

TPOM 001 – The Build

Montana Station - Starbase 406
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“Don’t tell me.  Tuesday.”  The yeoman cringed as she walked beside Fleet Captain Geronimo Fontana.  He had arrived six hours ago to take command of the still-under-construction Starbase 406.  Yeoman Deborah Porter had been on the station for the last three months, working with the various command and engineering officers involved in building the massive station.  Fontana had been brought on a month ago when the intended commanding officer had found out just how far the station was from anywhere and promptly retired from Starfleet.

She replied, “We’ve got most of the cargo transporters operational, and half of the transporters are online.  The main hospital is operational, and the chief medical officer is expected to arrive tomorrow.”

They turned a corner, Geronimo keeping a brisk pace, “We’ll all be glad to have Halsey around – the man can run a sickbay.”  He slowed to a stop, running through the list on his PADD, “Looks like most of our folks are going to be getting in tomorrow or the next day.  Walton give you any trouble?”

Porter held her answer.  She’d been able to piece together the truth that most of the senior staff was a collection of officers from Fontana’s task force.  Understanding the complex relationships that were about to collide at Montana Station had nearly overwhelmed her.  He was referring to Captain Wren Walton, and Porter spoke plainly, “She wasn’t thrilled when I used your name and was further unhappy that I wasn’t able to tell share with her what her orders were to be once she arrived.”

He chuckled, “That seems to be her default.  The Perseverance still expected to arrive tonight?”  She checked her notes and nodded.  Fontana picked up his speed, “Douglas tomorrow, Dragonfly the day after.  Any word from the Tholians?”

“Nothing.  As the sensors have been installed, we’ve been able to pick up some ships on the edge of the border.  The science teams think once we’ve got the entire sensor suite operational, we’ll be able to pick up a little more distance.  We’re waiting for Lieutenant Atega and her team to assist with communications.”

He skidded to a stop, “You haven’t asked why I assembled this team, ensign.”

Porter hesitated, “Didn’t seem my place, Fleet Captain Fontana.”

He shook his head, “Captain Fontana will do just fine, Porter.  Fontana is even better. Geronimo, if I’ve upset you.  If we’re going to work together, you’re going to have to be honest with me.”  He returned to his pace, and she followed as he explained, “They’re all folks I either worked with when I was Task Force Command or a captain working with their captain.  They’re people that give a damn, and they are damn good at what they do.  We need them if we’re going to make any kind of difference out here on the edge.”

She slowed, “Was I intentional?”

He turned, “You came before me, Ensign Porter.  I read your dossier – the full transcript.  You were only scheduled to be here for the final construction period.  You would have ended up on another ship or station.”

“And…you wanted me?  Even after that file?  Flee…Captain Fontana -I was surprised I lasted as long as I did…sir.”

He walked back to her, his eyes meeting hers, “I’m not in the business of letting perfectly capable people go anywhere but where they’ve earned their place.  You’re here for the long haul, Porter.”  He started walking, and she stared in muted silence until he turned around, “Ensign Porter, you coming?”

She opened her mouth and closed it.  She wasn’t sure what this fleet captain was thinking, but suddenly, there was a chance she would be able to stay.  She was going to take it.  “On my way, Captain Fontana.”