Part of USS Merced: Project Emissary: The Enigma of Dalab.

A Small Wooden Box Pt. 2

Devon Fleet Yards
Spring 2401
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“Commander Peak for Admiral Blake” Alex stood in a small waiting room outside of the Admirals office with Lieutenant Secretary that had been appointed gate keeper to the admiral.  She was very mean, which meant she was very good at her job.


After a few moments she without looking up from her LCARS panel. “He will see you now.  No more than five minutes, he has 20 of these today.”  She tapped the panel and opened the door.  Just as Alex was walking in, another commander walked into the waiting room.


“Sir, Commander Alexander Peak, reporting as order.”  Alex stood at attention.  From what he could see the Admiral was a paper pusher on the verge of retirement.  Certainly not the type to be involved in any games other than a nap.


“Yes, Commander Peak, Merced, Cali Class.  Transferring command control to you. =/\= Computer transfer control off USS Merced to Commander Alexander Peak Sierra Bravo 6-2-3 Papa. =/\=


“Control has been transferred to Commander Alexander Peak.  Priority Access granted.  Transferring Mission 2 Delta 3-2 Delta to Merced….transfer complete.” The computer stated in the cool female monotone voice that Starfleet had grown accustomed too since the Archer age.


“Commander.  I am working on getting an XO assigned to you.  Unknown when that will be.  As for the meantime Lieutenant Thorp will be your acting XO, Second Officer, and Operations department Chief.  With those duties, I do not see him helping you out at as much.  Make it work.  Good day.”


“Sir.”  As quick and formal as it was he was rushed out of the Admirals room.


The small padd that Alex carried now showed a map to the Merced.  The fleet yard was more or less several yards with a command and control area in the middle.  This set up allowed for multiple ships to be docked over a larger area than your typical space station docks.


After navigating several turns he arrived at small dock with a shuttle pod.  The other nice thing about the yards was there was no need to have shuttle pilots as you just tell the pod where to go.  It was then switched padd access to prevent going the wrong ship as several California class ships were grouped together and cadets had the occasional issue of boarding the wrong one and not knowing about it for several weeks.


The shuttle pod flew by a Galaxy class.  its massiveness gloomed over several other star ship classes.  It would be several years before he would be able to Command such a ship.  Out of the shadow of the ship was several California class ships with the Merced at front.


Captain Rainer was right, she was not new but she had seen some action with some of the hull that been replaced and upgraded.  While on the older side she still looked like she could take hints and put up a fight.  She was stripped in yellow.  The standard color for Operations outfit, it was also attached with modified diplomatic and science desk that allowed them to carry out a variety of missions for Starfleet, it also means that the ship would get a compliment of departments that would be running 24/7 and would require all the senior staff to fill in roles on an already lite crew count.


After the shuttle docked and the latch locked with an attaching noise the green light came on.  The doors opened to the tan panels in front of him “U.S.S. Merced NCC-12345.  He was home.