Part of USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

Reunited Once More

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Saffiya had the biggest grin on her face as she made her way to the shuttle bay, knowing Hina would arrive any minute now. Back on the Cupertino, the woman had agreed to follow her, which meant that one of the very first things Saffiya had done upon arriving, was to request her.

By now, the Captain knew that once again this wasn’t an ideal posting. After having spoken with Lieutenant Lorra, Engineering was in a bit of disarray. But really, that was just the usual Engineering chaos. Nothing they couldn’t handle.

As long as she didn’t make Hina her XO again, it should be fine.

“Hey. Had a good journey?”, she asked as Hina rounded the corner to the nearest turbolift.

Hina stopped just short of plowing into Saffy, having not been expecting to see her so soon after arriving.

“Hey!” she said, nodding. “Yea, it was good enough.” she added.

“Wasn’t expecting to see you down here…” she commented, falling in alongside her.

Saffiya smirked. It was a valid comment to make, but considering how much she had grown in the past month on the Cupertino, the answer would probably surprise Hina.

“I am actually making an effort to greet all new officers upon arrival, or a few days later. At least while we are on shore leave and I have the time.”, she responded, not mentioning that it also meant a break from sitting at her desk staring at reports.

Hina raised an eyebrow.

“Oh really?” she asked.


“You sure its not just you avoiding a mountain of PADDs?” he asked. “Not that I mind being that excuse…” she added, laughing. She knew her friend well.

Saffiya sighed. “Well, it’s a nice bonus. I will admit to that.”

“See this is why you should have stayed Chief Engineer… far less PADD work…” she said.

“Red just suits me better.”

Hina laughed again. “If you say so…” she said. “So tell me… what have you gotten me into this time, Saffy? Ship certainly seems in good condition… she has a good Chief Engineer already… so whats the catch?” she asked.

“No catch, I promise.”, Saffiya said and rolled her eyes. “Well, it’s more the usual mess that is Starfleet. My XO is somehow also my CMO, so there’s that. But she’s actually present and doesn’t hate me, so I take that as a win.”

Her arrival on her last ship, the Cupertino, had been a little… challenging in that regard.

Hina nodded. She could already feel the difference in the atmosphere of the ship.

“The air here certainly does feel lighter than it did on the Cupertino.”

“There are some staffing issues, and apparently this ship has seen a lot of Commanding Officers over the past year. Which doesn’t bode well, but I am thinking it might not even have to do something with the crew or the ship. Considering my fairly short assignment on the Cupertino, I think it’s more of an administrative flaw that no one can really be blamed for.”

“Boy they do love sending new Captain’s to the complicated commands don’t they?” she asked.

“Looks a bit like it.”

Hina tapped the button for the lift they had arrived at, leaning against the bulkhead as they waited.

“I almost have to wonder if you really need me here. From what Ive read your ship is in good hands, your Chief Engineer has shepherded this ship from the shipyards.” she said. She had done some research on who she would be serving under.

“True, but I know she can use your help.”

“I mean I’m happy to get my hands on a Sovereign-class, but I’m not sure there’s much I can do that the current crew cant.”

Saffiya shrugged. “Engineering is a tad understaffed as it is. And besides, whatever it is you can do here is more than on the Kongo.” She paused, and then added: “And you know I need someone to tell me when I mess up.”

Though she was pretty sure there were plenty of people here that would have absolutely no reservations to tell her. 

Saffiya was right it wasn’t like a ship going into mothballs needed an engineer anymore. 

“Yea well… I guess I can do that… if nothing else.” she joked.

“Well, then how about I show you your quarters, you get your medical intake sorted, and then I show you where we can get something to eat?” 

“That sounds good to me… I’m starving.” she said.

The doors to the lift opened and Hina let Saffy step in first before following her in.