Part of USS Valkyrie: The Real Episode 1 – Lighting the Fire and USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

New Arrivals

U.S.S. Valkyrie
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Hina stood as the shuttle dropped out of warp moving up toward the front where the pilot was sitting. She leaned forward over the Ensign’s shoulder, peering out the  viewport at the approaching Sovereign-class. She let out a low whistle, planting herself in the co-pilots seat.


“Beautiful ship…” she commented. The Ensign glanced over and nodded.


“It’s a good ship.” he said, tapping a few controls. The shuttle diverted to take an arcing course around the vessel as it hung in space. Hina looked down at her console, running a few passive scans of the vessel, studying the details of as they scroll across the screen, drinking in the specs. She let her eyes flick to the ship again.


She could see evolution of a design she knew intimately, the Excelsior-class, coupled with a decades of technological advances. When the design teams were dreaming up new ideas for the Sovereign-class, they certainly hit all the right spots to make not only a beautiful ship, but one that could do its assigned tasks efficiently. Then they had all collectively fallen asleep at the wheel, and started making uninspired and bland designs with awful names. She shook her head, shaking the thoughts from her mind as the shuttle completed its orbit, headed for the main shuttle bay.


The shuttle drifted in and settled down amidst other busy crew members. She clapped the Ensign on the shoulder.


“Thanks for the smooth ride, and good look…” she said with a grin. She stood and retrieved her bag on the way out of the shuttle. She strolled down the ramp, listening to the sounds of the shuttle bay as she headed for the exit deeper into the ship.


There was so much for her to do. Find her quarters. Unpack. Report to Saffiya. Ok… not actually that much. She strolled through the corridor, looking for the nearest lift. The ship was clearly well maintained, whoever was the chief engineer had done an impeccable job, which had to have made Saffy happy as well. She ran a hand along the bulkhead, feeling the vibrations. She smiled faintly. Completely different to the Cupertino. That ship had been offputting. It was similar to the Kongo, however. That already put her more at ease than she had been when she arrived on Saffiya’s first command.


She reached into her bag with her free hand, digging out her transfer orders, which likely contained her room assignment. She skimmed the orders and found the deck she was looking for. Now she just needed a turbolift. She glanced around, and moved deeper into the ship, excited to be able to get her hands on her, and see just what she could do.