Part of USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

Dawson x Nassar

Sickbay, USS Valkyrie
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It was pure coincidence that Saffiya had found out about Lieutenant Freya Dawson, who had been injured during the rescue of the civilians in the collapsed building. According to the medical file – if you could even call that a complete medical file – the Lieutenant was still in observation in sickbay. 

Of course Saffiya had nothing to do with what had happened then, but figured it would be nice to check in. Which was why she made her way to sickbay, and after a short interaction with Frisco, decided to introduce herself to Dawson, and very gently tell her that they had gotten a new Commanding Officer while she was out. 

“Lieutenant.”, Saffiya said quietly, not wanting to seem overly enthusiastic when the other person was probably in pain, and definitely unhappy about being confined to the infirmary. “How are you feeling?” 

Freya rubbed her head the past week she had been in and out and still did not recall the full events of what had happened to her. She just knew she had almost died and for the time being her new home was sickbay. It wasn’t the best place, but it was keeping her from hurting herself more so hopefully that meant something.

She looked up to see a face she didn’t recognize, but she smiled slightly after seeing the four pips on her collar “Captain? I am sorry I do not recall you. Then again I have been in and out for days. My apologies if I forgot. As to your question I am starting to feel a little better, though what happened is still a blur to me.” she said as she took a sip from the cup next to her.

“That’s understandable.”, Saffiya nodded. “From what Lieutenant Sh’shiqil’s report said, you rescued several civilians before the building collapsed. Luckily it was possible to get you out on time, and Doctors Brennan and Frisco have tended to your injuries and expect you to make a full recovery.”

Freya looked down “It was an incredibly dumb decision to make, while I am glad I saved others the outcome was not something I thought about fully.”

“I think it sounds incredibly brave.”

“Thank you, Captain. I hope the family is safe after what happened, but I still can’t say it was worth it. I make split second decisions not really wanting to regard my own safety in that matter.”

Saffiya nodded once more. “Not always wise, Lieutenant. Your own safety matters just as much, please keep that in mind.” 

Freya looked at the Captain and nodded, but said nothing as an acknowledgement.

“We have a new Executive Officer – Lieutenant Frisco. And in case you are wondering, she is also currently filling the CMO position. I would like you to check with her about when you can return to duty, and how to best ease you  back into your role. I think she will be the best person to talk about this.”

“Noted thanks for the information. I will try to reach out and ask her when I am able to ease back into my position” 

“Is there anything else you would like to talk about?”

Freya shook her head “Not at this time, but if I think of anything I will contact you, Captain”