Part of USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

An Opportunity, and a Challenge

Ready Room, USS Valkyrie
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Considering their dire need of new leadership for sickbay, Saffiya was making solving that problem a priority. The most promising candidate on her list was Hilea t’Rehu, a Vulcan-Romulan hybrid, who had recently gotten her doctorate accredited. The woman was familiar with leadership positions, but hadn’t been practising medicine for some time now – which wasn’t really an issue, Saffiya thought. Getting back into it should be more than doable, and as long as Frisco didn’t actually overdose on caffeine, they had time to make this a smooth transition. 

She had invited t’Rehu to her ready room. It was nice and spacious, and not littered with a ridiculous amount of PADDs that still needed Saffiya’s attention. When the doors slid open, Saffiya got up from the chair she had been occupying. 

“Commander, thank you for coming.” 

Hilea walked in, her gold uniform immaculate as always. She stepped the exact number of steps in front of the desk.. Decades of hard Romulan doctrine wasn’t something she could ever forget.  Her peripheral vision taking in the spartan room. Decor wasn’t her forte and she reminded herself that time for peripheral surroundings could wait when duty called. 

“Of course, Captain. How may I assist you?” Hilea said, with a polite head tilt and nod in her direction. 

“I received word that you have received your medical accreditation.”, Saffiya said, nodding towards one lonely PADD on the table. “And I would like to discuss what your aspirations are in terms of career progression.” 

They were in need of a new CMO, though Saffiya was of the opinion that there was no point in overwhelming anyone who hadn’t gotten the chance to familiarise themselves with sickbay and its staff first. 

Picking up the indicated PADD, she looked over the document thoroughly for a minute. Hilea’s anxiety spiked internally, but her exterior stayed smooth as glass. It took her a second as her mind went over the possibilities of getting her Romulam medical degree recognized by Starfleet. She has made up the course work and has steady hours of internship, but it had been a dream she wondered if it would ever happen. 

“Captain, you have left me speechless. Not an easy task I assure you.” She paused, then added. “The administrative duties I am well acquainted with. While I have kept my Nurse-Practictioner certifcations current, this is quite unexpected.” For her, it would be a matter of M’hensai (honor) to take care of her crewmates. Her coursework also just doubled. “I accept Captain, though I am wondering why me?” Hilea asked. 

“Your track-record speaks for itself, and the crew holds you in high regard.”, Saffiya smiled. “The latter is particularly important as someone dealing with people who deal with injured crew. My suggestion is that you use shore leave to familiarise yourself with sickbay and support Lieutenant Frisco. Get familiar with the staff and how things are currently organised, and then I am happy to bump you up to ACMO until you feel absolutely comfortable with taking over the CMO position. I don’t like rushing things that have time, but I am not a friend of artificially extended adjustment periods either.”

“Thank you, Captain. The staff and I are somewhat acquainted. I help out when needed. Sickbays and hospitals in general are not alien to me. I served as the Operations officer in a Penal colony. Healthcare wasn’t prioritized.” She said curtly. Then dismissed the errant thought. 
Saffiya nodded. She could very much understand that. 

“Then prove it.”, she said gently. “Not because I doubt you, but because I am sure that you can.”

“Challenge accepted, Captain. To be honest, flexing my medical skills would be a nice change of pace. Handing off Operations will be a smooth transition. Lt Nadir seems quite competent. However, how is it shore leave, if I am on duty in sickbay?” Hilea asked. Her mind raced with the possibilities as the new position solidified in her head. 

“What I would like you to do is do Lieutenant Nadir’s medical intake – it’s still pending – and then help him familiarise himself with his new duties. I want a transition as smooth as possible. Other than that, wherever you can support Lieutenant Frisco is deeply appreciated, despite shore leave. Between you and me, I am fairly sure it would earn you some points with her. And points with the residing CMO – or XO, for that matter – are always a good thing.”, Saffiya winked. She didn’t like people playing favourites and had an aversion to people sucking up to others for their career, but she wasn’t above giving pointers where it was appropriate. 

“Aye Captain,” Hilea said, still slightly awestruck. Had this been her old life, this would have been the opening of a political move and weeks of planning. Starfleet was weird. That was all there was to it. She could get used to weird. 

“This is all from my side, for now.”, Saffiya nodded. “Good luck – Dismissed.”