Part of USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

Captain, Commander, and a Doctor

Sickbay, USS Valkyrie
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Saffiya Nassar had meant to wait for Lieutenant Frisco to finish her work in sickbay, but was quickly learning that a doctor’s job was much like that of an Engineer – something was always broken. Always. And, unfortunately, it seemed a little like this would be the woman’s life for the foreseeable future. With the CMO transferred to a different vessel, they were still waiting for a replacement, and Lieutenant Frisco was more or less having to fill both roles at the same time. 

It wasn’t Saffiya’s fault – but it was her responsibility now, so she at the very least wanted to check in with Frisco. 

As she entered sickbay, she found it not overly busy, but busy enough. Nurses and doctors were tending to different patients, but greeted her respectfully enough before returning to their work. One of them showed her the way to the CMO’s office, and Saffiya stepped inside. 

“Lieutenant Frisco.”, she said in a formal, but not too formal, way. “I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself. Saffiya Nassar, new Captain of the Valkryie.”

Sienna glanced up at her newest captain, chuckling, “Are you sure you’re the captain of this boat?  The way today is going, you could be the next commodore of a Task Force.”  She stood from her desk, “That was a joke.  I’m your XO and your CMO, Doctor Lieutenant Senna Frisco.  I hope you get to stay in the chair longer than Fontana.”  She cringed, “That was also a joke.  Sarcasm is one of my coping mechanisms.”

She nodded. “Mine too. And I get it. It seems there was some sort of… administrative error? I am not expecting you to do both jobs, but even a new Chief Medical Officer would need time to get into the role. So I am wondering what I can do to best support you at the moment.” 

“Given the lack of applicants for the position, we’re just going to have to do our best with what we have.  I’ve already started putting together a list of possible deputy chiefs and leads to head shifts and departments.  I know some of the crew from when I was here before, but the learning curve will be steep.  Time together has not been a benefit the crew has enjoyed with all the changes.”

Saffiya shrugged. “I know what it’s like to effectively have to work two jobs. It’s not fun, but sometimes it’s necessary. What kept me over water were near-lethal amounts of coffee.” 

Sienna smiled halfheartedly, holding up her steaming London Fog latte.  “Tea, milk, and a spot of vanilla keep me from metaphorical murder. Coffee is a last resort.”  She handed over a PADD, “Here’s the list of names I’ve come up with for the deputy chief gig and the lead roles.  None of them are perfect, and all will need some work.”  She returned the CO’s shrug, “We’re in unique times with a unique crew – no matter what, it’s not going to be an easy start.”

Saffiya was getting the feeling that that was why she had been sent here. Because not-easy starts appeared to be her thing now. 

“We have some time on shore leave, so I hope injuries are kept to a minimum in that time.”, Saffiya nodded. She paused for a moment, trying to remember the paperwork she had already worked her way through. “Actually I think I saw a request for a department change, someone who just got their doctorate acknowledged. They, too, will need training but if I remember the rank and experience, I think they might be suitable. I will … try to find that PADD. Which is probably buried in a mountain of other PADDs.”

Frisco was intrigued.  “At this point, I’ll take any help in keeping sickbay running smoothly – short time or not.”  She shifted subjects, “How is the Valkyrie experience going for you?”

“I’m mostly trying to introduce myself to at least my senior staff, though I have already visited Valhalla and sat with some Ensigns – out of uniform, of course. No need to scare them right away, can always do that later.” 

The XO chuckled, “Well, they’ll be scared once they realize who you are—they’ll be thinking about whatever it was that they said.”  She motioned an orderly at the door, accepted a PADD from him, signed it, and handed it back.  How long until shore leave comes to an end?  I can’t imagine they’ll keep a Sovereign class on the shelf for long.”

“I’m not entirely sure, but I take any minute we can get.”, Saffiya shrugged. “With the change in command, we might get a few more days for sure. And then… well. I am pretty sure they won’t forget about us.”

Frisco chuckled for a second time, “I’m starting to think I might like working with you, captain.  I’d rather leave a legacy then be a footnote in the history books.  Medically speaking, of course.”

“Well then, unless there’s anything pressing, I shall return to my dungeon.”, Saffiya grinned. She wasn’t at all looking forward to the work that awaited her there, but she felt she had taken enough time out of her XO/CMO’s day. 

“Good luck, to both of us.”  She watched as the captain departed, the door to her office sliding shut. She had been worried about this assignment until now when she realized there was something exciting at hand.

Even if she had two jobs.  “Goddamn Fontana,” she muttered as she returned to her pile of PADDs.