Part of USS Valkyrie: The Real Episode 1 – Lighting the Fire and USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

Casual Conversation

Valhalla, USS Valkyrie
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With much of the USS Valkyrie’s crew on shore leave, Saffiya Nassar, new Captain of the ship, had arrived without fanfare and much hassle. She was glad for that – transferring from a California-class Vessel to a ship like the Valkyrie was a little daunting, but a task she was very much looking forward to. She had learned a lot from her tome on the Cupertino, and she was very quickly finding out that – despite the many differences – there were certain similarities between her arrival there, and now here. One of them: her Executive Officer was missing. 

Well, not missing. According to what she had been able to find out, Sienna Frisco, had arrived on the Valkyrie only a few hours ago, and immediately dragged into sickbay. Considering that the woman had been offered the position of Executive Officer, Saffiya found that a little odd. She would probably ask her about that later, and now enjoy the opportunity to explore the ship and get to know people.

Perhaps she was imagining it, but Saffiya found that the Valkyrie just… felt… differently than the Cupertino had upon her arrival there – mostly because no one ignored her or openly disliked her before she even got opportunity to make a bad first impression. And after familiarising herself with her quarters and adjacent amenities, her ready room and the bridge, she decided to ditch her uniform and for the time being and visit “Valhalla.” It was mentioned to her as the primary social space of the Valkyrie that offered meals, beverages, and the opportunity to connect to the crew outside of her position. 

And so, a few minutes later, she found herself sat on a table with several Ensigns who had no idea who she was, and discussed the small personal and professional dramas that occupied their minds. 

“So, we have no Chief Medical Officer any more.”, complained one of the Ensigns, a young woman with bright blue eyes and curly hair. “Brennan was transferred, I hear it’s a mess down there.” 

“Glad she’s gone.”, commented her neighbour. “Didn’t like her.”

“You just don’t like telepaths in general.”, was the reply, and the woman rolled her eyes.

“Maybe now Sh’shiqil is back on the market?”

“Doubt it. Pretty sure she transferred together with Brennan.” 

Saffiya grinned. Yes, this too belonged to living on a starship. 

“Have any of you met the new captain yet?” the first Ensign asked, glancing around the table. “I heard she transferred from a California-class vessel.”

“I haven’t seen her yet,” another Ensign admitted, “but I heard she’s supposed to be really experienced. I’m hoping she’s approachable.”

“I’ve heard good things,” Saffiya said, deciding to join the conversation more actively. 

The Ensigns nodded in agreement, seemingly pleased by her contribution.

“I’m looking forward to meeting her,” the curly-haired Ensign said with a smile. 

“Doubt you will. Captain remains with senior staff.”

“Then I will just have to get promoted reeeeeally quickly.”

Saffiya chuckled. “Sometimes that goes faster than you expect.”

 It was moments like these that reminded her why she loved being a part of Starfleet. Eventually, the topic shifted to more personal matters, with the Ensigns sharing stories about their families, their hobbies, and their aspirations. Saffiya listened attentively interested in getting to know her crew on a more personal level.

It was probably impossible to get to know everyone, but this was a good start. 

One of the Ensigns, a shy young man with auburn hair –  spoke up. “So, what brings you to Valhalla today? Are you new on the Valkyrie too?”

Saffiya smiled. “Yes, I am new here. I wanted to get to know the crew and see what life is like on the Valkyrie outside of the formal settings.”

“Well, we’re glad to have you,” the curly-haired Ensign said with a smile. “Welcome to the Valkyrie.”

“Thank you. I’m looking forward to working with all of you.”

She excused herself, not wanting to spoil the experience by waiting for the inevitable question of what department she was joining. No need to scare anyone just yet. Instead, she approached the bar and patiently waited for the bartender to have time for her. It was a busy evening, but Saffiya didn’t mind waiting. 

She exchanged a few words with whoever else approached. Most of it was superficial conversation, but she made a mental note of names and faces. No one stood out in a particularly negative way, which all in all made for a fine first impression. She felt a growing sense of optimism. The USS Valkyrie might be a new challenge, but she was confident that, with a crew like this, they could achieve great things together.