Part of USS Interceptor: Arrivals

All aboard…

USS Interceptor
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It didn’t take the two of them long to walk to where the Interceptor was docked. From there it was a short transport over and they were materialising on the pads in the transporter room on the ship. 

Harlow stepped off, suppressing the shiver that always wanted to run down her spine. Last year, she wouldn’t have blinked an eye at transporting anywhere. Now, after the system had been hijacked and caused such devastation…

She smiled at Cav, a half step behind her as she nodded her thanks at the transporter tech.

“Okay, hotshot, go get yourself settled in your quarters then head on up. I know you’re dying to get up on the bridge and check out the helm,” she said as they left the transporter room.

“You got it, boss.” He flashed white teeth and was gone in a flash.

Harlow chuckled, shaking her head to herself as she carried on walking at a more sedate pace. She couldn’t remember the last time she had that much energy. Perhaps way back when, before the war for sure…

Padd in hand she read as she walked, a skill she’d developed during her early career, checking up on the current configuration of the Interceptor and the options she had as CO with the ship.  The Inquiry class had equipment mission bays she needed to think about, and she needed to check out the current hardpoint configuration and whether she needed to get that changed as well.

“Hold the lift,” she called out, seeing it about to close up ahead, and sped up.

As the new Assistant Chief Security Officer, Ashton had been able to get aboard the Interceptor a little earlier than most and had been doing security checks the last couple of days. He had already knocked out the quick and easy ones and was currently headed up top. 

He hadn't had a chance to visit the Bridge yet so he found himself very excited.  He had just finished checking some computer security protocols in some lad or another and had entered the turbo lift when someone called out for him to hold it. He punched the control and stepped to the side as the other person entered. The doors closed and Ashton was still reading the PADD he was carrying. after keying in his last findings, he decided to introduce himself to his new crew mate.

“Morning. My name's………” he began before realizing who his lift companion was. Ignoring that she too was carrying and reading a PADD, he quickly snapped to attention.

“Good morning, Captain,” he said firmly.

Harlow smiled as she looked up.

“Good morning, Lieutenant. Please, as you were. It's nice to see I’m not the only one.” She waggled her padd slightly by way of explanation. “Sometimes walking and reading is the only way to get it all done, isn't it? Especially before kicking off.”

Ashton relaxed a bit and offered a smile of his own. “So true, Sir. I find it's easier to do it on the go rather than trying to settle in later and trying to knock it all out at once. In fact, I have finished several of the required pre-launch security checks and can forward them to you now if you're ready. Or, I can send them all at once."

That answered the question of which department he was. It was a game she always played when walking about the ship and saw someone she didn’t know… trying to work out what department they were in. After so many years in the fleet, she’d gotten pretty good at it. But then again, people from different departments moved in different ways. Specific ways.

Most of the time anyway.

Security. Yes, now she looked at him, that fit. The fact that he was sending her pre-launch checks meant he was department command, but the rank… she smiled as the name from the files came to her. “I’m easy either way, Lieutenant… Stark, unless I miss my guess?”

Ashton was briefly taken aback. He wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing that his new CO already knew his name. He simply smiled. “Yes, Ma'am. Stark is correct,” he replied. “And since you're okay with it, I'll just wait until I have everything finished and then send it over after I double-check it all.”

The lift came to a halt and the doors opened onto the Bridge. “After you, Captain.” the Lieutenant said with a hand gesture.

“Of course and thank you,” she said as they exited the lift.

For a moment she simply paused, looking around. It was her first time on the Interceptor’s bridge and for the moment she just wanted to pause and enjoy it before anyone realised she was here.

Ashton paused just behind and to the side of the Captain. This was his first time on the Bridge and from the looks of it, it may have been the Captain's as well. He couldn't help but to grin and stepped just a little closer. 

“Never gets old does it, Ma'am?” he whispered. 

This was also his first time aboard an Inquiry class and, as always, it was breathtaking. 

“No, definitely not.” She smiled, the expression open and honest. 

Then they were noticed, someone snapped to attention, and, “Captain on the bridge!” rang through the air.

Straightening her uniform jacket, she nodded again to Stark and stepped forward.

“As you were,” she ordered and headed for the big chair.

It was time to get this show on the road.