Part of USS Valkyrie: The Real Episode 1 – Lighting the Fire and USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

Status report

Ensign Stroyer's Quarters, USS Valkyrie
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Ensign Navaeh Stroyer was good at what she did. Good enough to land her a (very temporary) posting on the Valkyrie, as part of their intel department. A posting that was coming to a close as transfer orders had reached her this very morning. 

What remained to be done was an update report for Captain Fontana. Navaeh had never spoken to him, nor interacted with him in any other capacity, and knowing how busy he certainly was, she didn’t see the need to approach him just hours before her departure. Written correspondence seemed a far better way to sort this. 

“Upon further investigation”, she dictated the computer “we were able to determine that the attack was planned and executed by neither of the two parties involved in the conflict. However, as traces of tricobalt were discovered, we can also exclude that this was a mere accident. The full repot of our findings is available if needed.” 

Navaeh really hoped the computer would turn this somewhat conversational-styled report into something she could send the Captain. But reports had never been her strong suit, and that wasn’t going to change within the next few hours. 

“It would be advisable to determine what other parties might have a reason to prolong the conflict or break the ceasefire, and ascertain if additional attacks are to be expected.”

The Ensign closed the crate she stored her personal belongings in, and let out a small sigh as she looked around the room that had served as a (again, very temporary) home.  She had liked the room, and she would miss it. 

“Additionally, of note-”…. ugh. No, that sounded dumb. “In addition, it should be noted that local politicians appear uncooperative in supplying information needed to fully investigate the attack, and in coordinating efforts to most effectively help those affected.”

Making them aware of a potential third party might change that, but that was absolutely above the pay grade of an Ensign. 

“Okay. Computer, make a report out of those points. And make it sound competent, please.” 

The affirmative beep made Naveah smile, and moments later she glanced over the (now somewhat more coherent) report before sending it to Captain Fontana. 

“Guess that’s sorted.”, she said to herself, and logged out of her personal console. For a moment, she looked at her reflection mirrored on the now black surface. She was probably the least intimating Intel Officer in the whole fleet. Her short statue, blonde hair, and charming dimples made her look even younger than she actually was, and her demeanour didn’t help with that in the slightest. Maybe she should try to be a tad more professional. But then, it was that very non-threatening appearance that had made her oh so good at her job, and she liked being good at it. 

“See ya.”, she said, this time to the room, shouldered her bag and grabbed her travel crate. She didn’t love travelling and changing assignments as often as she did, but this next one was something she actually looked forward to.