Part of USS Interceptor: Arrivals

But first… coffee

USS Interceptor
Sept 2401
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Coffee was life, and no fleetyard, base, or ship ran without it. 

Commander Cade Ashfield, Ash to the few he called friend, rubbed at the back of his neck and stared at the replicator as he waited for his drink. 

His reflection caught his attention and he blinked, still not used to the red of his uniform. It looked weird. It had looked weird ever since he’d switched to the command track. Even his brother thought it looked weird, commenting on it at every one of their little ‘talks’. 

Ash sighed and dropped his head back. He knew Ryke was just worried about him, especially since Frontier Day, but sometimes it was an utter pain in the ass to have a brother, an older brother, who was a counselor. He looked up at the ceiling. No, it was a pain in the ass all the time. 

“Ya know… you actually have to press the button to make it do the thing,” a female voice said and he looked down in time to see a slender arm clad in yellow reach past him to hit the button on the replicator. 

“Ugh,” he sighed, realizing that it was one of the fancy drinks replicators rather than voice activated. “Didn’t realize. They’re not really standard.”

”Well, it’s a good job it’s not one of the ones with the levers and whatnot,” his new companion smiled up at him. “Work requisition said that the incoming captain asked for it to be installed.”

A pretty woman with dark hair and eyes, she looked to be about his age, and the pips on her collar said she was likely senior staff. Ash ran through the crew manifest he’d been memorising since he’d been assigned as the Interceptor’s XO, and landed on a name. 

“Commander Thane-McGowan? Chief Ops if I’m not mistaken?” he asked, turning to offer his hand. “Commander Ashfield, XO. You have my job.”

”I am. But I usually drop the Thane part.” She took his hand, shaking it firmly, then smiled slightly, confusion written across her face. “I’m sorry… what do you mean, I took your job?”

He let his smile widen a little more as he indicated her uniform. “I was ops for many years—” He motioned to his red jacket. “All change after events earlier in the year.”

”Ahh… yes.” She nodded in understanding. Many people had moved around in recent months. Starfleet had been hit and hit hard, and there often wasn’t the choice of personnel for roles now. Which meant people had been moved up, or sideways, to fill gaps. On the job training was a real thing and anyone that could learn on their feet was a prized asset in any department. 

“Well,” she added. “I promise Ops is in good hands.”

He chuckled, snagging his drink from the replicator as soon as it bleeped. “Oh, I’ve no doubt of that. Your record is excellent.”

In fact, she was probably more experienced in certain types of ops and logistics than he was. 

“Please, what are you having?” he asked, indicating the machine behind him. 

“I’m really boring compared to what that can make… just a black coffee please.” She waited, hands clasped loosely behind her back. 

He nodded and frowned as he pressed the right buttons this time. “This is really unusual for a CO to request.” 

McGowan nodded. “As you’re the XO, do you know anything about the new CO?”

He shook his head. “No, not yet. As far as I know they hadn’t settled on a CO as yet, they were down to a shortlist of three captains for the three ships docked here at the moment. But…” He nodded toward the new machine. “That would indicate that they’ve decided and just not updated the records yet.” 

The machine beeped and he stepped aside to let her collect her coffee. Never get between any officer and coffee, that had always been his mantra, and it had served him well over the years. 

They stood for a moment, both blowing the steam off the top of their mugs and savouring the first sip of java. Neither seemed bothered that they were taking advantage of one of their new captains upgrades, before said captain arrived. 

“Oh, that’s good stuff,” McGowan murmured appreciatively. “I think I like the captain already.”

Ash hummed in agreement as a jolt of pure caffeine hit his bloodstream. “Anyone who likes good coffee and puts this here in the lounge, yeah, I’m all in.” 

He smiled again. “Well, nice to meet you, commander. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.”

Her eyes twinkled with amusement. “I would say that’s a fairly sure bet, sir. Once you get clear of every department head aboard reporting for duty.”

”Yeah…” He shot her a quick look. “Let’s just call this you reporting in aboard, shall we? I’m sure you’re just as busy as I am, getting ready for the off.”

”Oh, I knew I was going to like you the moment I saw you were caffeine deprived,” she replied. “And yes, I have… well, you know.”

”Oh, I do indeed.” He swept an arm out, ushering her ahead of him as they left the main lounge. “Good luck, commander,” he said, and turned left as she turned right. 

Sipping his coffee, he set off for the bridge, a little spring in his step. He had coffee, good coffee, and everything was running smoothly. More than that, it seemed there was at least one like-minded person on the senior staff. 

Perhaps his first stint as an XO wouldn’t be so bad after all.