Part of USS Valkyrie: The Real Episode 1 – Lighting the Fire and USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1


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With the minister having received a chance to sit down and consider his options, Brennan and Annan found themselves with some time on their hands. Time Alcyone Brennan was eager to make use of, which is why she had asked Annan to take a walk with her. While she had ample experience in the medical field, and prior to this as a counsellor, Alcyone wasn’t terribly knowledgable in matters of politics. 

“I was wondering…”, she started as they had left the building. “They don’t seem to love Starfleet, and Starfleet support, over here, do they?”

“Not every world loves Starfleet… Some even hate it with all their might.” said Annan.

“Do you think that’s one of the reasons coordination is going so poorly?”, she asked his insights on the matter. 

“It might be, but we will still try to mend relations with them. Our priority here is to aid them, and on the side… try to mend things up. Tricky business, diplomacy is.” replied Annan, voicing his opinions on the matter.

“… Well… I am not good at politics. Never was. Would successful coordination with us in any way negatively influence the minister’s political goals or chances?”, Brennan followed up with another question. From what she had gleaned, the political situation seemed almost volatile, though she wasn’t sure if that was anything out the ordinary. 

“I have no clue about the ministers agenda. It seems like a delicate matter here, intelligence can’t even pick up a trace of information from this place… it’s weird. Very weird.” replied Annan. “What do you think of the matter? What do you think the ministers agenda is? I mean helping his people would booster his popularity yet he isn’t doing it? A different type of agenda then?“

Brennan shook her head. “Helping people is rarely a motivation for anyone in politics. But you are right about it potentially allowing him to gain popularity. But….”

“No one likes Starfleet minding their business…“ said Annan with a thoughtful face.

“Think about it. They don’t exactly like us here, and coordinating with us might mean that he is passively admitting to not being able to handle things on his own. There is already a reputation of Starfleet swooping in to safe the day.”, Brennan argued. 

”I guess so, that might be the underlying reason on why the minister isn’t too keen on working with us but it will still greatly boost his popularity that he works with bigger powers like Starfleet. I am sensing another underlying cause another than this though.” said back Annan.

Alcyone doubted that. If they didn’t like Starfleet, it would rather make the minister look incompetent than boost his popularity. 

“I guess the best we can do right now is to come up with a way that lets us help, but gives him all the glory and makes it look like his idea?”, she suggested. 

“Let’s just try to help the people, the honor and glory. Frankly I don’t care about it, the people come first. Politics is a game and I do not intend for the people to be used as pawns.“ firmly stated Annan.

Alcyone sighed. That was an interesting take from a Diplomatic Officer, and while it was absolutely understandable, it sounded a little like Annan didn’t want to play the game despite signing up for it. “Thank you for your opinion, Lieutenant.”, she said eventually. 

“I think it’s time to return. If you want to accompany me, I would appreciate it. If you prefer to… well, help, I think the medical teams might have use for you.”

No use in forcing the poor man to do something he wasn’t comfortable with. Alcyone, too, wasn’t thrilled with playing politics, but if she wanted cooperation and collaboration, she saw a certain necessity in playing it regardless.