Part of USS Valkyrie: The Real Episode 1 – Lighting the Fire and USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

Coordination Efforts

Sickbay, USS Valkyrie
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After what Brennan had seen in sickbay, they would need to coordinate their efforts if they wanted to help people and not simply overwork their own staff. She tapped the communicator badge, trying her best to remember the names of the officers she hadn’t yet met, but which she supposed would be able to help. “Doctor Brennan to Lieutenant Annan.”

”Annan, here. How may I assist you, doctor?” replied Annan.

“We need to liaise with the planets minister of health and safety, we have zero coordination going on, and if we keep this up, my sickbay will be at capacity within a few hours.”, she said with a sharp tone of someone taking charge. Which wasn’t the most professional wording, but it brought her point across.

”I shall coordinate efforts between the planets minister of health and safety. I‘ll have the updates for your preview in a moment. Coordination efforts right now are shaky at best.” said Annan.

“Can’t really afford shaky.”, Brennan replied. “I can imagine the locals are not pleased with Starfleet stepping on their toes, but they can have their feelings later.”

”I shall try my best then, Doctor. This is diplomacy, we can’t afford to step on their toes and we already did. We can’t afford worsening diplomatic relations just because of one issue.” said Annan.

Brennan considered, not quite sure if she was overstepping, but absolutely willing to do so if it was necessary. “What if we payed that minister a spontaneous visit?” 

”Then, let us have it arranged. The people’s safety and health is a priority after all.” said Annan.

“Great. Let me know when it’s set up, and I will accompany you.”, she said, not waiting for a response. Which wasn’t nice to do, but considering the wave of additional patients that was incoming, Annan would simply have to deal with it. She could make it up to him later. 

“Aye.” said Annan while he watched Brennan walk away. “That wasn’t too nice but oh well.”