Part of USS Sacramento: All Tomorrow’s Yesterdays

The Ascendant – Pt 1

USS Sacramento / Bridge - (Primarion – Prime Orbit)
Stardate: 2401.6.14 / 14:20 Hrs. (Planetary Time)
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Sam’s head snapped back from her monitor, a sudden – urgent tone of panic rising in her voice as she turned to address Lieutenant Commander Vodrova in the Command Chair.

“Commander!” the Comms Officer warned, “There’s something wrong with the array!”

Aleksandra Mariana Mikelovaya Vodrova sat forward in her seat and frowned, “Can you be a little more specific COMMS?”

Sam shook her head. Normally so efficient, so confident – the readings before her made no sense.

Unbidden, an image of her father – bathed in an eerie blue light suddenly came to her mind – then was gone as quickly as it had appeared.

Sam felt a strange feeling of apprehension, deep in her gut, but she pushed it aside and tried to focus on what her instruments were telling her.

“I…. the Array…. this data doesn’t make sense…..the signal attenuation is of the scale Ma’am.” Sam desperately tried to make sense of the data as her practiced hands flowed over the controls. “A massive spike of data……originating from…” Samantha tried to untangle the chaos and track the point of origin for the erroneous data.

Her instrument panel was a tableau of screaming chaotic energies.

“A massive exponential energetic flux is being amplified throughout the Primarion system via the array ma’am…. Reading somewhere in excess of above 100 billions of billion Giga Electron – Volts (1020> GeV) …..The Federation relay failsafe was engaged by the hub at .7000 Picoseconds, so the effect is localized to in-system……..Point of origin… Primar – Majoris #7……”

Lieutenant Samantha Hyland’s thoughts went immediately again to her father, bathed in a blue – light.

A visceral sensation of fear that was not her own filled her emotions and again was gone in an instant, leaving one terrible conclusion from the data.

Sam swiveled her chair to face the XO – her face pale.

“It’s coming from the Reliquary of Ost Commander.”


Palace of the Grand Gentarch

Primarion – Prime Equatorial Zone

Stardate: 2401.6.14

14.20 Hrs. (Planetary Local – Time)

 From the perspective of Commander Nathan Allen, what transpired seemed to happen both instantaneously and also become a moment teased out & compressed in time – each second seeming to draw out infinitely.

A terrible pressure began to insinuate behind his eyes.

The Grand Gentarch Verlan standing, triumphant, on the podium before him – his arms raised to the adulation of the massed crowds that filled the near – horizon of the Great Concourse. Verlan was turning to regard the Starfleet Officer with an unpleasant expression on his withered face, then – frowning as he put his hand to his nose and looked perplexed as that hand came away purple with B’Queth Blood.

The sonorous acclamations of the massed crowds slowly shifting in pitch and tenor, glad exhortations and cheers slowly changing into a wavering, terrible suffusion of screams and terror.

The assembled media drones that had been circling the dais, relaying the images to a system-wide audience, suddenly falling to smash on the flagstones below – robbed of their power, empty and useless.

Nate grabbed his head, the pain slowly building to an unbearable degree – his mind’s eye splintering – half registering the scene unfolding before him and half torn to recognize a similar scene of terror unfolding simultaneously at the distant edifice of the Reliquary of Ost – light years away on distant Primar – Majoris #7.

A hand reaching out to a faceted crystal surface, a gentle blue glow – rising slowly in intensity to painful brightness. An accompanying feeling of being trapped, of wanting to flee – but at the same time an irresistible, morbid curiosity as to what secret lay at the crystal – heart.

Commander Allen wiped at his own face, slick crimson blood on his fingertips as he rubbed at the corner of his eye…. his training took over as he keyed his Comm-badge and tried to focus his mind away from the persistent visions of destruction& the crumbling Reliquary that flashed across his subconsciousness like a broiling lightning – storm of unwanted memories.

“Allen to Sacramento…” Nate managed to gasp – the pressure in his head pure agony now….” REPORT!”

The Grand Gentarch staggered back from the dais, stumbling down the short flight of stairs as the thousands amassed behind him writhed in agony, clutching at their heads – their screaming had become a truly terrifying wave of nausea crashing upon blind animal panic – echoing from the surrounding architecture – the sound of a civilization in its death throes.

“YOU!” Screamed the leader of the Primarion Gerontocracy, his face livid and his vertiginous neck-fronts quivering with rage. His bony finger stabbing out at Nathan as he accused “It is a WEAPON! We are deceived!” The ancient statesman screamed; one hysterical voice buoyed upon a rogue wave of thousands of souls in like torment. He rounded on his ceremonial guard, sturdy V’Saal soldiers that also seemed to falter under the crushing Psionic assault. “KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL!!!”

Nate watched in horror as the barrels of the guard’s weapons slowly raised, pointing straight at Commander Allen and the small honor – guard contingent that had accompanied him to attend the grandiose commissioning ceremony for the sub-space communications array.

Seasoned Starfleet Security personnel stood to either side of him, already reacting to the sudden threat and reaching for their own hand-phaser sidearms.

“NO!” Nate though he might have screamed, powerless to intercede into the rapidly deteriorating situation around him. Before the USS Sacramento could respond, Nate desperately ordered over the open Comm-channel.

“Emergency Transport! Allen Ceta-One-Alpha!”

Nate closed his eyes as the Federation team were surrounded by a glowing swirl of complex energies and the burnt – ozone crackle of energy weapons being discharged filled the surrounding air………


USS Sacramento

(Primarion – Prime Orbit)

Transporter Room #1,

Stardate: 2401.6.14

14:22 Hrs. (Planetary Time)

 A thunderous denotation of sound filled Transporter room as a bolt of plasma slammed into the back of the emitter, resulting in a shower of sparks and a terrible smell of burnt polymer and circuitry.

And something far worse.

Crewman Lawrence stared down at her chest. A dark ragged hole had punched through her Gold-uniform tunic and left the back smoldering.

“Commander?” Alina Lawrence managed, her face a mask of confusion and shock as her phaser fell from her numb – fingers and clattered across the emitter pad.

Nathan Allen came to his senses and caught the stricken member of his crew as she crumpled to the deck, his hand behind her head as he looked around to the startled Transporter – Chief.

“MEDIC! NOW!!” Commander Allen barked as another member of the rescued honor – guard sprang into action and grabbed an emergency Med-kit from its bracket on the transporter wall.

Shocked, but still able to focus – Nate noticed absently that the terrible pressure that had dominated his senses was still present, but the effect was far lessened than when he had been imperiled in the Great Concourse seconds earlier.

“Medics are on their way Alina, Hang in there…..” Nathan reassured Crewman Lawrence as others took over her care and worked to stabilize her condition.

“I’ve got to get to the bridge.” Nate stated grimly as he left the Transporter Room and headed for the Turbolifts.


 USS Sacramento

(Primarion – Prime Orbit)


Stardate: 2401.6.14

14:24 Hrs. (Planetary Time)

 “The Lead Primarion vessel has target lock on us Commander”. Ensign J’hvohuk reported seriously. “She’s opening fire!”

The bridge of the USS Sacramento shuddered physically as the shield – matrix absorbed the impact of hostile fire from the encroaching blockade that had been surrounding the California – Class Utility Cruiser, since its arrival around Primarion Prime.

“Sheilds holding at 87% Commander.” He added as an imperceptible whine for the EPS conduits could be discerned as the Sheild Generator distributed the energy from the assault throughout its matrix.

J’hvohuk frowned mightily, his bushy Klingon brows drawing a bridge across his ridged brow as – he too – struggled to clear his mind from the invasive effect that seemingly was assaulting all sentient beings within the Primarion System.

A B’Queth male, terrified, rising into the air – the sensation of rushing sand, a feeling of terrible crushing terror and encompassing pressure….

“Permission to return fire Ma’am?” The KilingonTAC officer shook the image away & growled irritably.

Lieutenant Commander Vodrova shook her own head tersely, “Negative TAC – right now our shields can take it. CONN – evasive pattern Vodrova Theta – Nine. Engage!” The XO ordered.

“Aye Ma’am, Vodrova Theta – Nine. Engaging now!” Ensign O’Mara responded efficiently as she keyed in the Helm – command and the view of the Starfield and attacking Primarion Naval – blockade slewed uncomfortably – even though the ship’s inertial dampeners compensations with a minimum of sensation.

Aleksandra saw a great wave of sand rise up from the desert floor, impossibly – swallowing people whole as they tried to flee its inevitable progress across the Reliquary floor…..

“Engineering!” Alexsandra, set her jaw against the unwanted image as she opened a comm- channel to the Chief Engineer.

“Engineering here, go ahead.” Came the voice of Lt Ryu, tense and carrying the burden of evident stress. 

“Lieutenant – we need to shut down the Subspace Array and we need to do it now!” The Executive Officer winced as the ship was struck by more detonations that made the hull ring and the superstructure groan, as the venerable old ship contorted through its cage of antagonists.

“We can’t Commander…” The Chief Engineer’s voice seemed to be verging on a precipice of panic. “The energy surge emanating from Primar – Majoris #7 has caused catastrophic damage to the infrastructure of the array – I’m astounded that it’s still operating quite frankly; the ancillary relays are burnt out Ma’am…. we can transmit the code but there’s no way the Hub can receive shut-down protocols….”

Alexsandra’s mind raced for alternatives, seeking to find a solution to a rapidly deteriorating situation when a familiar voice called out from behind her.

“Thank your Number One, you are relieved.” Commander Nathan Allen strode from the Turbolift with grim purpose and made for the command chair.

“I am relieved, in more ways than one.” Lt Commander Vodrova nodded truthfully and vacated the Big – Chair, taking up her customary position in the seat adjacent – already scrutinizing a raft of pertinent data coming in from the duty – stations around the ship.

 “The Bridge is yours Captain”

“Thank you Aleks.” Nathan Allen nodded tersely as he settled into the chair.

“TAC.” Nathan nodded to Ensign J’hvohuk,  “We need some space to think.”

“Aye Captain?” the Half – Klingon Officer looked expectantly over his shoulder.

“Target the Impulse Drives of any Primarion Naval vessel that confirms its hostility by active fire, take out their legs Ensign. Off the Leash – Fire at Will” Commander Allen ordered with finality, it was time to regain control of this farce and Nathan was in no mood to mess around.

AyeAYE Captain.” Ensign J’hvohuk grinned broadly even as his fingers began to lay in a series of firing solutions that would disable the engines of the screen of hostile Primarion Cruisers surrounding them.

Commander Allen turned to the COMMS station, all business.

“Sam, mind telling me what the hell is going on with my array? I though these things were still under warranty?” Nate smiled wryly. His tendency to resort to nervous humor under pressure beginning to show from under his resolve.

Lt Commander Hyland nodded, now composed as ever – despite the terrible implication of events that were unfolding at the Reliquary of Ost – fragments of which kept strobing through her mind and those of nearly everyone onboard.

“A massive discharge of energy emanated from the Reliquary of Ost Primar – Majoris #7, at 14:13 Hrs. relative planetary time. The same moment that the Subspace Array was brought online on Primarion Prime at the ceremony Captain. Source – unknown.” Samantha reported – interpreting the data with an edge of fear in her voice.

“Can we shut it down?” Nate pondered aloud.

“Negative Captain.” Sam concluded, “The energy surge has destroyed the infrastructure necessary to send the handshake protocol for shutdown.”

Commander Allen nodded grimly and swiveled in his chair to address the Chief Science Officer at her station behind him.

“Dr Duval – is this energetic effect linked to the physical and psychologic effect we have all been experiencing?”

“Mais Oui, absolument – Captain. “Lt (Jg) Duval nodded, “Readings indicate that the energy surge is synergistic & contemporary to the Psionic effect that typifies the unique properties of the Ost Reliquary. From what we can tell from the few sensor – pallets that were not overloaded by the surge, the Phenomenon appears to be using subspace as a carrier wave to carry the effect, transmitting and amplifying this through the Subspace Array – where it intersects with the technology.”

“Can we isolate the carrier signal? Shut it down?” Nate reasoned.

“You misunderstand me, Captain.” Cerine shook her head, “It is not using a particular wavelength of Subspace – it has flooded all of Subspace itself and made of it a captive carrier for its signal. It is not possible to signal outside the system whilst this effect endures.”

“We can’t signal Starfleet for assistance.” Nate looked at Aleksandra and both Senior Command Officers shared the same sober conclusion.

The implications of what has just transpired sank into Nate’s mind. What his Chief Science Officer had just described was, or should be, impossible. Only one course of action remained, and the clock was running out for the Primarion people and his crew.

“Acknowledged, thank you Dr Duval”. Commander Allen was resolved to action.

“Tactical!” He addressed Ensign J’hvohuk.

“Aye Captain?” J’hvohuk spoke, even as the USS Sacramento’s phasers crippled another encroaching Primarion vessel, which fell spiraling slowly away on his sensors – bleeding inertia.

“Ensign, Load the Forward Torpedo Tubes.” Nate confirmed grimly and without relish. That it had come to this filled him with regret and sadness. “Helm, bring us about.”

“Aye Captain, coming around 180 degrees, negative plane.” Ensign O’Mara responded deftly.

Aye Captain, all Forward Photon Torpedo Tubes loaded and ready.” The Tactical Officer responded, “Target allocation?”

Commander Nathan Allen let out a deep breath and confirmed the target.

“Target the Terminal Emitter of the Subspace Array in orbit around Primarion Prime. Full spread – don’t stop firing until the Emitter is totally destroyed.”


 GNV Patrol Cruiser “Varshana”

At-Warp – Primarion In-System


Stardate: 2401.6.14

15:21 Hrs. (System Time)

 Captain F’Raal shifted uncomfortably in his command chair as the enraged face of the Grand Gentarch Verlan filled his viewscreen. The smoke had been cleared from the bridge by the struggling life-support system and the fires had mostly been extinguished, but the cracked and pixilated image on the screen spoke of the wounds that the Primarion Naval vessel had recently suffered at the hands of the Federation Starship they so doggedly pursued.

“I don’t want excuses Captain!” Verlan veritably screamed at him. “I want that ship destroyed! They cannot be allowed to escape Primarion Space!! Do you hear me? I want them turned to DUST!”

F’Raal nodded apologetically and attempted to placate the powerful B’Queth head of state.

“And we are doing everything within our power to realize the success of that mission, Grand Gentarch, I assure you,” The V’Saal Officer explained, “But over half of the Home-Fleet is disabled, the remaining three serviceable vessels – including my own – sustained considerable damage which we strive to repair, but we are maintaining our pursuit. The enemy vessel is making better headway than us, but their course is still Primar – Majoris #7. We will catch up with them when they drop out of warp.”

“And in the meantime – they continue to destroy the evidence of their crimes?” Verland glowered, his voice all scorn and acid.

“Confirmed Sir – the Starfleet vessel has been dropping from Warp, just long enough to destroy each Subspace – relay satellite in orbit, before jumping away again.” Captain F’Raal confirmed although, as a military man, he was wholly perplexed why an enemy would go to all of the considerable effort to implant a secret Psych – Ops weapon system throughout Primarion Space, only to begin to destroy that weapon when it had been unleased on its targets.

Somewhat mollified, but no less angry, the Grand Gentarch snapped “Destroy them, Captain. The consequences of failure will be manifold!!!! Verlan Out. ” The screen – feed went dead – flickering and stuttering back into life as it switched channels tried to display tactical data.

“The ways of Aliens are Alien indeed”, F’Raal reasoned to himself unhappily, as he continued the pursuit.


 USS Sacramento

En – route to Primar – Majoris #7

Briefing Room,

Stardate: 2401.6.14

16:03 Hrs. (Planetary Time)

 A hologram of the Great Reliquary of Ost hung over the Briefing – room table. It’s ancient stone circumference and vaulted cloisters rendered in total, perfect miniature.

“From what our sensors can confirm, the point of origin for the emanation of the energetic – effect is this structure here.” Lt (Jg) Cerine Duval keyed a control and the perspective on the shimmering hologram seemed to shift and wheel – zooming in on the concave declivity that lay at the very center of the vast amphitheater of ruins that made up the Reliquary deep in the Great Ost desert.

“But what can be causing it?” Lt Ryu, interjected. A worried frown creasing the Korean’ smooth features. “The magnitude of emission is so way in excess of the threshold of our Sensor – pallets that its near impossible to calculate its strength. Initial scans of the planet indicated nothing that could explain the generation of power on this scale?” The Chief Engineer pointed out.

Dr Duval pursed her lips.

“As much as I hate to resort to intuitive hypothesis Jai – it is reasonable to assume that the Basalt-Quartz Crystal substrate that underlies the geology of the Architecture of the ruins is acting as some form of resonator. Subspace wave – forms generating some kind of supe-excited agitation of electrons perhaps.”

 Cerine manipulated the holo again and a great crystalline mass was highlighted – filling the area directly below the Reliquary and penetrating the strata of the planet some kilometers deep below the arena.

It is established that the crystal substrate on which the architectural edifice is responsible for the storage and distribution of the Psychic resonance– that this effect stimulates a causal link between the Parietal and Temporal lobes of the brain – in effect playing back the collected memories of the ancient Primarion. From the extensive multi-phasic scans that were conducted and catalogued by Dr Prideaux, from the Federation Science Team, such an energetic phenomenon seems to be at least theoretically viable.”

The holo generated a simulated line of energy that emanated from the disc in the middle of the tiny arena and travelled spacewards, intersecting with the first Satellite that the USS Sacramento’s crew had place in orbit high above and branching from the contiguously – linked Subspace arrays, that the same vessel was now so determinedly dedicated to destroying and they made their desperate dash towards to the source of the Phenomena on the surface of Primar – Majoris #7.

“We do know that the effect was initiated at the same time that the subspace array was activated – so it’s safe to posit a direct link between both occurrences. As to what is controlling that effect – we just can’t begin to postulate.” Cerine shrugged. “At this point we are beyond the bounds and established science and entering into realms of the Theoretical.”

“What about the Science Team themselves?” Sam’s voice sounded small and worried, despite her best attempts to remain composed and professional.

In her mind’s eye, warm blue light now suffused everyone and everywhere – a sensation of, not peace, but somehow weary resignation flooded her mind.

Everyone turned to regard her, that her father was chief amongst that team – whose fate remained uncertain – did not escape anyone at the table.

“Our scans are inconclusive.” Ensign Jan De Vries attempted to sound reassuring, even as he delivered his news. “Given the extent of the phenomena, it’s hard to get an accurate reading for Life-forms at this distance and we have lost telemetry with every warp-capable probe that we have launched ahead of us.”

Sam nodded numbly and Jan continued as gently as he could.

“We should know more when we make orbit. What we do know now is that – with each hub of the Subspace array that we destroy – the infringing Psionic Effect on the crew is lessened in intensity. Ostensibly, we are beating it back to its source.”

Sam tried to take solace in that but found it increasingly hard to focus on the positives.

Blue light everywhere, calm now….so calm.

Commander Allen saw his Comms – Officer’s obvious dismay and was sure that everyone around the table was joined in these disturbing and frequent visions. He and was about to bring me meeting back to a more productive track when he was interrupted by the ever-phlegmatic Lieutenant Sorvak.

“Given the physiologic reactions observed on the populus of Primarion Prime against the relative locus of the Energistic & Psionic effect applied by the phenomenon, extrapolated against what we know of the quantum of energies at the source of origin – it is not logical to assume a high – level of survival for those exposed at “Ground – Zero”, Lieutenant. It is reasonable to assume that those exposed to its effect at the Reliquary likely perished.” Sorak stated evenly.

All around the table stared at the Vulan in shock. Sam more than all others.

“However!” The taciturn Vulcan held up a slim finger in riposte “That we have all been sharing fragments of Psionic visions as a result of the Phenomena and that those images almost exclusively seem to encompass the worldview of Dr Jonas Hyland – might also indicate that Dr Hyland may have survived. From a certain Weltanschauung, this may be perceived as some form of communication.”

Nate looked like he might throttle his OPS Chief, but frowned and steered the briefing back to its original agenda.

“Thank you Sorvak.” Nathan said acidly and the Vulcan, noting his tone, just raised an emotionless eyebrow.

“So, when we make orbit – we should have a short window of opportunity to achieve the following mission – critical objectives, before we are joined by the remainder of our Primarion pursuers.” The Command briefed his crew.

“Firstly, Ensign J’hvohuk – it is paramount that we destroy the last remaining hub of the Subspace Array. With that out of the way, we should be safe enough to operate without undue hinderance of from the Psionic Effect.”

“Aye Captain.” J’hvohuk rumbled.

“Secondly we stand up the Hazard Team and perform an insertion into the Reliquary…”

Excusez – Moi Captain, that will not be possible I am afraid” Dr Duval countered, “The Energistic effect is of a magnitude at the point of origin such that we cannot guarantee an accurate or contiguous Transporter lock.  A beam down to the surface is therefore out of the question.”

Nata nodded, “Then we perform an orbital insertion – Ensign De Vries, stand your team up and get a Class – 9 shuttle prepped for departure as soon as we drop out of Warp. We’ll do this the old – fashioned way I guess.”

Jan was about to respond in the affirmative, when Lt Sorvak again broke the Commander’s chain of thought.

“With respect Captain – I think that course of action will have little probability of success.” The Vulcan intoned somberly.

Hiding his annoyance, Nathan smiled thinly, “Out with-it Mr. Sorvak.”

“I mere interject that a Tactical Response in this instance is not the logical course of action. The incident unfolding within the reliquary is demonstrably Psionic in effect. I alone possess the requisite training to weather the detrimental effects such an effect. It is possible that I could shield another through the application of a mind-meld, but even that is difficult and give the ferocity of the Psionic effect measured at Ground Zero – there is no guarantee of success even then. I apologize Captain, but – if deployed in such a manner – the Hazard Team would soon succumb to the effects of Reliquary and be rendered inoperable in short order.”

“So we send you alone?” Nate shook his head, “I’m afraid I can’t do that Sorvak – I can’t risk the fate of an entire civilization on a single officer – no matter how accomplished or well suited you may be to the task.”

Sovak shook his head levelly and continued in his droning monotone.

“I will not be alone Captain.” The Vulcan brought up the Holo of the Reliquary once more. “Assuming that the Energistic Effect is centered at this point here in the reliquary and knowing that the phenomena seem to include the conscious mind of Dr Jonas Hyland himself in some way that is currently oblique to us – it seems both logical and essential that I take the one person aboard who knows Dr Jonas Hyland better than any other.”

Sorak turned to a startled Samantha and intoned levelly, “I propose that Lt Commander Hyland make the insertion to the planetary surface with me and attempt to forge a link with her father, should he still be alive.”

Sam looked up sharply, her eyes widening in alarm…

“I’m sorry…. What did he just say?!”