Part of USS Merced: Project Emissary: The Enigma of Dalab.

A Small Wooden Box

Devron Fleet Yards
Spring 2401
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”We dont have much time.”  A dark deep voice whispered.  

The voice awoke Alex as lay asleep in his bed.  It was the last night he was going to lay in bed he had been in for years.  Despite most officer quarters being practically identical, the fact of leaving ones home did not excite Alex the least bit.  He had grown accustomed to his position, his life, and his family.  

He looked out the view port as he got his uniform on.  It appeared they had docked already at Devron.  Typically the crew was not alerted until the ship had been cleared for final dock connect.  It could usually be a few hours before the crew can come on board.   

=/\=Commander Peak, meet me on the bridge.=/\=

The Captain cut the comms before Alex could answer.  The nice thing about Starfleet is he had very few possessions.  No moving couches, no bulky furniture, and no clothes in trash bags.  What little possessions he did have, the lucky thing about being an officer was having it moved over without little notice needed.  

***Thirty Minutes Later ***

Alex made it to the bridge.  When he arrived the entire command crew was standing on the bridge.  The captain standing there holding a small wooden box.  There was nothing special about it other than the fact the crew was excited to see him receive it.  

“Captain.” Alex was trying to hold a smile back on his face.  half of embarrassment the other half giddy to open the box.  

”The only thing I can tell ya Alex, is that every captain has a drink.  Admiral Picard and his earl grey, Admiral Janeway and her coffee, myself and my Carmel macchiato, maybe this will be yours?” He handed Alex the wooden box.  Burned in on top of it was the the letters W.R. Weller.  Alex reached out to grab it.

“This was not easy to track down.  Not many of these spirits left that don’t come out of a replicator.  Probably gonna be a bit stronger too, so I don’t suggest drinking at work.” The crew behind the captain let out laugh.  Drinking while on duty of course was strictly forbidden but many Captains over the years had their fair share of a spirit or two while on duty.

“Thank you sir, maybe I can take this and mix it with a bit of Janeway and call it an evening.  Decaf, of course.”  The crew let out another chuckle.   While it’s not something one typically thinks about, but non the less every captain is known for their drink.  However the only unforgiving drink is water.  No captain would caught drinking just plain water at his desk, unthinkable.

Alex tucked the box under his arm.  The from the back he heard someone say “Speech!” The crew all gave their own agreeance to this.

“I’m not one for speeches to be honest.  Lieutenant Thorp and I will be heading to the USS Merced, a California class cruiser with a crew fresh out of the academy and no XO.  As you know Starfleet has been pushing for better crew and more of a pretense on the outer worlds.  We are no strangers to these kind of missions as well.  While many of these so called routine missions sound like they are not important and more serve of a reminder of all the grunt work laid out by the Explorers of old, Kirk, Picard, Janeway, and even archer, they pose the highest risks.  My friends, please just wish me luck as we take a group of cadets, just like we all once were and turn them into what we are, family.  One who watches each other’s back, and supports one another.  That is our mission, Family.”

It wasn’t half bad of a speech, Alex thought to himself as he watched over the crew all smiling at one another.  The French Foreign legion had a saying in the 21st Century “Legio Patria Nostra” the legion is our homeland, but in a more simpler term family.  The men of the French Foreign Legion while serving France were bound more to each other, their brothern, their mission.  This was what allowed them to overcome such great obstacles no matter the environment.  This was the ship Alex wanted to run, this was the family that he wanted to create.

While they said their goodbyes, Alex made his way with the Captain to the docking bay close to the bridge.  “I’m gonna miss ya Alex.  Remember one thing, you utilimnatly call the shots now.  No one will be coming to save you in a decision.  It sounds like easy but it will be hardest thing you ever have to do.   You dont answer to me anymore but to Admiralty.  They play games Alex, games we only our allowed to watch, not know the rules, and if you foul, it could be worse.  We all are playing, whether we think we are or not.” His hand was now on the shoulder on Alex.

“Good luck Alex.”  The captain gave him a hug. “I left another gift for you in your ready room.” The captain whispered in his ear.

The two finished saying their goodbyes and Alex left, off to his new home and new life.  A new adventure waiting.