Part of USS Cupertino: Change It Up

Re-establishing connection… please hold.

Saffyia's Personal Quarters, USS Cupertino
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There was something really strange about having to ask for help, and it didn’t sit right with Saffiya at all. During her career as Engineering Officer, she had learned to figure things out on her own, and if she had needed help from a more senior officer, there was no shame in it since it was expected. 

But now she was Captain. Where did Captains go when things weren’t working out? Probably their chief counsellor which… well, she didn’t have right now. Not before she cleaned up this mess. 

Luckily, Saffiya wasn’t the first commanding officer in history who needed help. And luckily there were mentorship programs in place, and friendships formed, that she knew would support her. Which, bringing her to the here and now, was a conversation with Harold Vaughn. 

”Ah Saffiya, greetings. What may I do for you?” greeted Vaughn with his traditional and often response. “Is there are particular reason why you are contacting me over comms? I might also add that congratulations on your first command!”

“Thank you.”, smiled Saffiya, allowing herself that small moment of actually feeling proud of the accomplishments that led her here. “Actually, that’s also why I am calling. I… need help.” 

“Speak your mind, I’m here to help after all.” replied Vaughn.

She didn’t love needing help. “Did I anger anyone in Starfleet Command so they gave me the worst posting possible, or did I just have really bad luck?” 

“It is not uncommon for captains to have their first command to be a California-class starship. It was always called the first stepping stone for people who are in command of a starship.” said Vaughn. “Why do you ask, Saffiya?”

“Everything is a mess, and people just think they can do what they want. For instance, Captain Jurev invited an FNS reporter onto the vessel. Or some reporter anyway, I think it’s actually that ‘Starcrossed’ tabloid she used to write for. And she’s housed with an Ensign, and has accesses I personally think she shouldn’t have. I mean she shouldn’t even be here. How do I get rid of her?”  

“First of all, calm down Saffiya. This reporter is just dying to rile you up so that they have something to write about. Dont make them catch you, the more resistant and overreacting you get. The more information they might think you’re hiding. Just smile and just follow the wave. They’ll eventually leave. They obviously can’t overstay their welcome, or in this case, their unwelcomeness.“ commented Vaughn.

”Oh and for the people. It is your ship and crew after all. Make a stand. They will follow you. Sometimes, I found my self being a bit harsh but it works.“ said Vaughn.

”Well, the reporter isn’t all that easy.”, she sighed. ”It might all be an act, I don’t know. She didn’t come here for me, apparently she was invites to participate in a mission were queued up for. She is… young, and nice. She asks if she can help, and she shares crew quarters with three Ensigns.”

Which was probably what made her so hard to get rid of. 

“Ah, that seems to be the case. I mean if that’s the case, it isn’t that bad am I right?” asked Vaughn. “Apologies seems like we have to cut this short I’m afraid, duty calls. Do contact me another time, Saffiya. My doors will always welcome you.”

“Thank you.” Saffyia smiled. “It really is appreciated, more than you could possibly know.” 

They ended their call, each going about their day. Hopefully they would be able to connect again, soon.