Part of USS Sacramento: All Tomorrow’s Yesterdays

12 Angry B’Queth – Pt2

Circle of Judgement / Primarion – Prime Equatorial Zone
Stardate: 2401.6.14 / 13:05 Hrs. (Planetary Local Time)
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Inquisitor P’Aath was asleep again.

~ Man’s a bloody disgrace. ~ Inquisitor V’Ruun reflected testily with an inward sigh, as the veteran Judicar pretended to study the screen before him that detailed the particulars of the case before the Circle today – this in itself purely a show put on for the hovering media – drones that had been permitted into the venerable Circle of Judgement (much to V’Ruun’s chagrin) for the purposes of illuminating the pointless vagaries of their Federation guests.

Pointless, the Inquisitor allowed, as there was only one penalty enshrined in the legal codex of the Primarion in the instance of an act of violence meted upon a B’Queth by their V’Saal subject and that was the penalty of death.

That the court was having to play a part in this pathetic pantomime of due process, was one that personally disgusted V’Ruun, but the Inquisitor had not attained such a lofty position within the Primarion Gerontocracy and clung to his perch with such rapturous determination – without learning to be pliant to the Body – Politic and its occasionally whimsy.

With an irritated glance to the chronometer, V’Ruun frowned his massively bushy brows at the empty seat that should contain the third and final Inquisitor – J’ilesh. A seat pointedly as empty as the vacuous head of the youngest of the three Judicar (at a mere 183 years old) that the Grand Gentarch Verlan had assembled to publicly skewer the United Federation of Planets and take them down a peg or two for so presumptuously meddling in Primarion affairs.

No doubt J’ilesh would be tarrying outside in the vestibule that led to The Circle proper – pandering to the media outlets, thus adding cachet to his own profile and self-aggrandizement. This being an election year after all.

Inquisitor P’Aath let out a loud, wet – sounding outburst of flatulence, that served to interrupt his slumber only momentarily, his rheumy eyes half – opening in brief confusion – before descending back to the depths of sleep and his steady snoring once again punctuated the vast, domed chamber with its sopheric rhythm.

~ Maker give me strength. ~ V’Ruun winced, but was distracted by the entrance of Inquisitor J’ilesh, who strode carelessly into the Circle of Judgement, pointedly ignored V’Ruun (smirked at the slumbering P’Aath) and took his seat at the encircling dais – tangential to that of his fellow Inquisitors.

With a scowl that further – crenelated the lines of his age – spotted forehead and an irritated shiver that ran through his vertiginous neck – fronds, Inquisitor V’Ruun raised the solid bulk of the ceremonial Gavel – stone between his clawed fingers and brought the artifact of authority solidly down onto its crucible base so hard that a shower of sparks issued forth and a booming concussion of sound reverberated impressively around the convex surfaces of the chamber.

Inquisitor P’Aath awoke with a start and stared groggily around The Circle – obviously momentarily confused as to who he was, where he was and why he found himself suddenly awake. The geriatric Judicar rubbed something unpleasant- tasting from the corner of his mouth and attempted a thin pretense of dignity.

“The Circle is in Session.” V’Ruun intoned severely – his voice much amplified by the impressive acoustic qualities of the space. “The Primarion People will hear the truth of the matter of the assault most grievous upon the personage of Secretary Quissel of the Diplomatic Corps by the accused Fur’an. Justice will be done.”

Inquisitor V’Ruun motioned to the somberly – robed V’Saal Clerk of the Court, “Have the accused brought up.”

A spotlight blazed into life as a platform arose to slowly reveal the manacled form of Representative Fur’an, shackled and solitary as he rose into the midst of the recessed bowl of the circular courtroom, blinking and shielding his eyes against the sudden glare.

Like most institutions enshrined by the Primarion Gerontocracy, the design of the Circle of Judgement encapsulated a broader dialogue between architecture and its sociocultural context of dominion.

The accused was captive & encapsulated within in the circle, surrounded by his accusers high above, forced to crane their head upwards to respond to the accusations that had brought them to this place of judgement. The architecture was designed to disorientate and diminish, the accused having to constantly turn to focus on a different Judicar as their accusations were levelled in turn or en-masse – keeping the prisoner constantly off – balance and ill-prepared to respond in their own defence.

~ Or would do if bloody P’Aath could stay awake long enough to last through the opening statements ~ Inquisitor V’Ruun thought sourly and addressed the Circle and (through the swarm of media – drones), every sentient being within Primarion Space, reflecting that the sooner this bloody farce commenced, the sooner he could put this sorry affair to rest and he idly wondered what was being served for lunch in the Member’s – chamber later today?

“Fur’an, representative of the so – called Separatist Tendency,” the Inquisitor pronounced with obvious distaste, “You stand accused of the willful & unprovoked assault on the person of a member of House Quissel – whilst travelling aboard the United Federation Starship USS Sacramento, a crime witnessed by multiple citizens of the Primarion Gerontocracy. A crime that is punishable by death. How do you plead?”

“If it pleases the Circle?” Came a sure and confident voice, as Lieutenant Sorvak stepped out from the shadows to join Representative Fur’an on the accused dais, “I am empowered to speak on behalf of Representative Fur’an and shall do so in these proceedings.”

A short laugh escaped the lips of Inquisitor J’ilesh as he lounged over the shoulder of the Vulcan, who did not turn to acknowledge the outburst “Ah! Yes! “ J’ilesh mocked “The Alien – how very droll!”

Inquisitor V’Ruun glared briefly at his colleague and looked like he was seriously weighting the heavy Obsidian Gavel – stone in his hand, calculating if he could hit J’ilesh with it from this distance. No matter how frivolous V’Ruun considered these proceedings, the dignity of the Court (and by extension the Gerontocracy) was on show here today, as much as the folly of the meddling Federation was. J’ilesh (as always) was not helping at all, trying to paint himself as the aloof rebel, in the vain hope of ascending to V’Ruun’s own seat.

Pushing this annoyance aside (for now- at least, dealing with J’ilesh could wait for another day), V’Ruun glared down at Sorvak.

“You are Lieutenant Sorvak of the United Federation Starfleet I take it?” V’Ruun asked with rhetorical acidity.

“I am Inquisitor.” The perfunctory Vulcan inclined his bald head in a respectful nod and intoned levelly.

“And you understand Lieutenant, that this is not a Federation Court of Law?” V’Ruun continued with mild annoyance.

“I do Inquisitor V’Ruun.” Sorvak nodded neutrally again.

“Then it is incumbent upon that understanding that this is not a proceeding of due process Lieutenant, there is no Jury of peers to cast judgement, there is no process of appeals. We three Judicar, assembled here, will hear the particulars of this case and then we will pass absolute judgement.”

“So I understand.” Sorvak replied, raising an eyebrow without emotion or rancor.

“And you are aware that, despite of anything that you may say or do, under our laws – the crime that this person is accused of traditionally carries with it a sentence of death?” V’Ruun was beginning to dislike this implacable alien already.

“ I am aware, yes.” Sorvak nodded, his hands clasped contemplatively behind his back.

“And yet you stand here before us, prepared to defend the indefensible?” Inquisitor P’Aath had found his bearings and was ready to prove exactly why he had long held the dubious accolade as the most enduring bully within the planetary Judiciary.

Sorvak remained facing Inquisitor V’Ruun, effectively defeating the intended effect of the architecture as it was predicated on the weaponization of emotion to subjugate and thus – dominate. Sorvak – effectively – was immune to this effect (as Commander Allen had rightly intended) and he replied.

“On the contrary Inquisitor P’Aath”, Sorvak replied but kept on looking at Inquisitor V’Ruun with an unsettling calmness “It would be illogical to do so, as Representative Fur’an is quite obviously guilty of the crime of which he is accused.”


USS Sacramento

(Primarion – Prime Orbit)


Stardate: 2401.6.14

13:15 Hrs. (Planetary Time)


“Well, that is novel defence.” Lieutenant Commander Vodrova remarked dryly from the Captain’s chair on the Bridge of the USS Sacramento.

With the blockade of Primarion Defense Force vessels effectively annexing the doughty old California – class ship (which was not going anywhere soon anyway) and a fragile state of détente in place forged between Commander Allen and the Grand Gentarch Verlan, the normally austere Executive Officer had permitted the Trial Proceedings to be broadcast to all personnel throughout the ship.

Aleksandra Aloyna Vodrova might be relatively new to the role of XO, but she was an intuitive officer when it came to managing people and was keenly aware of the disquiet that the events of recent days had fomented amongst  the crew as they gossiped in the common areas, turbolifts and their bunks and knew that such an allowance could only have a positive impact on morale if the crew felt more informed about & connected to the events that may be shaping their fate.

Aleks took particular note of Ensign De Vries, as the young Security Chief filled in at the OPS duty post – normally manned by the absent Lieutenant Sorvak. If the handsome young South African officer was impacted by the current position being exercised by the defence for Representative Fur’an – he did a good job of keeping it far from his fine features as he worked.

After this emotive outbreak at Commander Allen’s decision to hand the V’Saal diplomat over to the custody of the ruling Gerontocracy, some days previously on this same bridge, Lieutenant Commander Vodrova had introduced the idealistic young Ensign to the twin realities of the responsibilities under Chain of Command and their respective places within it, with her as its enforcer. Aleksandra would be very surprised in Jan De Vries took it upon himself to openly question a command – decision made in the presence of his fellow officers ever again.

Still, as entertaining an indication of how engaging the trial promised to be, if Lieutenant Sorvak’s opening statement was anything to go by, there was always work to be done and in Aleks’ experience, the work never did itself.

“OPS” The XO straighten herself in the Big – Chair “Status on the Captain?”

“Commander Allen has beamed out of Transporter Room One with the Honour-Guard and has arrived at the Opening Ceremony.” Ensign De Vries confirmed.

“Very good OPS.” Aleksandra nodded and cast her gaze towards where Lieutenant Hyland busied herself at the Communications Centre, along with two ratings. “COMMS – I think we can kill the feed, I would be very surprised to learn that Lieutenant Sorvak does not have matters in hand. Give me a view of the Array.”

“Aye Commander” Samantha Allen responded and the vista on the main – viewscreen shifted from the view of the Trial proceedings on the planet – below and was instead replaced with a relative view of the Primarion Capital End – Hub of the Subspace Communications Array that the crew of the USS Sacramento had been tasked in diligently seeding through the Primarion System – a technological gesture of goodwill by the Federation designed to bring the capricious Primarion Gerontocracy closer to the galactic fold of more democratically – minded races.

High above the atmosphere – hazed pearl of Primarion Prime, the ovoid mass of the satellite – array lay in geo-synchronous orbit above the Planetary Capital – primed and ready to receive the activation – code handshake signal from the commissioning ceremony due to commence in a matter of minutes.

Aleksandra was keenly aware that, in addition to the furtherance of diplomatic relations between the UFP and Gerontocracy, the more immediate fate of her own crew hung in the balance and was dependent on the commissioning ceremony proceeding smoothly and to plan.

“Bridge – Engineering?” The XO opened up an internal channel to Lieutenant Ryu.

“Engineering here – go ahead?” Came Jai – Hui’s voice, tense with excitement.

Aleksandra allowed herself a small smile of indulgence, Jai-Hui had hardly slept in the past few days, so consumed in the minutiae and detail of the set-up of the system – wide Subspace Communications Array, so-much-so that it was hardly required to confirm if the Engineer was in total control of the complicated process. But protocol was protocol, so she asked anyway.

“Chief, give me a Sit-rep of the status of the Array.” Lieutenant Commander Vodrova murmured, even though she could see the telemetry on her own screen and the metrics looked good.

“Green across the Board Commander.” Lieutenant Ryu confirmed, “Handshake protocol active between main Subspace Transceiver Hub, in – system amplifier relays and the Capital End-hub. All in-system assets show ready for signal reception and broadcast and the Primarion-system Subspace net is ready to be connected to the Federation network – proper, ma’am.”

“Very good Chief.” The XO returned, “My compliments to yourself and your team – outstanding work.”

“Thank you, Commander, Engineering out.” Jin-Hui closed the channel. Aleksandra thought she detected a smile in his voice.

“Lieutenant Hyland? Kindly contact Commander Allen and inform the Captain that the Subspace Array is ready to activate upon his command and then standby for the order.” Aleksandra commanded, well – satisfied by the professionalism & efficiency of her crew.

“Aye-aye Ma’am.” Samantha confirmed with a ready smile. The activation of the subspace array spoke to her own passion for communication, the potential to bring disparate peoples together in harmony was at the core to the peaceful ideals of the UFP and to the mission of Starfleet. It was why Sam had chosen to specialize as a Comms Officer and to have the means to actually realize this ideal – quite literally under her fingers – was as thrilling a prospect as there was possible for the young officer to be a part of.


Circle of Judgement

Primarion – Prime Equatorial Zone

Stardate: 2401.6.14

13.21 Hrs. (Planetary Local – Time)

 “Eh?” Inquisitor P’Aath craned forward. After nearly 300 years of life, the aged Inquisitor was used to never quite trusting his ears. “What did he say?” He demanded.

Again, refusing to turn directly to address P’Aath, Lieutenant Sorvak addressed his response towards Inquisitor V’Ruun (by refusing to engage in the harassing premise of The Circle – the Vulcan had effectively negated its advantage by simply refusing to play along) and held his hands out to the sides in a gesture of openness.

“I said that it is illogical to attempt to argue a case that Representative Fur’an is innocent of the charge levelled at him, Inquisitor, as there is extensive evidence, eye-witness testimony and even the confession of Fur’an himself that all point towards his culpability and intent to commit the aforementioned assault on the person of Secretary Quinnel.” Sorvak agreed levelly – which caused a spike of suspicion in the animalistic hindbrain of the experienced B’Queth Justicar.

~ What – in – the – Maker did the Alien think he was doing?! ~ Inquisitor V’Ruun worried.

Of course, he fully intended to find the loathsome V’Saal guilty and condemn him to death – that outcome had never been in question – doing so would send a clear & unequivocable message to the Separatist Tendency that their foolish crusade towards libertarian anarchy was doomed to failure. But it was also necessary to paint the Federation’s do – gooder meddling as the root – cause of this civil & societal – unrest and thus weaken their influence on the V’Saal and place the Gerontocracy in a more dominant position during future diplomatic exchanges.

Confoundingly, these ambitions would be effectively diluted if the bloody Vulcan actually agreed with the decision of the court – as he was now doing.

“You agree that the accused is guilty as charged?” Inquisitor J’ilesh blurted incredulously.

Again, Lieutenant Sorvak did not turn to cede his advantage to the Inquisitor over his other shoulder, but commented dryly as he stared Inquisitor V’Ruun squarely in the eye.

“Even Representative Fur’an agrees that Representative Fur’an is Guilty, Inquisitor J’ilesh.” Sorvak explained as if the Primarion Judicar was, indeed, some sort of decrepit dotard with muddy faculties.

Inquisitor V’Ruun would have readily agreed with such a characterization – for all of his deftness with the manipulation of the media, the man was a hapless egotist and V’Ruun had long contended that J’ilesh’s legal acumen has about as sharp as a days – ripe Qu’wan – fruit.

V’Ruun had had enough of this farcical undertaking, and he slammed the Gavel – stone down hard in an attempt to restore some semblance of order and fast – fading decorum in the sanctity of The Circle.

“Then let is bring this tragedy to its pitiful and inevitable outcome without delay!” Inquisitor V’Ruun spat with annoyance. “It is the Judgement of this Circle that the accused, Fur’an of the Separatist Tendency, be taken forthwith to a place of execution where the….”

“Excuse me Inquisitors?” Lieutenant Sorvak’s effortlessly placid voice broke through the B’Queth’s wrathful pronouncement of sentence. “You appear to be acting in haste, without considering the proportionality of jurisdiction.”

The silence that descended in the great dome of the circle was only amplified by the dying echoes of Inquisitor V’Ruun’s diminishing proclamation.

What did you say?” Inquisitor V’ Ruun’s voice was glacial and dangerous, his hand clawed at the Gavel – stone with white – knuckles and his neck fronds pulsed a deep purple with an enraged engorgement of blood.

Sorvak stared calmly at the confounded and enraged Justicar and tilted his head just – so, as he continued.

“It is irrefutable that an assault upon the person of Secretary Quissel took place aboard the USS Sacramento and that the assailant is indeed the man you see before you today.” Sorvak gestured to the manacled Fur’an – who (it had to be said) looked just as confused as the trio of B’Queth lawmakers in the chamber.

Thus, a sentence of death is….” Inquisitor P’Aath began to protest from behind the Vulcan but was cut short by Lieutenant Sorvak continuing over his outburst – unfazed.

“What the court has failed to take into account is the issue of Proportional Jurisdiction.” Sorvak re-emphasized, only now finally turning and rounding his gaze fixedly upon each of the accusers, slowly circling around on the spot & reversing the psychological intent by the designers of The Circle- turning the scrutiny of the space back upon the Inquisitors.

Who were beginning to look increasingly confused and uncomfortable – not enjoying their elevated position quite so much anymore.

“The heinous attack took place in Primarion Space!” Inquisitor J’ilesh crowed smugly, content to put this presumptuous alien back in his rightful place.

Sorvak shrugged diffidently, conceding the point…up to a point.

“Unquestionably so Inquisitor, but also ultimately inconsequential.” Lieutenant Sorvak turned back to rest his gaze upon the glowering Inquisitor V’Ruun.

“By what twisted rubric of logic do you suppose this fantasy, Lieutenant?’ V’Ruun asked, his every word a threat now.

“Logic and fantasy are antipodean and irrelevant in this case Inquisitor.” Sorvak replied blankly “The assault indeed took place in Primarion – space, however it took place aboard the Starfleet – vessel USS Sacramento, which is in – effect considered Sovereign – Territory of the United Federation of Planets by assent and charter and thus subject to Federation Law.”

The only sound in the Circle of Judgement was that of multiple media – drones as they jostled & whirred to relay the entire proceedings, unedited, to the entirety of Primarion space – just as the Grand Gentarch had intended – but to very different ends.

“Therefore, as the Starfleet Officer assigned by my Commanding Officer to the Prosecution of this case under Federation Law, I hereby take Representative Fur’an into my protective custody for immediate incarceration at the nearest available Federation holding – facility, pending trial for his crimes.”

Lieutenant Sorvak nodded politely and went to stand next to the astonished Representative Furan and said to the court.

“It is gratifying to see Justice served is it not?” and tapped his Commbadge.

“Sorvak to Ensign De Vries – Two to Beam up!”

In the resulting chaos that accompanied the swirl of energies as the transporter beam plucked the Vulcan and V’Saal from the Circle, frantic instructions were issued to the Clerk of the Court to summon an emergency medical response team.

Apparently, one of Inquisitor P’Aath’s hearts had given out during all of the excitement.


Palace of the Grand Gentarch

Primarion – Prime Equatorial Zone

Stardate: 2401.6.14

13.55 Hrs. (Planetary Local – Time)

On the Concourse-Triumphant, bedecked with finery and strewn with descending flower – petals loosed from overflying drones, censures wafting pleasantly perfumed colored incense-smoke and to the martial pomp and swell of a massed military band marching past, the face of Grand Gentarch Verlan (who had, thus far, been smugly following the proceedings unfolding in the Circle of Judgement via an earpiece terminal) went white with apoplectic shock as he turned accusingly to Commander Nathan Allen – stood side by side with him on the podium – at the grandiose Commissioning Ceremony for the new Subspace Array.

“You…You promised…” Veran managed to choke out – caught between his building rage at being politically outmaneuvered and the impossibility of maintaining the façade of all-knowing – control, at the public – relations spectacle that he himself had engineered to serve his own vanity.

“I promised to deliver Representative Fur’an to your people to face Judgement – which is exactly what I did. “Nate’s smile did not reach his eyes. “I also assigned Lieutenant Sorvak to represent Fur’an objectively and without prejudice during those proceedings – which is exactly what he did. Now Fur’an will be remanded to my custody aboard the Sacramento to answer for his crimes. Justice will be done – which is the most important thing at the end of the day really isn’t it?”

In front of the massed cheering crowds, Nate turned from the stupefied Gentarch and himself kept waving cheerily to the crowds and media -drones, a broad smile in his face as he shouted above the cheering.

“As you so eruditely put it yourself Grand Gentarch.” The Captain of the USS Sacramento nodded to the lectern as he took the dumfounded leader of the Gerontocracy’s hand, clasped it in his own and raised them both above their heads in a show of unity and bonhomie.

Together they approached the ludicrously telegenic control panel that would signal Lieutenant Hyand to activate the Subspace Array and forever bring their peoples closer together.

“At the end of the day, it’s all a matter of Optics really, isn’t it?”