Part of USS Valkyrie: The Real Episode 1 – Lighting the Fire and USS Valkyrie: The New Season 1

Next in Command

Deep Space 419
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“Captain, this came through.”  Yeoman Sera Flushing handed him a PADD with a new assignment.  “Starfleet found an Executive Officer.”

Fontana sat up from the couch in his ready room, looking over the details.  “He’s got a good service jacket.  His story is interesting.”  She nodded as he read, “Looks like he found his true calling in Starfleet.”  He returned the PADD, “He’s waiting for us on Deep Space 419?”  Another nod.  “Well, send an advance message with the briefing – we’ll need to get him up to speed as soon as possible.”



On Deep Space 419, Ren was in one of the many eating establishments on the base, waiting for the Valkyrie to arrive.  He had spent his entire career on one ship, so it wasn’t easy to take a new assignment, even with a promotion to XO.  There were the adventures and experiences.  The friendships.  Home.  Change was a part of life.

“Excuse me, Commander Trell?”

“Yes, Ensign?”  Ren was expecting someone would find him once his new ship arrived.

“Captain Fontana needs you to meet him in the main transporter room.  I can escort you there, sir.”

Ren nodded.  “Let’s go.”

He arrived in the main transporter room and waited until the operator began the process. While Captain Fontana was materializing, Ren waited patiently, his hands folded behind his back.  He expected to be nervous, but maybe that would come later.

The transporter faded away, and Fontana spotted his new XO.  He stepped down and extended his hand, “Commander Trell.  Captain Geronimo Fontana, Valkyrie.  I wish we had more time, but we’re running behind on this situation.    Commander Fleming is waiting for us in her office.”  He led the younger officer out the door and back into the corridor.  “You spent your career on the Satori… what kept you there so long?”

Shaking hands and following the captain, Ren thought about that for a moment.  Staying on a single ship wasn’t abnormal, but officers seeking an upward track through the ranks often accepted promotions and transfers.  “Well, sir, I suppose the best answer I can give is that’s where I was needed most.  It was where I could serve.”  This was a simple answer but an honest one.

Fontana appreciated the man’s straightforward reply, “There are days when I’m thankful for the simple parts of this job.  There aren’t many.”  As they walked, he shared his journey from medical to Task Force Command to returning to the chair.  “I never thought I’d be back on a ship flying around the universe.”  He turned to the new XO, “What’s your goal for the future?  A chair?  A desk?  Or something else?”

“I’d like to command my own ship one day,” said Ren, “but I’m in no rush to get one.  There’s still so much to do and see.”  Ren wrinkled his nose.  “I can’t see sitting behind a desk.”

Geronimo smiled, “After one day with the Valkyrie, I’m liable to agree with you.”  They had reached the door to the station commander’s office. He reached for the button when a klaxon sounded in the command center behind them. Fontana turned, “Report?”  The officer glanced at his rank pips.

“We’re getting reports from the planet of an attack on a city building… mass causality event.  Some of our operations team was down there for a meeting…”  The man’s eyes went distant.

The door to the office opened, and Commander Fleming stepped out.

Ren didn’t know the full story of the situation on the planet, so he was eager to hear the report.  He knew it was futile to think it wouldn’t be as bad as it sounded.  One could always hope.

Astrid looked at the officers in front of her and shook her head.  “As you can see, things have escalated on the planet surface.  The few ops teams that we do have are overwhelmed with other matters and I do not have the additional forces to deal with this incident.  I would appreciate any assistance in this matter, Captain.  As we discussed, the locals have been throwing some small revolts due to the presence on the planet, but this is the worst attack we have witnessed.” 

“That being said, we should make sure and get this taken care of.  Captain, I already formed the response with my teams, but with the little manpower I have left on the station, I can’t spare anymore to make sure the station can run smoothly.  I do know we need to respond to this.  Can we scramble teams from your ship?  I will take a team if needed as well.  I know this isn’t the usual etiquette, but I think talking can wait till this is taken care of.”  

Fontana gave a nod, “We’ll return to Valkyrie – I’ll coordinate the response with you from the bridge…I’ve got a new diplomatic officer…he’s going to get a front-row seat.”  He turned to the just-introduced XO.  “Commander, I’ll have you work with the engineering team planetside.”  He was about to lead him out when he sensed a statement coming from the XO.

Ren was about to say that he still wasn’t fully briefed on the situation, but he felt that wouldn’t make a good first impression.  It was his job as XO to find out what he didn’t know.  “Yes, sir.  I’ll handle it.”

Geronimo gave him a nod, “Let’s get back to Valkyrie.  We’re going to need to move fast.”