Hello Bravo Fleet! We’re finally here at the time of the year that celebrates Gene Roddenberry’s birthday, and along with it, the yearly awarding of the Starfleet Medal of Commendation! The award reads as follows:
A yearly award for the players of each Task Force (each Task Force can nominate up to 5 people) whom have shown extreme dedication and resilience to their task force and Bravo Fleet, given on the 19th of August (Gene Roddenberry’s birthday).
This year the entire BFA came together to nominate the most dedicated among them. Now, keep in mind that this is a small window that the current BFA has been here for, and reflects that reality. Members of Bravo Fleet could only be nominated once (and yes, some people were nominated by different task forces!). Here are the recipients of this year’s Medal of Commendation:
And finally, I am personally awarding the Starfleet Medal of Commendation to all members of the Bravo Fleet Admiralty since I became BFCO on June 14, 2019. They include all of the current BFA members as well as KrisK, Galen, Leam (aka TheCaptain), and JonM. I cannot thank you guys enough personally for all the help you’ve given both the fleet and me personally in this transition, as well as the many long hours that you’ve all put into pulling BF from the brink. Congratulations to all the recipients and I hope next year is even more awesome!