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Operational Report, Task Force 93 – August 2019

Briefing Room: Deep Space Six

1315 HRS

Kara sat in the empty conference room, now designated the ‘war room’ awaiting the arrival of her Task Force Executive Officer and the CO of DS-6, Captain Roman Valdez. Ignoring her CMO’s advice and heading straight here to be treated rather than sickbay, the doctor had patched her up as best he could before scurrying out the door.


Commodore Juliet St. Clair was in the conference room moments later. She had heard about what happened, but had only been given tiny bits of information. Having arrived from Atlantis only days earlier, she was barely settled when the incident occurred. Captain Valdez followed just behind her. “Admiral. We just heard the news. First, are you alright?”


Roman wanted to rush straight to Kara’s side, ask if she was ok, hold her tight and not let go but he knew he couldn’t, this was technically the first time he had met Commodore St. Clair and didn’t want to seem unprofessional in the current situation. He strode down the room on the opposite side of Juliet, pulling out the chair to Kara’s right and taking a seat.


“Ive yet to decide, I think part of my hip is still on the South Carolina” Kara answered Juliet, mustering her typical sarcastic tone through the pain. Turning to face Roman she asked about the ship she was travelling on “How is she? If the Decius hadn’t showed up when she did…” after a short pause whilst gazing across the room, she continued “I don’t know what would have happened”. Roman sat forward, almost outreaching for Kara’s hand that was now placed on the tabletop “The Excelsior has towed her into Spacedock now, aside from the obvious visual damage, we won’t know the full extent for another couple of hours but she is intact” he finished his report.


Kara tapped a few commands on the small touchpad on the tabletop and activated a holo image of the small Defiant Class, USS South Carolina surrounded by 4 Klingon Birds of Prey, turning her attention to her Task Force Executive Officer “Do we even know if this was the Sovereignty of Kahless, another rogue faction or the Empire itself?”


“Intelligence reports suggest it was a new House that is using this attack to announce their allegiance to Sovereignty of Kahless,” Juliet answered. “The House of Maang. This House always made gains by absorbing the assets of fallen Houses. We suspect they have been amassing fleet resources by taking control of Ma’rek, Duras, and Mo’kai ships that were confiscated by the Empire.” She took a deep breath. “And now those assets are back under SoK control. Their fleet may have just increased in size by forty percent or more.”


The news of this latest intelligence report had taken Kara back, it wasn’t that long ago the Sovereignty of Kahless were no more than a small collection of Klingon Houses following a desperate leader. “Roman, I want DS6 to task all available assets to on border patrol within the Transit Corridor…. speak with Captain Hawk, I’d like to delay his departure to 38 and have the Excelsior as a show of strength along the border”


Roman nodded in agreement with the Admiral “I think that’s a good call Admiral, the Excelsiors presence may deter them from crossing it again” He tapped a few light commands into his padd and sent a note to Captain Hawk of the Excelsior to meet him in Ops in 1 hours time. “Commodore” Roman turned to put his attention on the Task Force Executive Officer, not wanting to ignore her completely no matter how much concern he had for his partner. “Is there anything to suggest why the SoK crossed the border to attack the South Carolina in the first place?”


“None yet, Captain,” Juliet answered. “Honestly? The House of Maang’s betrayal took Starfleet Intelligence by surprise. This move suggests that the SoK is planning some new action against us and against the Klingon Empire.” She looked back to Admiral Thrace. “We should try to requisition additional resources. Maybe even task some major fleet action. A show of force in the Corridor.”


“Agreed” Kara responded, she had yet to make any formal request for additional resources from Command, knowing it wouldn’t be a quick response and resigning herself to utilise what they already had at their disposal, an idea flashed into Kara’s mind “I will need to discuss with HQ but in the meantime, I have an old friend working in the RTC that we could utilise for some…… under the radar intelligence gathering, we should also consider contacting Lieutenant Tigan on the Ajax to gather as much information as we can”


Juliet nodded. “Aye, sir. I also recommend we make use of exploratory and humanitarian resources that are capable of military action. It balances a show of force with ensuring the local peoples don’t think we’re there to conquer them or a provoke a war. I recommend the Armstrong and the Sirona. They can hold their own in a fight, but aren’t as much of a direct provocation.”


Kara nodded in agreement “Good call, Juliet… Roman, lets get this in motion now. Ive got a favour to call in” At what was seen as the conclusion of the meeting with Kara standing and nodding to both officers, Juliet and Roman tapped a few commands in their respective PADDS and exited the room quickly to carryout their orders


As Commodore St.Clair and Captain Valdez departed the war room with their orders, Kara got up to order a much needed coffee from the replicator. As she stood, she winced in pain from her injuries, silently cursing herself for dismissing the CMO so quickly. “Computer” she began as she retrieved her piping hot latte from the terminal “Open an encrypted subspace channel to the SS Warden and display when ready… priority 1”


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Canon for Task Force 93!

More updates on the SoK and their goings on coming in the next couple of weeks along with our finalisation of the Task Force Wide Storyline which will be announced soon and is open for any simm in the TF to join in and contribute. Im excited to get it out to everyone and looking forward to take part in a cross simm story.