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New Task Force 93 CO!

Earlier last week Leam (Adm Bradley J. Harrison) gave me his resignation as TFCO of Task Force 93. He had some parting words which I think are worth sharing:

I’ve decided to step down as TFCO this morning. I want to spend some time just on my sim and myself. I thought I could stay on with things that are going on but at the moment, I can’t and it would be unfair to stay and do a disservice to the TF. I’m sure Vince will make an announcement soon about an acting TFCO and Andrew is still around as TFXO. I wish all COs in TF93 all the best with whoever is asked and approved to step up to the role. Pretty small shoes to fill.

Leam was an integral part of the transition team in the past few months and has been a huge help and good friend to me, personally. On behalf of the entire BFA, we wish him the best in his mini-retirement and look forward to everything the Excalibur has to bring to Bravo Fleet canon in the future!

Filling his shoes was indeed no small task. The BFA deliberated on nominees for a few days until we finally had someone we felt was experienced enough, familiar enough, and ready to hit the ground running with little oversight to run Task Force 93. Voted in by the BFA and confirmed by the COs of TF93, I’d like to welcome Thrace, who will be playing Vice Admiral Kara Thrace, as the new 93CO. Thrace is a former TFCO of TF93 who has helped create much of the canon that is still in use in the task force. He currently sits as CO of the USS Excelsior in TF38 where he has been helping the COs and staff there formulate canon for the Delta Quadrant going forward. Thrace has a storied history in TF93 as a team builder, someone who drives canon, and is very “customer-friendly” in helping COs get done what they need to make their sims successful. In his move to 93, Thrace will be opening up (well, reopening!) Deep Space 6 as the new (old?) Task Force HQ.

Congratulations, Thrace!