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SS Warden: A Giant Pile

A giant pile of dung, a royal family, and a missing Kvatch Beast.. Jones and crew finds himself neck deep again.

Mission Description

A giant pile of dung, a royal family, and a missing Kvatch Beast.. Jones and crew finds himself neck deep again.

About the Mission

SS Warden
In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

5 January 2024

Oooh that smell

SS Warden: A Giant Pile

The smell was sickeningly sweet, giving off the order of orange juice that had been left out for weeks. In front of Walt was a five-meter-wide pile of Kvatch dung, and the flies that went with it. “Do not swat the flies, they are considered royal retainers, for every one that dies an unnatural [...]

27 December 2023

Shaking the rust off

SS Warden: A Giant Pile

“How is it that drinks don’t fill themselves?” “Because we have burned up any tab that we may have had long ago.” “Well why is that?” “Because we don’t pay, get run out, and then they say don’t come back unless you bring latinum. We bring latinum, enough to pay up the debts and [...]