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USS Olympic: In The Quiet Moments

The moments where the Olympic is not in mission or on an adventure

Mission Description

There are quiet moments when the USS Olympic is in between missions.  This is where the crew can work together on something different or even meet over coffee or tea.

About the Mission

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20 October 2023

ITQM 003 - Old, New, and the Rest

USS Olympic: In The Quiet Moments

“…and these are your quarters.  Your belongings were transported earlier, so you can feel free to unpack and decorate as you see fit.”  Ensign Alanna Barker led the new counselor, Ensign Sam Soojin, into the small room.  “You have a separate bedroom and a living area with a [...]

19 October 2023

ITQM 002 - Something Old, Something Borrowed

USS Olympic: In The Quiet Moments

“I miss the Mercy, Leo.”  Theodora Walker-Halsey sat next to her husband, Captain Leopold Halsey, as they waited for their assigned representative from the USS Olympic to arrive.  Their short stint at Starfleet Academy hadn’t been bad.  They hadn’t had any complaints, but [...]

18 October 2023

ITQM 001 - Change of Assignment

USS Olympic: In The Quiet Moments

“You’ve got to be kidding.”  Craig Syracuse stared at Lieutenant Presley Atega.  In his hands was a PADD with a message from the Federation News Network that he couldn’t believe.  “This…is some joke.  A prank.  They didn’t send this.” Atega remained [...]