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USS Anaheim (Archive): It’s A Beautiful Day

The crew of the USS Anaheim unwind after their last mission and find that there are changes coming.

Mission Description

The crew of the USS Anaheim unwind after their last mission and find that there are changes coming.

About the Mission

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3 October 2023

That’s Left Behind

USS Anaheim (Archive): It’s A Beautiful Day

[Starbase 72]   The senior crew of the USS Anaheim sat uncomfortably in the briefing room. It was a nice room but the starbase’s senior staff being there was not a good sign, and on top of that their Chief Medical officer was missing and nobody had said why. It was the kind of meeting that [...]

2 October 2023

Twilight to Starlight

USS Anaheim (Archive): It’s A Beautiful Day

[Venus] Lieutenant Yuhiro Kolem sat on the grass which her mother had been assured had originally grown on Earth before being transplanted to the colony. Still wearing her Maid of Honor dress from the wedding earlier in the night, or perhaps now the next day, she knew that William Hume was [...]

2 October 2023

Take This Man

USS Anaheim (Archive): It’s A Beautiful Day

[Venus]   Hume took a glass of champagne from a waiter walking around with a tray of them, and with the other hand gave his dress uniform a tug. It had been a long time since he was at a wedding, and back then he’d been a child. This he supposed was his first ‘adult wedding’ and it was [...]

30 September 2023

Extra Time

USS Anaheim (Archive): It’s A Beautiful Day

[Starbase 72 – Holodeck 4]   ”I fail to see the point of this sport, or why we are watching a contest from 2022,” Doctor Va’Tok said his eyes following the football from the stands.  Doctor Michelle Mueller threw her hands up as the ball bounced into out of bounds, “The match [...]